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Lost Sensation Due to Vacuum Hanging


Lost Sensation Due to Vacuum Hanging

I’m in a terrible situation. I bought a vacuum hanger and used it for three days (three 10 minute sets using 5 lbs). I did some jelqing between sets and after I completed all the sets, I pumped (regular kaplan pump) for three 10 minute sets at low guage to get the base pumped up to same girth as head of penis (from the vacuum hanger).

First day I got great results. Second day seemed to be great results. Third day (Wed. Jan 18), after the hanging, I went into Kaplan pump and noticed my glands weren’t pumping up (gorging-like) as they normally do (inside the pump). It was like the glands were appearing like they do flacid, while the rest of penis was pumped as usual. I stopped, did some light jelqs, took shower, went about my day. Everything felt ok.

By evening I noticed a sort of burning/tingling sensation just under and around my glands especially on left side. No real pain though, so I didn’t worry too much.

The next day I felt ok, but decided I’d be taking day off because of what happened day before. My penis was all turtled up as though it was healing or something, but no pain. I did 100 light jelqs to get blood flowing. I noticed afterwards that I had lost sensation. As the day progressed I felt like my penis was shot up with novacaine - almost felt numb. I could feel it like a foreign object against my leg when I walked around with jeans.

This lasted all through the evening and is the same today. I did get some semi-morning wood, but it was a very weak erection compared to usual. I did get some slight burning/very slight pain in the penis over night that made me sort of relieved to some degree, hoping my sensation was coming back.

This is really pretty fucked up. I can pinch my penis and feel it, so It’s not like it’s dead, but there’s this novacaine type feeling.

Has anyone experienced this before? Will it just go away with time, or am I fucked for life?

Please help.

It will most likely pass I would just give it a rest until it feels normal and I wouldn’t vacuum hang again, I never tried it so I can’t knock it but if I was you I wouldn’t do it again.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks Dino,
I’m supposed to go away with my wife this weekend and I’m an emotional fucking wreck because of this. God, I just hope that I haven’t messed myself up for good.

Anyone ever experience this numbing sensation / soft glands situation? Did it eventually go away? How long did it take?

The only exercise I ever heard of causing glans softening is jelqing. Maybe remove that from your routine. Do a search here there are a lot of threads on it.

Formerly banned as Crashhex and banned after this as Ali G.

Dick Almighty,
Thing is I’ve been jelqing (500-600 day) everyday for about 8 months, after a hiatus from another injury and I’ve been pumping most of that time.

It’s definitely related to the vacuum hanger. Maybe I was just doing it incorrectly.

You said “everything was o.k.”, then I jelqed 500-600 times and pumped. Possibly you have too many things going. How long are you awaiting before going into a pump after you hang?

Formerly banned as Crashhex and banned after this as Ali G.

One thing about my use of this vacuum hanger is that it would slip (my glands wouldn’t stay at the top of the tube) and as it slip there’d be tremendous pressure/pain on my glands and below glands. I would normally just pump more (pulling my head up to the end of tube) and continue to hang.

I think I needed to use an extra sheath, but wasn’t sure that this wasn’t normal until I learned on another forum that it should never slip. That that means not enough pressure in tube.

I’m just wondering if this is where the damage was done.

Originally Posted by Dick Almighty

How long are you awaiting before going into a pump after you hang?

Not long. After I’d hang I’d go put my dick in hot water (sink) for a while, and then I’d do some light jelqing to get circulation going. Then I’d wait a while (5-10 minutes) and then I’d pump.

Originally Posted by 24 Hours
One thing about my use of this vacuum hanger is that it would slip (my glands wouldn’t stay at the top of the tube) and as it slip there’d be tremendous pressure/pain on my glands and below glands. I would normally just pump more (pulling my head up to the end of tube) and continue to hang.

I think I needed to use an extra sheath, but wasn’t sure that this wasn’t normal until I learned on another forum that it should never slip. That that means not enough pressure in tube.

I’m just wondering if this is where the damage was done.

Take a break until you feel 100%. Seems like you are using the equipment improperly. I don’t think there is a major difference with vacuum hangers putting pressure on the glans opposed to traditional hangers. Like any hanger, it should be locked on the upper shaft, do not allow slippage. Prepare, practice, and learn from others.

Formerly banned as Crashhex and banned after this as Ali G.

Has anyone had this numbness before? I’m dying to hear whether this is something that will pass or if it’s permanent?

Originally Posted by 24 Hours

Has anyone had this numbness before? I’m dying to hear whether this is something that will pass or if it’s permanent?

I’ve had numbness from erect jelqing, lasted a few days. I recovered 100%.

Formerly banned as Crashhex and banned after this as Ali G.

I lost the sensation in my glands after hanging with an AFB hanger, It went away after 2 days, This is around two weeks ago and everything is fine now.

Originally Posted by Dick Almighty

You said “everything was o.k.”, then I jelqed 500-600 times and pumped. Possibly you have too many things going. How long are you awaiting before going into a pump after you hang?

BTW, I wasn’t jelqing 500-600 since I’ve been hanging. This was my pre-hanging routine. I only used jelqing as a way to get the blood circulated once the hanging started.

Originally Posted by kristian69

I lost the sensation in my glands after hanging with an AFB hanger, It went away after 2 days, This is around two weeks ago and everything is fine now.

Thanks kristian,

Did it feel really numb (like novicaine numb)? Did you get full sensation back?

Originally Posted by 24 Hours

BTW, I wasn’t jelqing 500-600 since I’ve been hanging. This was my pre-hanging routine. I only used jelqing as a way to get the blood circulated once the hanging started.

How did your penis hang after the hanging session?

Formerly banned as Crashhex and banned after this as Ali G.

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