Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DIY P-Shot

Very informative , how did you order all that? Any cons ? Did it give you more girth or length? I am taking Lethicin, Larginine, and Maca and Collagen, Testerone . I read somewhere Growth hormone gives you more tissues growth . I just want saw ur post and learned something new and very interested to research more about it

Originally Posted by K2Space
Very informative , how did you order all that? Any cons ? Did it give you more girth or length? I am taking Lethicin, Larginine, and Maca and Collagen, Testerone . I read somewhere Growth hormone gives you more tissues growth . I just want saw ur post and learned something new and very interested to research more about it

I use a company called medisave for needles, syringes and vacutainers the centrifuge I got from amazon for £180ish at the time

Time will tell as its using the body’s natural way and we all know the willy grows at its own rate.

So far it’s better erection quality and sensitivity and I mean the sensitivity is amazing.

GH is good but for most things but even better when it hits the liver and becomes IGF1 which is far superior

Sorry not been on, Mrs grandad fell from a tree and suffered some serious injuries.

I have managed a few things over the last 4 weeks.

I will update as soon as I get a bit more chance as using Mrs phone as mine broke

Been looking at igf1 per ml of prp, prf and ppp and it seems to be pretty uniform, even ppp (platelet poor plasma) which is usually discarded can contain the same amount of igf1 as prp and prf.

Possibly going to start cjc1295 with DAC 5mg weekly in a few weeks to ramp up natural production of GH and IGF1 which should mean more igf1 within PRF.

Biggest improvement is vascular so far but I did cause friction burns from my pump chamber. I think I need a bigger size as I am literally squashed up the sides.

I wish I’d taken pictured as you would see the difference in the vascular structures. The main set of veins that got bigger have now got more side shoots coming off them. Even the Mrs has noticed.

EQ is amazing, sensitivity is amazing and it now likes to pop up as and when it likes, feel like a teen again with it.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Nothing like life’s little surprises to interfere with your PE schedule!

It is, he ended up fracturing his skull in 2 places, spine in 2 places most of his ribs and his pelvis and had a stroke, he’s still alive and I don’t know how for an 80 year old

Interesting. Does the PRF shot make the tunica spongier during erections?

Originally Posted by Jmoney12
Interesting. Does the PRF shot make the tunica spongier during erections?

Only for the first 3 or so days after injection, which I’m sure is down to the initial swelling.

I’m glad to see your post, I was studying about p-shot diy.

Could you draw where you injected? Did you inject in your glans too?

Originally Posted by Pika127
I’m glad to see your post, I was studying about p-shot diy.
Could you draw where you injected? Did you inject in your glans too?

Injection sites are same as caverject, 10 o’clock on left and 2 o’clock on right side and you can inject anywhere along the length at either the 10 or 2.

I go no more than a finger width from glans and I can inject at the base when stretched.

Glans I inject all over changing injections sites everytime I do one, glans depth no more than 8mm in depending on where I inject. Careful on the glans ridge as depth isn’t as much.

What gauges and lengths of needles are you using for your injections?

Same for all injection sites or do you use a higher gauge for the glans?

And do you apply any sort of numbing cream before injecting?

Originally Posted by AndyJ

The the fossa navicularis - the hollow space inside your glans - varies in size and shape. Have you ever broken through into it with the 8mm needle?

dont think i have, based on where it is if i did would it leak through urethra opening or would i feel a liquid within urethra, if so i dont think ive gone that far

Originally Posted by EasyGrowth
What gauges and lengths of needles are you using for your injections?

Same for all injection sites or do you use a higher gauge for the glans?

And do you apply any sort of numbing cream before injecting?

i use EMLA as a numbing cream

i prefer 30g for glans and 27g for shaft

all needles are 1/2" in length

How big syringe do you use? Can you refill the same syringe or every point need a new syringe and needle?


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