Is this thrombosis? Blistering? Other?
A few days ago I did 80 jelqs, and then was pumping with my Bathmate for about 15 minutes. I was wearing a silicon sleeve with it, having read that this can reduce discoloration. When I was done I had a bit of a donut effect, but that went away by the next day. I also had, down at the base of my penis a very thin line of what appeared to be blistered skin. It was remarkable in that it was a solid straight line. It was not colorful, however there was later redness around it. It was not painful to the touch. There was also above it another section, a solid line somewhat more rounded. Also off to the opposite side of my shaft a single round dot, similar in texture. Today (when these pictures are taken) they don’t really have redness around them, but they themselves are red. When touched they are only slightly sensitive, very slightly, and they have a texture almost as though they were scabs, though I have not been aware of the skin breaking there. What do you suppose this is? What do you suppose I should do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I thought that maybe a region of me got pinched between the sleeve and the pump, leaving skin blistered in these lined segments, though that would make it hard to explain the perfectly round dot on the opposite side of my shaft that is so similar in texture.