Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

OH MAN numb


OH MAN numb

Today was my day off. It seems I have lost sensitivity on the top of my penis shaft! I feel normal on the glans and underneath, but the top upper shaft has very little feeling. I am scared! I had been hanging with the wench for the past two weeks, not over 8 lbs, usually 5-6 and not over 20 minutes. My head never went numb and never stayed blue. Someone please tell me something. I am freaking out! I don’t think I can get erect now because I am so worried.


Clear this up: You did no PE or hanging today but suddenly the skin on your upper shaft has gone numb? When did you last have full sensation?

Originally Posted by Philadelph
Today was my day off. It seems I have lost sensitivity on the top of my penis shaft! I feel normal on the glans and underneath, but the top upper shaft has very little feeling. I am scared! I had been hanging with the wench for the past two weeks, not over 8 lbs, usually 5-6 and not over 20 minutes. My head never went numb and never stayed blue. Someone please tell me something. I am freaking out! I don’t think I can get erect now because I am so worried.

You better give that thing a long rest. Don’t do anymore PE until your cock feels normal again.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

I did no hanging yesterday, but I just noticed the numbness yesterday as well. I can get hard thankfully. I will be taking a break and praying a lot. Do you think some very light jelqing could be good for bloodflow or healing?

Originally Posted by Philadelph
Do you think some very light jelqing could be good for bloodflow or healing?

I have no idea - I have never heard of this type of thing happening before. IMO, take Japp’s advice and apply some good old fashioned TLC. No harm can come from giving it a rest.

I am thinking I maybe put too much stress on the dorsal nerve with the hanging? I am going to keep researching this. It is strange because it really gave no pain or warning signs.

Originally Posted by Philadelph

Do you think some very light jelqing could be good for bloodflow or healing?

Yes, always. Keep us updated on this.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

After reading some about nerve damage, this is very scary! I read on a urology forum that nerve damage usually does not get better. I feel sick right now. I just threw out my once-beloved wench and stuff. I am taking a long break with only sex/masturbation if it is possible. Oh man.

Chill, man. We’ve all had our share of PE scares. If you haven’t experienced any sharp pains while hanging, most likely this is just a symptom of your dick being worn out. Take some rest and most likely you’ll recover soon.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Thanks man, lets hope so. By the way, I like your avatar.

I had something similar.

These injuries get better but can take a while. 3 months in my case. Others have recovered in less time.

Regular heating may help speed things along. You may get by with some light-moderate jelqing if it doesn’t worsen the numbness. I continued manual PE during recovery. I don’t know if it helped, hurt or made no difference.

When you think you’ve fully healed, ease back into hanging. Try 2-3 lbs. for one set of 10 minutes max. If that reduces sensitivity stop and wait a few more weeks. If ok, do it again the next day. Then add a second set the following day. Once you’re up to 3-4 sets with no trouble, work them up to 15 minutes each and then slowly increase the weight.

Thanks a lot for the words hobby. The feeling you described of having two condoms on is the same for me too, so maybe we have the same ailment. Did you ever figure out what set it off? What hanger were you using?

Originally Posted by base

Chill, man. We’ve all had our share of PE scares. If you haven’t experienced any sharp pains while hanging, most likely this is just a symptom of your dick being worn out. Take some rest and most likely you’ll recover soon.

Yeah, I’d say that you should wait a while, relax. Captn had numbness for much longer, I believe, and he fully recovered. By saying “nerve damage,” you’re jumping to conclusions. I agree that you may have worn out the ol’ boy - give him some rest.

Lets hope so, you guys have definately made me feel a little better. Thanks. I think having to stop PE permanately would be horrible since I know that it can be done now.

> Did you ever figure out what set it off?

My notes indicate a few days before this happened I had gone from one hanging session per day to multiple and had also started using an ADS (no doubt with too much tension). I think I simply overdid it.

My dick stayed pretty numb for several days. A week later it was a lot better, back to maybe 80-85% of normal feeling. Then it gradually improved from there. Some days it was more sensitive than others.

I tried hanging occasionally. Each time it went numb. Attaching and tightening the hanger was enough to make it numb, forget the weight. After 3 months had passed I tried again and made it through a short set with no trouble. I worked up from there and haven’t had any more sensitivity problems. I’ve gained .75” since then, almost all of it from hanging.


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