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DIY P-Shot

DIY P-Shot


New to the forum but I have been snooping around it for a few years.

I’ve done compression hanging and vacuum hanging as well as the odd use of a pump.

I would just like to add some information to chemical PE well its not really chemical as its natural and better than the p shot.

I’ve done 2 sets of PRF (platelet rich fibrin) and all I can say is my vascular structures are more and bigger. I now have visual veins on a flacid.

I even managed to gain what I’ve lost over the years due to alcohol induced hypogonadism.
I finally got the colour back in my glans as it went to a greyish pink.

I do it myself well with the help of my wife as I get needle in the vein and she fills the tubes. I centrifuge at 300g for 4 mins and you literally have about 10 mins to get it out of tubes into syringe and Injected.

I followed the protocols on Evaluation of 24 protocols for the production of platelet-rich fibrin | BMC Oral Health | Full Text which gave me the most valuable information regarding liquid/injectable PRF.

Centrifuge cost £180 (amazon)
50 blood collection tubes no additives £18-20ish
25 blood collection needles with 7" tubing £25ish

I do apologise if this is in the wrong section.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
So. You’re doing DIY P-shots?

That’s different enough it should probably be its own thread. If you want to suggest a title I’ll split it off into one.

Yup I am.

There is a big difference between the common p-shot and PRF as the latter provides a scaffold which releases growth factors between 7 and 10 days.

They use solid prf to regrow bone in jaws and help speed up wound repair.

Title wise unsure. Open to suggestions.

Originally Posted by Andyjc90
Yup I am.

There is a big difference between the common p-shot and PRF as the latter provides a scaffold which releases growth factors between 7 and 10 days.

They use solid prf to regrow bone in jaws and help speed up wound repair.

Title wise unsure. Open to suggestions.

Come on man reply we are all waiting here!!! 😂😂

Seriously how often do you do this? How long have you been doing it? What increase in size have you seen? What other PE Are you doing?

Also I salute you for your pioneering approach and sticking a needle in your own dick! I like a gamble I like a risk these really appeals too me 👍😂

Originally Posted by Recovery life
Come on man reply we are all waiting here!! 😂😂

Seriously how often do you do this? How long have you been doing it? What increase in size have you seen? What other PE Are you doing?

Also I salute you for your pioneering approach and sticking a needle in your own dick! I like a gamble I like a risk these really appeals too me 👍😂

I’ve been doing it over the last 6ish months I started testing on some old operation scars on body and I noticed more sensation and colour of scars improved.

Increase is just half inch that I lost of over the years of too much alcohol, ended up causing hypogonadism.

To be honest I haven’t really done much PE for a while as I have 5 kids and a wife and there’s not much time to get stuff done in hence why I decided to look for things which could potentially help with low end PE use.

Usually it’s either compression or vacuum hanging between 2.5 - 7.5kg and some pumping and jelqing but I don’t get enough time in.

As for my dick I did my first injection 16th July and second injection 23rd august, vascularity increased and even wife noticed it, sensation came back and my skin colouration seems better my glans is no more greyish pink and more of that lovely deep redish purplish colour.

I will add more information a bit later on, especially the differences between standard p shot and this one I’m doing.

If you google PRF and bone growth you’ll see its been used a long time, with amazing results.

Even the research I’ve seen where it’s been compared to PRP on reduction of acne scars and PRF is far superior to PRP.

PRP - platelet rich plasma
PRF - platelet rich fibrin (used in solid form to create bone growth scientifically proven)

PRP is produced by spinning blood in anticoagulant then seperating yellowish plasma layer from red blood cell layer and spinning yellowish layer again to separate poor plasma from platelet rich plasma.

Before it’s injected the platelets are either activated with calcium or thrombin but it stays as a liquid and will wash out from the penis.

PRF is produced by using a vacutainer containing no additives whatsoever spun just once and yellowish layer extracted from above red blood cell layer but leaving the very top yellowish layer alone and that is liquid PRF that is ready for injection but you will have 10 mins max to get it in otherwise it clots and becomes jelly like.

PRP contains added extras whereas PRF is made using just blood nothing else, more natural less chance of reactions.

PRP can wash out but PRF creates a scaffold in which growth factors are realised over a period of 7-10 days.

Igf1, vegf, tgf are some of the main growth factors that get released as well as containing actual stem cells from blood.

I have another injection next week sometime.

I think I’ll be doing rest of this year about every 3 weeks apart and hopefully getting some PE done as well.

The reason I didn’t do any PE whilst doing first 2 injections was because I wanted to see what they did alone.

My erection quality improved from 3 days of my first injection, I hardly used to get night boners now I get them atleast 3 times a night and throbbing morning wood.

My veins are more visual and bigger and I’m on about the off shoots from the main side veins, more veins more blood bigger veins mean more blood. More blood better flow and you have perfect environment for growth.

Also to clarify I did not just think I’m doing this and did it I researched for last 18 ish months starting with PRP and then I came across PRF.

I then learned the vein anatomy, yes it took a good amount of attempts but even a plebotomist doesn’t learn straight away.

I wasted a fair few needles and vacutainers and now I get needle in first time every time.

I also learned more about caverject as I thought learning that would give me more information on how to inject in the penis safely. I’ve watched a few videos of people having the PRP shot done by a doctor.

I had just a few 1-2mm bruises around injection sites which disappeared within a few days I used a 30g 1/2" needle.

Second time I ran out of 30g so used a 27g, should’ve compressed a little longer as I bruised a bit on that one still gone within a few days.

My second attempt gave me bruising like how I’ve seen in the videos but my first gave me minimal.

Also I’ve been doing peptides for a good few years so I have most supplies on hand.

My advice is research research and a bit more research.

My wife’s happy with how my scar has improved that she’s contemplating having a scar from our second child’s birth done to see if it stops the pain it can cause during sex.

I’m gonna start a proper programme from my next injection.

My plan will be PRF injections every 3 weeks and 1 hour of hanging per day and 5-10 mins jelqing after hanging and possibly some pumping

I’ll follow this until end of year as I should be able to get 5 - 6 injections done by then and hopefully some good news on growth.

I will update before the start of every injection, I’ll give my starting stats before my injection next weekend.

NBPEL - 17cm
BPEL - 18 5cm
EG - 12.5cm top 13cm mid and base.

I’ll update size every 3 weeks and once a week on PE routine.

Originally Posted by Andyjc90
My wife’s happy with how my scar has improved that she’s contemplating having a scar from our second child’s birth done

[sigh] I wish I’d known about this a few years ago when I was trying to heal some open wounds, then the lengthy process of scar remediation.

Usually it’s either compression or vacuum hanging between 2.5 - 7.5kg and some pumping and jelqing but I don’t get enough time in.

Hanging can be hard to schedule around family life. Could you squeeze a pump or short jelq session in after you go to bed at night? Re-rig your vacuum hanger to work as an All-Night Stretcher?

Originally Posted by AndyJ
[sigh] I wish I’d known about this a few years ago when I was trying to heal some open wounds, then the lengthy process of scar remediation.

Hanging can be hard to schedule around family life. Could you squeeze a pump or short jelq session in after you go to bed at night? Re-rig your vacuum hanger to work as an All-Night Stretcher?

It is amazing at scars, the one I did it on is about an inch wide and about 2.5inch long always itchy and always sore, the scar itself is about 9/10 years old, it is no longer itchy or sore, the colour has improved and sensation is better.

How would I re-rig it to an all night Stretcher or is that the same as when I attach it to a leg strap

Not long finished another PRF injection.
0.5ml glans
1ml at base on each side.

No bleeding or bruising used a 30g needle.

10 mins of pumping, I pump to fully engorged and release and do that for the whole 10 mins. I then did 10 mins of jelqing.

Might try and get an hour of hanging tonight done if not I might try and get some jelqing done.

Originally Posted by Andyjc90
How would I re-rig it to an all night Stretcher or is that the same as when I attach it to a leg strap

Same thing. Leg strap, neck strap, around-the-waist, or a cord with a weight over the side or end of the bed.

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