Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DIY P-Shot

I am still experimenting. EQ and sensitivity has increased. I wish I measured better. I feel that I got a little thicker. I am experimenting with prp and PRF. Last week I did PRF but I didn’t harvest it properly. Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Today I did PRF and it went ok not great. I messed up one tube because I tried to remove the red blood cells from the bottom. That didn’t work out good at all for me. The other tubes went well and I was able to harvest and inject about 2ml PRF.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Originally Posted by dogbone
I am still experimenting. EQ and sensitivity has increased. I wish I measured better. I feel that I got a little thicker. I am experimenting with prp and PRF. Last week I did PRF but I didn’t harvest it properly. Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Today I did PRF and it went ok not great. I messed up one tube because I tried to remove the red blood cells from the bottom. That didn’t work out good at all for me. The other tubes went well and I was able to harvest and inject about 2ml PRF.

I tried removing red blood cells first last week and it failed, managed to centrifuge again so it wasn’t fully wasted.
I’ve never done PRP have you noticed any difference between PRP and PRF.

Done it again today got 3ml out of 4 vials, ended up putting the rest of the plasma without red blood cells into a clean vacutainer and spun 700g for 3 mins, it did start to create the fibrin clot but I still managed to get 2.5ml and used that at the base, should boost some igf1 levels within the corpus though.

I have tried this about 8 times now. At first it was total failure since I had no clue what I was doing. I wanted to try the P-long protocol and researched it and they do a double spin PRP .injection 1x per month for 6 months with pumping 15min morning at night and taking Affirm supplement. I watched many videos and started to get the hang of PRP but I kept having problems with the needles. They kept bending. I was using the small size recommended on many internet and youtube sites. I then came across Andy’s thread and he has been doing PRF and has been doing it longer them me and I have learned about the needle sizes and his PRF technique.

My experience with PRP- I have ACD tubes I fill 6 of them and I do a double spin PRP. I spin 6 tubes first spin then I take out the PRP/PPP to the buffy coat which is the white blood cell layer right above the transition to the red blood layer. I extract and fill 4-tubes. Then I spin it again. This time I remove the top PPP. Then I have PRP about 1.5ml per tube. I then take this 6ml and activate it with a 10% solution of calcium chloride. .Then I inject. I have injected two on each side of the shaft. One on each side of the glans. Like I said out of 8-times I have had a many miss fires partially successful. My results were mixed my shaft seems like It got thicker but I did not measure when I started. My glands doubled in size but unfortunately it was temporary.

Let me talk about the last month I had 2- 100% successful PRP one with activation and one without. These are the ones I could really talk about since my technique got better. The one with activation I didn’t notice any results in sensitivity, color or EQ. The one without activation was amazing I got a little color back and a lot of sensitivity and feeling. Better EQ it was almost immediate. Less than 24hrs. I am thinking that PRP does not need activation. Once injected it mixes with your existing blood and then within 15/20min it must have started to clot which is maybe why it worked without the activation. I will definitely try this one again.

The last 2-times I have attempted PRF. I spin at 4800 for 10min. I get great separation of the layers. But you have to be fast at harvest and injection since their is no ACD the clotting happens quickly. The first time was not successful for me I extracted to much PRF mixed with PPP. This diluted the concentration of PRF I had no results from it but I learned from the experience.

My 2nd time PRF this time I performed it on Sunday I made 1-mistake trying to remove the red blood cells first on 1-tube. Overall was still able to harvest 2ml of PRF from 5-tubes. I injected it on Sunday. Today is Monday and I did feel a little increased sensitivity already. I am pumping 15min in the morning and 15 at night. I was thinking about adding some traction and hanging but I haven’t done that yet.

I was thinking if this works well I will alternate one week PRP the next PRF and see what happens. I don’t know if it is to much. By more and more experience you get better and better at it. Yesterday was no problem filled the tubes up in no time and right into the centrifuge. As you keep doing it you learn little things that make your experience more successful. Example tape the butterfly. Without tape when you switch tubes you are looking at the tube and not the buttery fly and then the butterfly slides out. These little things that you learn make your technique more and more successful. I am able to do this very quick now within 20min I am done.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Hi Andy

How was your last experience? Could you tell me if you made any modifications. Thank you for sharing your experiences and suggestions I have been learning from your trials I think this is interesting subject. I appreciate your help and learning about PRF. Tell me more about your results? How long afterwards have you retained those results did they disappear after some time?

Thank you

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Originally Posted by dogbone
Hi Andy

How was your last experience? Could you tell me if you made any modifications. Thank you for sharing your experiences and suggestions I have been learning from your trials I think this is interesting subject. I appreciate your help and learning about PRF. Tell me more about your results? How long afterwards have you retained those results did they disappear after some time?

Thank you

I’ve done different speeds and timings, started at 300g for 3/4 mins currently i have been using 700g for 8 mins so far same results better erections/firmness and sensitivity and better visible veins, overall appearance looks improved.
I also was not as consistent as I would like to have been and stopped exercises rather than doing what I could do.

I’ve restarted fully but doing what i can and not completely stopping if I don’t get chance, time will tell.

Injections alone won’t increase size, they work better at repairing and renewing cells. We still need to put the work in.

I’ve managed to increase sensitivity and appearance of a dark scar from an operation, it’s not as visible as it was before injections and i now have slight hair growth from it. I’ve also managed to reduce the deeper forehead lines I have, not as visible now.


I want to use 6 vials next time which would give me a rough volume of 9-10ml, would 4.5-5ml be too much per corpus cavernosum?

Any info would be helpful.

Originally Posted by Andyjc90
I want to use 6 vials next time which would give me a rough volume of 9-10ml, would 4.5-5ml be too much per corpus cavernosum?

Any info would be helpful.

I just had my 3rd of 5.

They drew 6 vials.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by
I just had my 3rd of 5.

They drew 6 vials.

Thanks, I’ve only used 4 max so wasn’t too sure.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
How many vials are you using now?

And - I’m sorry, I only skimmed the procedure when you posted it - is this a big jump?

Normally I use about 3, I’ve used 4 a few times.

I think I may have some localised growth?!

As always I live shaving the Mrs, I did it tonight and got a lovely boner (erection), I am very thorough and will always check with fingers it’s as smooth as she likes.

Ended up winding her up a bit, and got the boner, she saw and said what’s wrong with that?

As I looked down and for some reason paid actually attention to the appearance I notice what looks like ridges, feels smooth not hard or anything, i have not noticed anything during flacid.

If I can get a picture I will.

Could that be localised growth?


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