Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing has destroyed my life A warning.

I didn’t go overboard at all. At most I might’ve gripped a little too hard but that’s it. I tried it one time and I did around 30 strokes. Looking back at it I’m actually amazed that it broke my dick. I just came here to get help with my injury but it seems like the situation is hopeless looking at a lot of other posts of people who barely tried it too and ended up with permanent ED and other problems.

Go see a doctor.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by willy wonka
Hello all. I am writing this as a warning to all of you on here and for peace of mind for me. It’s May 2009 and I’m watching a programme on Uk TV called “Extreme Male Beauty”. The presenter is researching a penis enlargement exercise called “jelqing”. I’ve had a couple of beers and I’m watching this programme and I decide to give it a go. I can’t say I was ever “unhappy” with my penis size (3.5ins flaccid, 6.5in hard), I just did it out of curiosity (and a touch of vanity) more than anything. So I got some lube, got about 2/3 erect and did about 20 “jelqing”strokes stopping before I touched the gland. And this is the point that my life changed forever. Immediately I noticed my penis and scrotum were less sensitive than before, about 80% less sensitive! Also, when I let my penis go flaccid again it looked different, there was a vein on the left side of the shaft that wasn’t there before and the vein on the top of the shaft seemed to have shifted to the side a bit. Also my penis hung to the left more than it did prior and was smaller both in length and girth.

Fast forward 11 months and there has been no change in the state of my penis. The shaft of my penis and scrotum remain numb, my penis in it’s flaccid state is now an inch smaller in length and about half an inch smaller in girth. I struggle to get an erection (something I never had a problem with before) and keeping hold of one is very difficult (I go from erect to completely flaccid in about 30secs if I don’t concentrate), I don’t know how much smaller my erection has got because I haven’t had an erection long enough to really compare.

In a word my life has been destroyed. I am now on anti-depressants and have broken up from my girlfriend of two years due to this. I was once a happy guy who enjoyed life, I now spend my days waiting to go back to sleep so I can forget everything. I recently saw a urologist who said he doesn’t know what I’ve done and can’t give me an answer to my problems. I was thinking of suing the “Extreme Male Beauty” programme as they featured no warning of the possible consequences of this exercise but decided this would be too embarassing considering the subject.

All this because I “jelqed” 20 times. So my advise to all of you on this board would be, fuck your penis size! Trust me, it’s not worth it. It looks like I’ve ruined my penis for life and I’d hate this to happen to someone else. Be happy with what you’ve got, penis size inferiority is an entirely male created problem! Women love you for who you are and the children you can give them, something I may not get the chance to experience now. So stop the jelqing and whatever else you are doing to your penis and enjoy your health, if you’ve got that you’re completely blessed .

Thanks for reading.

it is a process…its like saying ”Going to GYM and lift 300 kilos ruined my life…”

Inicio PE: 02/01/2018,. 17.5cm longitud 4cm grosor 12.5cm circunferencia Meta: 20/5/15

Originally Posted by Oxygin
Can anyone agree here that they have had rough masturbation sessions throughout they’re youth, as well as intense handjobs. It’s crazy to me how one can blow a nerve ending in the shaft from a lightly gripped jelqing motion when I know for a fact that I’ve had rougher up and down pulls on my unit from an intense masturbation session. It is odd how you don’t hear about this with masturbation on a grander scale. For someone doing 20 or so light jelqs, you think this issue would of hit during the inception of their masturbation phase, unless jelqing came first which it definitely didn’t. If it was a nerve ending that was hit you would think that for these poor guys, a biological mishap must have occurred in terms of the nerves location. But why hasn’t it got hit during masturbation with such exposure?.

It almost seems like a physiological phenomenon. It just doesn’t make any sense. Only way it can make sense to me if peoples % are off to how hard they are jelqing, and the amount of arousle on these first time jelqing adventures becoming more paramount than for their own good.

This is a great post, very neutral in nature, which is important on any subject, in any endeavor, but especially one as out-of-reach as this one.

Guys can and do injure themselves easily in a jelq, even if they follow the protocol to a tee (or at least to the best of their knowledge from the best instructions provided online)..


.because their body is unique to theirs only. No other body and NOBODY can rightly assume anything and everything 100% about an injury report.

And that, my strangers, is one mark where a lot of other guys receiving the online scares from people who feel they’ve injured themselves are going about counseling these scared men (or boys) very, very wrongly. I’ve done PE for roughly 2 years, I’ve seen the posts all around, I’ve been on forums for over half of my 33 years - I know what’s good and bad conduct online. Penis enlargement is a very subjective thing, and very delicate in nature. That alone says so much.

Even though I only dabble on this forum (in the lurking sense even), I see it a hell of a lot of shaming and damning posts to reported injured men from top members on PEGYM.. It’s despicable and disgraceful to your fellow man.

Always possess sympathy, if not empathy (as in if you’ve injured yourself before and and are scared), be very clear in your words, instructions, and last but not least: try to instill hope. Because hope is a very real, very life-changing force to take with you in any hardship. Make no mistake about it. It can lead someone to a better path than otherwise.

Originally Posted by SixSage
This exact same thing happened to me. I jelqed one time and I haven’t been the same since. ( over a month ). I’m scared it’s permanent because of all the changes I can see on my dick. Veins are there that were never there before around my dorsal vein and running over it. I believe that I somehow blew out my dorsal vein from jelqing once and now the vein is leaking. I also lost sensation and struggle with erections. I don’t know how this can possibly heal, this shit has been making me suicidal and I don’t know what to do

For the record, to anyone outright doubting him - SixSage posted his story/situation on PEGYM shortly after it arose (earlier than when he posted here).

Last edited by Gnicbom : 04-03-2020 at .


Originally Posted by Oxygin
Can anyone agree here that they have had rough masturbation sessions throughout they’re youth, as well as intense handjobs. It’s crazy to me how one can blow a nerve ending in the shaft from a lightly gripped jelqing motion when I know for a fact that I’ve had rougher up and down pulls on my unit from an intense masturbation session. It is odd how you don’t hear about this with masturbation on a grander scale. For someone doing 20 or so light jelqs, you think this issue would of hit during the inception of their masturbation phase, unless jelqing came first which it definitely didn’t. If it was a nerve ending that was hit you would think that for these poor guys, a biological mishap must have occurred in terms of the nerves location. But why hasn’t it got hit during masturbation with such exposure?.

It almost seems like a physiological phenomenon. It just doesn’t make any sense. Only way it can make sense to me if peoples % are off to how hard they are jelqing, and the amount of arousle on these first time jelqing adventures becoming more paramount than for their own good.

This is a great post, posing most curious questions, leaning very neutral in nature, which is important for truth on any subject, in any endeavor, but especially one as penis enlargement, not being a cut-and-dry thing whatsoever.

Guys can and do injure themselves easily in a jelq (I’m not saying it’s extremely frequent), gravely or just slightly, even if they follow the protocol to a tee (or at least to the best of their knowledge from the best instructions provided online), because..


Their body is unique to theirs and theirs alone. No other body and NOBODY can rightly assume anything and everything 100% about an injury report.

And that, my strangers, is one mark where a lot of other guys receiving the online scares from guys who feel they’ve injured themselves are going about counseling these scared men (or boys) very, very wrongly.

I’ve done PE for roughly 2 years, I’ve seen the posts all around in that time, and I’ve been on forums for over half of my 33 years - I know what’s good and bad conduct online. Yes, penis enlargement works for many, so for those that it’s helped along the way and enhanced their life even outside of their sex life—some of these guys are gonna get defensive and call other guys’ innjury claims as BS, blah blah blah. Come on, that’s how anything tends to be, you’re defending something that’s worked for you. 101 human nature stuff.

Penis enlargement is a very subjective thing, and very delicate in nature. That alone says so much on where, so many counseling guys are potentially risking professing the wrong thing to an injured guy. It’s just the harsh reality of this subject, in the current development it’s in (maybe 100 years from now there’ll be a developed penis enlargement method employing much of what’s been grazed upon today, I can see it myself).

Even though I only dabble on this forum (in the lurking sense even), I see it a hell of a lot of shaming and damning and ultimately UNHELPFUL posts to reported injured men from even some of TOP members on PEGYM.. It’s absolutely despicable and disgraceful to your fellow man. How some of those guys sleep at night, wow.. Talk about pitiful character.

Always possess sympathy for a person who is feeling less than, if not empathy (as in if you’ve injured yourself before and and are scared); be abundantly clear in your words, take care in the instructions or insight you provide, know where your knowledge on a matter begins and ends, and last but not least: try to instill hope. Because hope is a very real, very life-changing force to take with you in any hardship. Make no mistake about it. It can lead someone to a better path than otherwise.

Originally Posted by SixSage
This exact same thing happened to me. I jelqed one time and I haven’t been the same since. ( over a month ). I’m scared it’s permanent because of all the changes I can see on my dick. Veins are there that were never there before around my dorsal vein and running over it. I believe that I somehow blew out my dorsal vein from jelqing once and now the vein is leaking. I also lost sensation and struggle with erections. I don’t know how this can possibly heal, this shit has been making me suicidal and I don’t know what to do

For the record, to anyone outright doubting SixSage - he posted his story/situation on PEGYM shortly after it arose (earlier than when he posted here).

Originally Posted by willy wonka
Thanks for taking the time to answer Marinera.

I can achieve an erection if I concentrate but the blood “drains” very quickly from my penis when I stop thinking erotic thoughts. It can go from hard to completely flaccid in literally 30secs (I could hold an erection for as long as I wanted prior to this) which leads me to think this is Venous Leak.

No the numbness hasn’t reduced.

I’ve only been taking the Anti-Depressants for a week so that’s not part of the problem.

Can’t believe this has happened after around 20 mild jelqs. :( I still haven’t really come to terms with it which is why I’m on the anti-depressants.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Marinera, thank you.

I tend to have that issue as well, I lose erections almost invariably when jelqing, I find the angion method has begun to help with that (and I’ve only just re-started). Don’t be concerned and as someone who’s spent time increasing certain fine feeling, I’d say that you should NOT avoid touching your penis lol; spend time touching it finely. Like paying attention to faint smells, try to run over it lightly, spend time doing it, and try to pay very close attention to feeling. I’m not asking if you’ve been doing that, I’m saying you should do it. Like Kill Bill, if you’ve ever seen that. It’ll help re-make those connections, and more finely, as a lack of feeling Must have something to do with nerves.. And those are connected to the brain, so it Could be psychological, which is why the urologist would say that. Either way, certainly get better testing But.. You must spend time feathering it and showing your body clearly that you’re looking for sensation. Spend time running your fingernail along it lol, for example. Good luck. Don’t give up. You’ve scared me lol and I’ve done PE before. Pretty well a novice, but not a beginner.

My own possible jelqing injury

Hello everyone,

I have been a lurking here for over a month trying to learn as much as I can to begin my own PE journey of mild self improvement.

I will get straight to the point and hope someone out there can help me. I’d definitely appreciate it! It’s really embarrassing and I felt depressed all day (I.e., today is my day 0 of my injury).

I will outline my order of sequence first:
1. Started PE Dec 2020
2. Began incorporating kegals into certain exercises
3. Developed a very tight pelvic floor and possibly a mild case of hard flaccid
4. Stopped doing kegals, and started doing stretching, breathing, and reverse kegals

Process of today’s injury:
5. Decided to do some stuff today to promote blood flow engorgement. I first did modified jelqs today first (I.e., OK-grip at the base, then other hand a slow OK-grip up the shaft to the glans). I also mixed in V-jelqs. I did this 6-8 mins or so. I was probably 30-70% erect doing these. No injury here.
6. Next, did 4-5 slow squash jelqs. I did each rep at about 80-85% erect, 20-30 seconds. No injury here.

****7. I did reverse jelq next in which the injury happened. I think this is the name of the exercise? It’s an OK-grip at the base and a downward moving OK-grip from the top of the shaft slowly to the base. I was planning on just doing 4 reps 15-30 seconds. On my second rep right before the conclusion, I felt and saw blood bunch up in a superficial vein on the left side of the shaft near the base. (I don’t know if it’s a vein or artery). I felt pain/discomfort from the blood bunch up in the vein and I immediately stopped what I was doing. I can tell something bad happen and my erection died and I immediately felt overwhelming stress.****

I took a shower and have since literally slept all day just waking up. I have no brusing, no swelling, just pain/discomfort in the left side shaft and down into the base, and a little along the crease by the left scrotum.

I feel so embarrassed and stupid of myself. I been trying to adhere to doing things slow and in moderation.

Any feedback or support would be appreciated.


I had an episode a while back from stretching and using ultrasound. My unit shriveled drastically down in size and went white. I couldn’t get an erection for a few days and finally when it did it just hung straight down. But I just rested from PE and it went back to normal. It was distressing at the time though. I remembered lightly stroking my unit in the hope it became responsive to touch.

"Relationships aren’t all about penetration." Mrs NicholasVan


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