Penis Limp on 1 side,HELP!!
Ok, the name’s a little misleading, it may not be that drastic an issue, however it does promote some cause for concern, to bring me about to writing this. Any-who cut a long story short, best way to explain it’s like this;
When my penis gets erect, and I push on the left side slightly away from the centre-point, it “pings” back nicely the erection feels firm and decent, however, when I do this on the right hand side, and push slightly towards the left, there is no “ping” back and it just feels limp and UN-STURDY(this being the most definitive characteristic of my problem). This is no psychological it is 100% a physical factor, and no silly questions like why am I pushing on my dick’s side anyways, its irrelevant. Its just a problem I noticed that has caused me some minor discomfort, and I’d like to address it now, as its been bugging me for a while now.
Thanks for reading, and thank you in advance for any help offered, as small as it may be, all’s appreciated.
P.S my thoughts we’re some kind of right side suspensory ligament damage has been done, but what do I know? Someone let me know if I’m right or wrong.