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Jelqing injury Can't get erection

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No; sitting in bed,not using your muscles will cause more problems and not just with your penis. Gravity is affecting your dick whether you are standing up or laying down or standing on your head. You body is designed for that. Laying in bed is great for forming deep vein blood clots, pulmonary edema and a whole host of other medical issues. That how old people die. Is that what you want? Not me I’m going out on my feet!

Notice how this is just going in circles? I am actually trying to prevent this kind of endless back and forth from happening. This was why I suggested that people state their opinions, even state it twice or three times if they really feel the need to, but then to just stop arguing and they have the option to start their own thread about it. Plus, people with injuries aren’t really required or forced to answer to or explain ourselves to anyone, I mean are we being detained?

Then how do we help?

Listening to and respecting the person would be the first step.

Oh yes and trying to get a young man out of bed to go out and enjoy his life; I think that’s a really neat idea.

To repeat what he already said, since the injury is fairly new he is playing it ultra safe now to give it any chance to heal, but if it becomes evident that it won’t heal after a few months then he’ll do that and work on coping with it.

The key word here is repeat. This is why I suggested stating your a opinion, or even stating it a few times, then making your own thread if you need, and not arguing anymore.

I’ll just keep doing what I feel is the right thing, within the rules of the forum. If you are interested I could PM you about the details of my injury.

The key difference is that I’m not repeatedly initiating arguments with the OP of this thread. Let’s say someone posting about an injury is more shy or quiet and someone like Jimmybob comes on their thread and keeps arguing with them, when they’re already in a vulnerable situation. It isn’t right. Then he would say, look how shy and quiet they seem, they have head issues! So apparently shy or quiet people can’t get injured. Any personal weakness or insecurity that the person may have had for years before getting injured will then be used against them as an excuse for the injury. That’s just cruel.

I’m gonna say it again, none of you have a professionals diagnosis of anything yet.

Until you do I don’t see the point in any of this since none of you ever listen to anyone here either.

I have a professional diagnoses for my erectile dysfunction, but diagnosing something like nerve damage in the penis or pelvic floor isn’t something that a person can walk into a urologist’s office and quickly have diagnosed. The majority of cases of chronic prostatitis in the US are due to unknown causes, and the medical establishment generally doesn’t acknowledge PE, or understand how it works yet.

What I was getting at is that it’s not the same to state an opinion, and to keep arguing with someone else on their own thread, especially obnoxiously and condescendingly, but technically it’s not a personal insult so they can’t necessarily get in trouble for it. I said that he should state his opinion once, twice, even three times and hopefully just try to do a little more respectfully. When people are repeatedly attacked, they are going to defend themselves, and stuff ends up more chaotic.

Best of luck to you pooples.

I will say again though, laying in bed all day smoking weed is not going to help.

Take it from a guy old enough to be your dad and has had many injuries in his life.

Getting up and moving around is truly the best thing you can do to help yourself :)

Forum rule #69. Your avatar must be of a woman's ass.

My adventures in PE:Damnit

Originally Posted by DamnIt
Best of luck to you pooples.

I will say again though, laying in bed all day smoking weed is not going to help.

Take it from a guy old enough to be your dad and has had many injuries in his life.

Getting up and moving around is truly the best thing you can do to help yourself :)

Thanks. I’m not smoking weed, but I will in the future if it helps with pelvic muscle tension which I think it probably does. I think you would be surprised by the amount of medical uses weed has and the substantial effect it has on some medical conditions.

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