I return with some good news
The condition of my penis has improved, but it’s not the same as before the injury. There’s so much to say that I do not even know where to start.
I masturbate 2-3 times a week, although I know I should not. I have never left my penis alone for more than 1 week. I can have sex but it does not feel great, the libido is still down, the sperm ejaculation grow a litle.. Even when make a break I do not feel like my balls are in fire. I still do not feel that animal wish when I see a beautiful woman but the desire has grown. I think a don’t get enough blood in the penis. After sex, the senses are more strong. The red light does not seem to have helped me. I think the penis extender ring pressed my penis base and damaged the nerves and blood vessels. I tried with iodine tincture and I’ve seen some improvements, but it’s too hard and had to stop. dmso 70/30 seems to help (it does not smell at all and I do not know if it’s a good thing).I have moments when I do not smoke and it seems to help. It will take a long time to recover. I started to have sex with a condom, even to postpone ejaculation. Running and going to the gym I saw it help. I take all the vitamins .I hope at some point to come back. I want to go and make all the tests of the penis.
I miss the desire to have sex. I have when and when. I think that it’s the part of the brain reset protocol. Excuse my English