Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Keratinization of the glans


Not me. I’m about to go on an 8 day holiday. Besides, my glans isn’t as keratinized as it used to be. You’ll need someone who hasn’t restored to try it.

Congrats westla. May be someone else will give it a try.

It’s not that important for me, since I am uncut and everything is going well for me now.

But since I am an md and an addicted pe-er I would certainly give some useful input.

Later - ttt

Question about Restoring

Hi, guys…I’ve got a question. I’ve attempted, on and off, for about 6 years to restore. It’s been a long time since I’ve tried it, but I’ve sent a message to the maker of one product to get ordering information. When I first started, I was concerned that the tension necessary would actually be counter-productive to growth, but I noticed what seemed to be an increase in flaccid size along with sensitivity. Has anyone else noticed this?


No idea drk.. - I am uncut, I just had a keratinization problem which a have overcome with the creams (see one of th posts above if you’re interested).

Later - ttt

Ticktickticker, can keratinization be completely reversible? Let’s say you are uncut but then get keratinization. In this case, would anything such as the creams you mention be able to make your glan skin basically completely the same as it was before?

I ask in part because I am uncut and having a lot of edema with vac-hanger. In a way, I would like the skin to get tougher while vac-hanging maybe for a year or two so it won’t be in as much danger of blisters. However, I want to avoid it if keratinization is partially permanent.

Keratinization is completely reversible.

Vkn1 - I believe, too, that keratinization is reversible, however, I doubt hat it would be very protective against the development of blisters.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by BigFatLuvRocket
Read about what foreskin restorers do for dekeratinizing the glans:
Eucerin with Alpha-Hyrdoxy
Shea Butter

Other lotions…

Hope that helps. Wish I had your problem.

After looking at your pics. My penis looks exactly the same as yours. Same shaft shape,head shape, same keratinization level. Yours is like an inch bigger though! Got me there. Now i have to ask if you don’t mind, what is your nationality?


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