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Lost Sensation Due to Vacuum Hanging

Originally Posted by Dick Almighty

I’ve had numbness from erect jelqing, lasted a few days. I recovered 100%.

Thanks, I missed this post. Hopefully mine will pass as well. Good to hear you recovered 100%.

Originally Posted by Dick Almighty

How did your penis hang after the hanging session?

It hung well. It appeared longer, though the girth wasn’t evenly distributed since only the top part was getting vacuumed. That’s how I decided that after I finished the last hanging set, heated in water and lightly jelqed, I’d pump to even things out girthwise.

Originally Posted by 24 Hours

It hung well. It appeared longer, though the girth wasn’t evenly distributed since only the top part was getting vacuumed. That’s how I decided that after I finished the last hanging set, heated in water and lightly jelqed, I’d pump to even things out girthwise.

With NO pain or numbness what so ever?

Formerly banned as Crashhex and banned after this as Ali G.

I do not know what novacine is, But yes it was really numb, I got pretty scared and I have not hanged since.

When it did not get better after the first day, I got even more worried, But it did go away and everything is back to normal now. The sensation is completly back to normal.

I actually had sex with the numb dick and that was really scary, I only felt the shaft.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I can only remember one case of a member saying that he did not recover from numbness. Take it easy 24, no PE, try to stop panicing over it, and let it heal.

Do you know where this thread is, Thunder?

And how long it was between going numb and reporting it was still numb? (If the last post from this member was 2 weeks after the incident, then there is a good chance it cleared up since.)

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Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I can only remember one case of a member saying that he did not recover from numbness. Take it easy 24, no PE, try to stop panicing over it, and let it heal.

What kind of vacuum hanger was it that you used?

Thanks T,
It was a MaxVac (Crash is selling them).

Originally Posted by Dick Almighty
With NO pain or numbness what so ever?

No pain after using it. I don’t recall any numbness, though my dick just came out of this contraption, and not being familiar with that feeling, there MIGHT have been a little that I mistook from just coming out of a vacuum hanger after a 10 minute set.

I didn’t have this novacaine feeling until the day after my last use though.

When I read posts about numbeness, I usually get the impression that “Yes, there is an injury causing numbness,” but then the mental panic kicks in and that becomes more of an issue than the physical trauma.

All of us here are so focussed on our cocks, when something goes wrong it is panic time. I am not belittling your situation, 24, and I know you are going through a tough time. But the landslide of evidence is “Relax, and it will pass”. That is, try to focus on other things while your body heals itself.

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Originally Posted by kristian69
I do not know what novacine is, But yes it was really numb, I got pretty scared and I have not hanged since.

When it did not get better after the first day, I got even more worried, But it did go away and everything is back to normal now. The sensation is completly back to normal.

I actually had sex with the numb dick and that was really scary, I only felt the shaft.

Thanks kristian. That’s great to know. I feel a bit better.

Originally Posted by commanderblop
When I read posts about numbeness, I usually get the impression that “Yes, there is an injury causing numbness,” but then the mental panic kicks in and that becomes more of an issue than the physical trauma.

All of us here are so focussed on our cocks, when something goes wrong it is panic time. I am not belittling your situation, 24, and I know you are going through a tough time. But the landslide of evidence is “Relax, and it will pass”. That is, try to focus on other things while your body heals itself.

Thanks commander,
I’m sure my panic is contributing to stuff. Maybe I need to go take a walk or something.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
It was an extended period of time and included doctor visits. Early days, I’ll try to remember the guy’s name.

I think posts like that should be made “Stickies” and at the top of the “Injuries / Treatments” page.

I remember a guy that did “Extreme Pumping” that was all gung-ho about 2 hours in the tube and insane pressure, and then his last post was “delete this thread please” because he really fucked up his cock sometime into his insane regimen. It was scary. Luckily I found another post by him elsewhere, some time later, where he said “I have finally returned to almost normal”. When I found that post, I think I made a link from the scary thread to it, because when you read this stuff and don’t know how it ends, it is unsettling. [Edit: I just found the scary thread. I think this one should be a sticky in the “Injuries” forum, too, in my humble opinion]

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I have to go now, But I wish you the best and hope that your numbness will go away, I think it will, It felt the same for me as it does for you, I think you will be ok.



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