My motive? To help and in some cases protect. Do the symptoms, the vast list including impending doom which I forgot, do they seem normal to you inspirit? Have you ever run across the wide range of symptoms that this young man has complained of? A long time reader of pe forums and never had I ever read anything like this before. Has any moderator ever heard this gamut of symptoms? Let me, let us all know.
Although frightened and scared he was listening to all who told him to calm down; he was going to get better. He even apologized for freaking out. His words;I just want to say one more thing.
I am really sorry for freaking out like an idiot, and I really hope my thread doesn’t make other people worry and freak out about their injuries like I did about mine. I’ll just report back what the doctor says about it, and then I’ll report how I’m recovering in a few weeks.
Then a good hearted moderator said this;
No need to apologise just learn from the experience.
This thread was winding down on page 4 and then you showed up inspirit .Oh there is no need for you to apologize for anything young man; you should be scared that you injured yourself.
The kid was sorry for freaking out and you came and told him he had every right to be scared and freakout. Do you think that helped him? We now have a 19 year old kid who won’t get out of bed, won’t be normal, probably has no friends left because whatever friends he may have had are getting tired of waiting for him to get out of bed. Do you think you helped him? What would you say to his parents; that it’s a good thing to stay in bed for months?
Oh but he does want to believe you and that other bozo. He lost interest in getting better right on page 4. He found someone to sympathize with him, to hold his hand like mommy. Moderators know nothing; guys with experience know nothing. The only ones that know anything are the ones that hold his hand.18 pages later and we have a kid to fight for you inspirit; he’s joined your army. I hope you are happy.
Moderators if you are unhappy with what I wrote no you don’t have to boot me; just tell me to play somewhere else and I will go. Maybe this isn’t the place for me,or maybe it isn’t the place for me and that guy. I will respect your decision.
I came back because of more weird symptoms I started experiencing, it had nothing to do with inspirit.
Oh who am I kidding, the gig is up. Inspirit actually sneaks into my room every-night and draws red marks on my penis with a marker. He also injects gelatin into my groin to create the lumps in my groin and the swelling around my penis. And it must just be in my head that I can’t get an erection while standing up, even though it’s easy to get an erection while laying on my back.
Fuck you inspirit, this is all your fault.