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Keratinization of the glans


Keratinization of the glans

Westla90069, - and all others interested

I remember you posted on the subject of keritinization in circumcised men.

I am uncut but I am noticing signs of keratinization since I started vac-hanging.

Since I am making good progress I don’t want to stop but my gf (sorry - I am straight *s*) does feel some difference I’m her mouth or pussy since this started.

Does anybody know how to avoid or treat this condition?

For those interested I am going to ask some fellow colleague dermatologists and will post what they say as soon as I gathered some information. In the meantime, please share your knowledge with me and those concerned or interested.

Thanks for your input
Best regards


Later - ttt

Read about what foreskin restorers do for dekeratinizing the glans:
Eucerin with Alpha-Hyrdoxy
Shea Butter

Other lotions…

Hope that helps. Wish I had your problem.

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Thanks bigfat..

What do you mean ‘wish I had your problem’? (Sorry I am german, I don’t quite catch the sense of your statement.

Or do you mean you have bigger problems - and if so, would you like to discuss those here in the forum (I wouldn’t mind).

Send me a pm if you like, hope I am not misunderstanding you.

Best regards


Later - ttt

I’m not very familiar with vacuum hangers, but assume that you are retracting the foreskin when applying the device and that it’s made of some sort of latex. You’re probably aware that latex items used for medical purposes (external condom “catheters”, Foley catheters, etc.) are coated with a hydrophilic substance which absorbs bodily fluids and forms a smoother surface and a barrier to bacterial colonization by the latex substrate. Absorption of fluid from the surface of the glans by the coated latex is probably the culprit in your keratinization problem. I can only suggest leaving the foreskin in place during hanging (since I have only a partial restoration and do not use a vacuum hanger I’m not even certain if that’s an option) or, as BFLR suggests, applying some restorative moisturizer after using the hanger. These may be the only solutions that I’m aware of if you won’t reduce the amount of time you use the device.

Westla - yes your assumptions are correct except that I use a cotton wrap to avoid contact between my glans and the silicon sheet and also to avoid excessive fluid accumulation (read in my thread ‘best ways of hanging, some ideas) IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN DETAILS - I think it’s the best technique for hanging.

Leaving the foreskin in place would counteract the superb mechanism of vacuum hanging (namely to exert pull on your ‘inner dick, the corpora, septum and tunica) rather than on the skin as is the case with the bib hangers wench, wenchette and others.

In the meantime I consulted a colleague who is both an andrologist AND a dermatologist who suggested two creams.

I will check the composition and post it here so you can check if you can get that stuff in the US for those who are interested.

Westla - congrats for your at least partial foreskin restoration. May I ask you whether you are still working on that?

Also, may I ask whether your keratinization has diminished and whether, and if yes which products you used.

Thanks for your input.



Later - ttt


Be so kind and give the link(s) or even better paste and copy the best stuff into this thread.

Thank you for your consideration.

Later ttt

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Thanks bigfat..

What do you mean ‘wish I had your problem’? (Sorry I am german, I don’t quite catch the sense of your statement.

Or do you mean you have bigger problems - and if so, would you like to discuss those here in the forum (I wouldn’t mind).

Send me a pm if you like, hope I am not misunderstanding you.

Best regards


I mean that I wish I were uncut.

Good luck.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by ticktickticker

Be so kind and give the link(s) or even better paste and copy the best stuff into this thread.

Thank you for your consideration.

Later ttt

You have PMs

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by ticktickticker

…your assumptions are correct except that I use a cotton wrap to avoid contact between my glans and the silicon sheet…

Ah, the wrap. Well that would probably cause some loss of moisture from the glans.

Leaving the foreskin in place would counteract the superb mechanism of vacuum hanging (namely to exert pull on your ‘inner dick, the corpora, septum and tunica) rather than on the skin as is the case with the bib hangers wench, wenchette and others.

Of course. That makes perfect sense.

Westla - congrats for your at least partial foreskin restoration. May I ask you whether you are still working on that?

I had not been doing any foreskin restoration, or PE for that matter, since 2003. Then I learned of a new device in this thread and over the past couple weeks I have restarted my restoration efforts and seen some gains. Here stretching skin is exactly what we’re looking for and the new equipment is very good at that.

Also, may I ask whether your keratinization has diminished and whether, and if yes which products you used.

Oh, yes. The very end near the meatus, which is not yet covered by the new skin, is still keratinized, but he corona and most of the glans itself is very shiny and soft. The product used was the natural covering of the glans by my own new foreskin. It has returned to it’s normal state simply by being covered as nature intended. :)

Westla - thank you for your open minded sharing of your experience.

As I posted before I have been recommended two products sold in germany by an expert physician(dermatologist=skin doc and he also is an andrologist = man/fertility etc. Doc.

K. Stage 1: the first product is for prevention of keratinization, that is for uncut guys who see early signs of k. And who want to avoid that to happen. Here in germany the creme is called Linola, it’s major constituent are 0.5 gm of C18:2 unsaturated fatty acids / 100 gm of creme.

K. Stage 2: the second product is for treatment of circumcised men or uncut guys who developed k. For whichever reason: The brand name is Excipial in Germany, it’s major constituent is 4% urea in a lipophilic emulsion.

I am stage 1, I tried linola first time today and my glans already feels softened.

Hope this helps.

Best regards


Later - ttt

BFLR - did you try foreskin restoration?

Please put the links in the pe you sent me in this thread - I want to cover the subject as broadly as possible.

Thank you


Later - ttt

Very good westla -

Nature - the #1 of the wonders of this world. #2: pe - I would suggest; a wonder for me. Medicine never accepted this could work. I was so skeptical but I am a scientist and started an experiment. It’s working.


Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ticktickticker

K. Stage 2: the second product is for treatment of circumcised men or uncut guys who developed k. For whichever reason: The brand name is Excipial in Germany, it’s major constituent is 4% urea in a lipophilic emulsion.

BFLR suggested Eucerin in his first post. It’s active ingredient is 10% Urea and it’s suggested uses are for atopic eczema, Ichthycosis, Hyperkeratosis and Xeroderma. It is highly effective.

I find if I just stretch for several days I get keratinisation, but if I jelq after stretching with an oil based lube I never get a problem.

When I get more time I am looking forward to getting more involved with your recent threads TTT.

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Thanks firegoat - I certainly appreciate your input in my threads.

I also do (dry jelqing after hanging and also find that it helps.

I don’t know whether 10% or 4% urea makes a difference, but my dermatologist told me that some men find that it burns, so - as so often - a little less may be better.

Later ticker

Later - ttt

I’ve been trying the Linolan (urea-free) cream for a few days now, so I really do recommend it for uncut guys with initial keratinization.

Regarding circumcised men, may be someone (westla?) could give it a try an report the results herein. I would be very interested.

Later ttt

Later - ttt

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