it kills me
I wish I could go back, If only I had done a little research… This could have been a happy ending story. I used the bathmate because it was recommended by so many. Even urologists on youtube gave it a shout out. I was alone with it, my first mistake was when i couldn’t get hard, i thought i had to do something but i really had to step back and do nothing… I went into use it or lose it mode. I pumped a few times flaccid went to masterbation and sex as much as possible, until nothing worked, no viagra no cialis and no morning wood. I managed to kill my penis. My penis never came back… It’s been 5 years. I wished i had found thundersplace before this mess.
Suicide is calling me. I look back and hate myself, when it all comes crashing on me all i can think about is ending it. I posted something a little while back about this i apologies, i just don’t know what to do. ED treatment is pretty archaic, the most effective is injections ,VED or implant. Sometimes i wake up in panic mode, this is when suicide starts banging at my front door and it won’t stop. i can’t believe it’s come to this. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE BATHMATE.
Sometimes i get full of hope that stem cells or gene therapy will come save the day, but deep down i know it’s wishful thinking because it’s still being studied in rats. I went from a sex machine to a man with ED in the closet… I’ve seen a lot in my life and I’m ok with this being the end for me. I wen’t through extreme trauma that has impacted my whole life which lead to two suicide attempts in my early twenties. I’ve been struggling for a looonnnggg time. With all this on top of it i can say i’ve seen enough.
I know someone will think this is a cry for help, maybe in a way it is, I don’t really know… I just got to get out of my head.