Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis size is not that important, my routine, goals


Penis size is not that important, my routine, goals


I actually believe that the penis size thing is in the head, a man’s head. Why? Let me emphasize:

When I look back and think of all the vagina I have been with, I don’t remember how tight they were, how they look, how big they were except for those that were very wide and bad. Women and Men are very different, but at the same time very similar. Our memories are similar and are men usually who pay more attention to physical attributes.

Also I feel that if you feel some tension with the side of her lips against your penis, then that is good and is a question of how hard can you get for how long and making sure your pelvis thrust her clitoris with every stroke. Talk to her find out what speed she likes. This will vary during sex.

Another problem I have identified is that men sometimes are ego maniacs. We want to lead at everything, and with sex this is not always the best approach. Let your woman tell you , move you, etc…and don’t feel as if you are a rookie because that is not the case. Women have very different likes and the same applies to what type of penis they may prefer.

When I think of what type of penis woman like best, I look at what type of things I like in a woman.

For example I like big butts, not very skinny women, but from time to time I crave having sex with a skinny girl I could just throw around the room with ease, raise her in the air, etc.. I like their breast soft, not huge nipples, and the list could go on.

I know other guys that love huge breasts, this is not my case.

Don’t you think the same must happen to them? I am sure.

When I first started dating my girl I remember she told me: “You are so big” to what I responded by saying: “am not that large, I think am average”, she the said: “yeah I know”, looking away feeling a bit embarrassed that it was obviously she was saying something to make me feel good (girls know guy like to hear this), or maybe she was afraid that I would think she was inexperienced. I believe in her head she really liked me and wanted to say things that will guarantee me staying with her. Nevertheless she responded you are perfect for me. Am I supposed to feel good about this? Yes, but I don’t like to blind myself .What woman that really likes you would say something different?

We guys tend want to hear certain things to cushion our egos even if they may not be true. I hate this. I remember a friend telling me that his girl told him: “I have never enjoyed sex before until I was with you,” and he believed it because it cushioned his ego. Now he didn’t’t have to worry about being the best she ever had or about the previous lover the girl may have had. I have worried about this childishly too.

The problem is that one day you may find out something that may contradict the white lie she said for your ego’s sake, and then your ego will suffer ten times the pain.

I hate lying to myself, something that occurs when we let our ego take control of our rational minds.

What is funny is that I always find myself questioning myself because it such a natural process for a man to want to hear what makes his ego feel good and acknowledging as if it was true with out any rational thoughts behind it. I am impressed how many times I find myself thinking:
“Ok you are trying to lie to yourself again”

You have to be careful when you seek the truth sometimes though; it can hurt, and could destroy a perfectly fine relationship. You may think you can handle the truth, but you really never know until it hits you.

For example when I told my girl that I thought I was average and she responded by saying she knew, I didn’t cushion my ego but now I have to deal with the possibility she may have had a previous boyfriend with a larger penis than mine.

On another day talking about male insecurities she said that she doesn’t understand why man feel the way they feel about boldness and pennies size. She mentioned hair is just hair and that woman really don’t care so much about the size of a penis. I jumped once again an looked at her, with an expression as if she was running a lie by me, and the she said: “Well yes, but only when is this small”, while she made a gesture with her hand indicating 2,3 or at most 4 inches.

This brings another reasonable question. Have you ever stopped to think how hard it is for man to figure out at first how to correctly your penis measures. Do you really believe woman care so much about this (instead of themselves) and have a good idea how big an 8 inch penis really is? I am sure some may, but that will be less than 1% in the population.

I like facts to base my doubts and I measure this by making a woman orgasm as many times as possible. At the end of the day that’s what is more important in my opinion.

More important than penis side is sucking pussy, and doing things in bed that are enjoyable.

How to know if your penis is a good size? There is no better way in my opinion than to see how many orgasms you make your girl have. Sometimes it might not be your fault, but instead her own inhibitions so don’t drive your self nuts. I’ll show you a quick trick that may work for some of you guys:

“Ask your girl I want to suck you’re a$$” and see how she reacts , if she is ok with it then you may know her inhibitions may not be the cause of the problem, if is like doubting this etc…you may have your answers in front of you. Remember though seeking the truth may leave you with scars.

I believe how attracted two people are two each other also plays a big role. It is not the same to suck pussy and enjoy it as to suck pussy because you feel you have to.

The penis is only an aspect of your entire package as a man. You should drive to improve in every aspect in every way. I don’t like to say “drive towards perfection” because it’s relative to the eye of the beholder, and can cause physiological problems like perfectionism ( which I suffered at a point) and narcissism which I believe some people here may have with their own penises. Let me give you some examples and you tell me how you feel:

What good is a homeless man with a 9 inch penis?
What good is an obese man with a 9 inch penis?
Would a girl prefer a 9 inch penis that doesn’t’t suck pussy over a 6 inch penis that sucks pussy?
Do you think personality plays a role?
How about your cardiovascular shape?
What good is a 9 inch penis with am man that can’t have sex for more than 5 minutes?
Does a girl prefer a 9 inch dick over 8 or over 7 or over 6 or over 5?
Does a girl prefer hanging balls with a 7 inch penis over a 9 inch penis with small testicles?

It starts getting pretty ridiculous in my opinion.

I honestly believe girls don’t think about the last 3 questions or really know what they really prefer in man even when they claim they do. So ill throw in a cliche: I think it really is all about confidence.

Can you imagine a woman saying she prefers big penis, and the reason being because she has never have had guys really take they time to turn her own, and suck her pussy well, etc…I can! How good is her judgment?

I have started a small program, after doing some reading. Everything I have written before it’s my rational thinking but as a man my ego is some what affected by the issue of large dick even if it doesn’t’t make sense rationally.

Imagine if we turn around the argument and put sexually inadequacy on the women, for being wide and frigid (not right at all, but stated for the purpose of the argument).

Would you prefer an ugly chick with a tight pussy or a fine one with a wide one?

I have decided to start a program and will test what you guys are doing here, but I will admit is scary to see people damaging their penises because of problems in the head. All this things usually are physiological problems in our heads, and if we don’t overcome them a bigger penis won’t either. You will have to face them sooner or later. Before I list my routine I’ll want to say that if your women ever brings out a problem about how your penis is small and she likes bigger penises leave her, she isn’t’t good for you, and not good for anyone in particularly.

2 days on and one off I do every AM and PM :

Warm up in a tub full of water
Stretch for 5 minutes manually
200 reps with power jelq ( home made).
Clamp( with cable clamp not to tight, just enough to see my veins like those of body builders) for 10-15 minutes while holding a strong erection the whole time by slowly jerking off.
Stretch manually for 15 minutes

My goals are also listed below. By the way I am completely against watching porn. I have been porn free for two months and I plan keeping it this way forever. I believe is bad for the mind, and I will probably write about psychological effects of porn in another thread one day.

Please guys be careful when doing this stuff. After my second day of jerking twice per day I felt my veins larger, but also the skin that covers the penis was softer, and seemed to be looser around the penis. My erections work fine but the skin is softer for some reason. I will keep you posted but it seems to be recuperating.

Good post. And congrats on the witholding of porn for 2 months.

Brilliant post mate. For me you have hit about 15 nails on the head in one go here, especially the part about women and men being similar and that confidence is key. I’ve mentioned this so many times, that confidence is the ‘key’ in life in general, not just sex and relationships.

Many people are scared that their wives and partners lust after men with a huge willies and bulging muscles every now and then. Why? Of course they are going to, just like you have lusted after a million and 1 girls you see either in town, on the TV or whatever.

For example my lass, bless her golden soul, doesn’t have the greatest breasts in the world. Don’t get me wrong they are not bad but I’m a breast worshipper, I love the female chest and the bigger and plumper the better. I lust after fine models with DD tits all the time but I would never sleep with another woman just because her breasts are a few sizes bigger than my lass’. It would have to be other things in my relationship like communication breakdown or whatever to push me into looking elsewhere for a bit of fun.

If any of you guys have ever slept with a woman who has ‘hang-ups’ you’ll understand that there is little worse in the world. It makes things tense and uncomfortable, and I’m pretty sure women feel the same. You hop into a girls bed with anything other than 100% confidence and you are not going to have the fun you would if you were 100%.

Great post from6to_.

EDIT: Fliss, if you stumble onto this thread during your usual (yes, I know you do it) ‘OK-he’s-out-lets-have-a look-through-his-websites-time’, I am completely satisfied with you, and your breasts are wonderful. ;)


what you say is reasonable. What is not is: ” what the hell are you doing in a PE forum if you really believe what you say”?

Perseverance wins

Originally Posted by buby

What you say is reasonable. What is not is: ” what the hell are you doing in a PE forum if you really believe what you say”?

I’m in here for a gain in girth, a small one at that. I don’t want the gain for my missus’, I want it for me and my sensations during sex. But in looking PE up I am getting a little hooked, starting to think of length gains. I understand how it has become a hobby for a lot of people.

From6to_ isn’t saying that everybody on these forums lacks confidence or whatever, he’s merely debating and explaining a problem that a lot of men have. People who are aggrieved because their girlfriend has had a bigger cock before have a problem, and it isn’t in their pants.

Good post man! Best of luck with your gains!

Originally Posted by Iorek
I’m in here for a gain in girth, a small one at that. I don’t want the gain for my missus’, I want it for me and my sensations during sex. But in looking PE up I am getting a little hooked, starting to think of length gains. I understand how it has become a hobby for a lot of people.

From6to_ isn’t saying that everybody on these forums lacks confidence or whatever, he’s merely debating and explaining a problem that a lot of men have. People who are aggrieved because their girlfriend has had a bigger cock before have a problem, and it isn’t in their pants.

He says penis size in in our heads.

Well I wish it were so, as, even though I am 8x6, I am hanging 18 pounds in this very moment to try and get another extra inch, in order for my “head” to push the CDS of my deep wife good enough.

I am sorry to disagree: penis size is not in our heads, is between our legs.

Perseverance wins

Originally Posted by buby
He says penis size in in our heads.

Well I wish it were so, as, even though I am 8x6, I am hanging 18 pounds in this very moment to try and get another extra inch, in order for my “head” to push the CDS of my deep wife good enough.

I am sorry to disagree: penis size is not in our heads, is between our legs.

He isn’t saying it’s in everybody head. But a lot of men have a problem with it which stems from their head. It’s normal, it’s natural to have hang-ups in our own heads. I had one about my body until I fixed it. Though looking back now it really wasn’t that much of a big deal.

8x6 and still doesn’t fully fill your missus’! Blimey.. My lass moans I’m going too far up during some positions and I’m only 6.4 nbpel. I guess female sizes vary as much as ours!

Very insightful, Very positive. I feel you hit the nail on the head on some issues. It is in our heads. However, it wouldn’t be in our heads if women didn’t put it there. From6to I was wondering if you checked out the “Celebrity Women Discuss Penis Size” thread. It goes against everything you were saying. I’ll make an accurate guess that over 90% of the guys here joined not because of what men have to say about penis size, but what women have to say about it. I agree when you look at it as a whole it is childish and egotistical, but women are mainly the ones responsible. The real question is is it a primal animal instinct or is the media fuckin’ with our heads for a fast buck.

PS.I really did enjoy your thread.

Originally Posted by buby
He says penis size in in our heads..

That seems to be what he is saying, but he is actually implying something else.

Originally Posted by buby
I am sorry to disagree: penis size is not in our heads, is between our legs.

Everyone agrees the size is between your legs. How you feel about it, however, is between your ears, which is, I believe the central thrust of from6to_’s idea.

For example:

Originally Posted by buby
Well I wish it were so, as, even though I am 8x6, I am hanging 18 pounds in this very moment to try and get another extra inch, in order for my “head” to push the CDS of my deep wife good enough.

In your case, you have a length that approximately 3 or 4 men in 100 can match or exceed. You have a girth that about 2 or 3 men in 100 can match or exceed.

Yet you want more for some reason.

You have an unusually large dick.
Perhaps not the biggest in the world, but a darn big one. Yet you want more.

Tell us where this orignates from.

I think it’s in your head; you’ve got more than enough in your pants.

My guess? I’m sure you press into your wife plenty ‘good enough’ for her. The question is why isn’t it good enough for you and where is this idea coming from?

Answer: it’s all in your head. :-s

Happy gaining. (:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Follow up

I am glad you guys like the thread. While all this make sense to me I have always been very competitive. I have never had any complaints and my penis so far has always made me proud. Nevertheless I am very competitive and this is to a large extent what drives me. It is ridiculous but I am also caught in it and will be the first to admit it. I like to improve in any areas I can and if this is a method to improve in this area why not. At the same time I believe that the person using this program should work on their entire image. A lean and athletic body with good cardiovascular endurance can do wonders. For example:

I like to get in the push up position holding myself with both arms up and stroke like that for a while. My girl really enjoys the pure penetration, not to much clitoris thrust action but it really feels good for both of us. Nevertheless that position requires strength, but here is another trick. Say you are close to cum but you want to hold it longer.

If you do that position, since it is so demanding it will keep you from cumin just yet. Great way to drive your attention somewhere else unconsciously. No you are saying : “Man this feels good but my arms and legs are getting tired”, instead of: “Man this feels good and I won’t be able to control it much more if I keep going”.

My girl has a big butt, therefore is hard to be picked up, she isn’t’t light. I know there is no way her previous boyfriends could pick her up and fuck her in the air. I am strong enough to do it for a bit but will like to improve on this, but also everything is not strength but technique. Next time I see her I will tell her I want to do more of this and I will try to see if I can balance her weight in my tights and hips.

Another thing I want to work on is sucking pussy. I love to go down in a girl and play with her lips, I love having her shake in my mouth, I love clapping her lips with each other and sucking on them. Nevertheless I saw an HBO a while ago in which this porn actress gave an orgasm to this other girl in matter of minutes. She knew how to work that clitoris so well. I have no idea what she was doing and I admit she had an unfair advantage. Not only does she have a vast experience, to add she is also a woman and knows much better what woman like down there. I am trying to make my girl cum quicker and quicker when I go down on her. Just another goal or area for improvement.

I follow many philosophies in life, one of them is always trying to improve in every area. The same thing I say here I apply towards my sport, relationship, financial stability, etc…

I just hope that people understand there is a fine line with PEing that can lead to psychological traumas. If there is one thing I respect is my mind. It is like a sponge, a very complicated one that absolves everything even when you don’t realize it. Mess around with your unconscious long enough and you will have monsters to fight up sooner or later( if you are lucky enough to realize that you have them). I believe humans believe everyone feels what they feel in some degree. I realized this is not true not to long ago.

A classic example is that of the person that steals for a living. They become paranoid about getting robbed, and feel everyone is out there to get them.

Do you believe in Karma? I do. Now I don’t believe in a spiritual thing in the air, no, not at all. I believe is in the head. If you have ever cheated on someone you probably know what I am speaking off.

A lot of people that have cheated or have considered feel their girl may do this to them one day regardless of her behavior. I know because when I was younger I went through it and didn’t’t even realize the trick my mind was playing on me.

Listen to this story:

A while ago I wondered if women liked men that fucked them hard, porn style. Cum in their face, make them swallow it even if they didn’t’t like it, anything you could think off I tried, just because I wanted to learn. Curiosity did kill the cat.

I hurt terribly some of these girls, something to this day I regret, but that wasn’t how karma got to me. When I had girl I care for now I was afraid that someone had done those things to her and even worst that she enjoyed it. That was very hard to deal with. Now imagine what would had happened if I hadn’t’t fought of that monster before I had a daughter…I would had died!

I’ll even give you examples that occurred in this series of post :

“Many people are scared that their wives and partners lust after men with a huge willies and bulging muscles every now and then. Why? Of course they are going to, just like you have lusted after a million and 1 girls you see either in town, on the TV or whatever”-Iorek

Now there may well be the case that Iorek’s wife does not lust after men, but he sure believes it because he does lust after woman (a hypothesis). Maybe she does, maybe she doesn’t’t, but what I am trying to get to is that we have to be very careful and question everything we think so that we could see reality for what it is.

Be careful what you feed your mind and your unconscious mind; it could obscure your vision. There is one scarier side effect that may be way beyond our comprehension.

-Not too long ago I read that some med students that study diseases started to develop the symptoms.
-Many sales workshop teach a trick: put a picture or a sentence of what you are trying to accomplish somewhere where you can see it every day when you wake up. Most people say this method work incredibly for them

I truly believe that what the mind believes possible translates to the real world and becomes a reality. If you think long enough about how nice it would be to buy a house, then you will soon be buying a new house.

The problem with this great ability of the mind it not only works for good things but also for negative things and it is very dangerous.

If you become paranoid avoid your woman cheating on you, you could be actually pushing this to become a reality even if at first is the lease probable thing your woman has thought off. Maybe you the interactions send wives unconsciously to her unconscious mind ; just be careful.

This is part of the reason why I stopped watching porn. Most porn actresses are abused from childhood, feel terrible about themselves, have huge drug problems, and end up is psychotic hospitals ( from Wikipedia). Do you really want all that negativity to some how reach your brain or your kids’ brain. When I started to learn that this is what was going up in my head, I quickly made a decision.

Nevertheless I decided to get a bit more serious about my routine.

Things I have researched and seemed to have worked for others:

Hanging with Bib Hanger.
Extreme Uli (with second clamp)
Power Jelqs
AM and PM an gradually increasing the intensity. So here it is

Everything will be done AM and PM. Two days on one day off.

First week

200 Power Jelqs
Uli thing for 10 minutes

Second week

250 Power Jelq
2 sets of Uli thing
Hanging for and hour (15 minutes on 15 minutes off) with 2 pounds.

Form then on AM and PM:
• Month 1 – 300 jelqs-3 sets of Uli-5 pounds hanging
• Month 2 —350 jelqs - 3 sets of Uli (one using extra clamp)-7 pounds hanging
• Month 3 — 400 jelqs -3 sets of Uli(one using extra clamp )-10 pounds hanging
• Month 4 – 450-jelqs- 3(all using extra clamp)-12.5/15 pounds hanging
This is going to take a lot of time so no more TV for me, and I will have to visit my girlfriend every two days.

I hate averages, they are deceiving as they talk about mediocrity while I aim to excellence.

In this world, an average man is something like the following:

He makes $1200 a year
He cannot read or write
He barely speaks one language
He does not have a car, cables, PC and TV
He receives little or no education
His nation is ruled without democracy
He receives no medicare
He has no work
He does not work on his penis

I make in a month several times more than he can make in a year
I read and write
I speak and write several languages
I do have a car, cables, PC and TV
I received twenty years of education
I live in a nation ruled with democracy
I receive medicare
I have a work
I work on my penis

Why in hell should I compare mine to his?

Perseverance wins

Penis size is really important for most of women. They always talk to their girlfriends about their lovers penis size and, usually, it is like some kind of competition between them (mine has a longer cock, mine has a thicker one, etc…).

My current girlfriend told me she wouldn’t fuck a 5 incher (although before we dated she always said she hated/couldn’t handle big cocks because she is so small - i think under 100 pounds).

Anyway, I am very happy having started PE and joining Thunders. Yesterday while jerking off i felt my cock bigger than it used to be (girthier), having gained 0.25in in girth already and for the last 2-3 weeks I started to have a big dick attitude (even though my penis size is about average at 6.7x5.75).

18.02.08: NBP 6.7, BPSFL 7.9, EG 5.9

18.05.08: 6.9" NBP, 8.3" BPSFL, 7.7" BP

my lazy ass is on a break AGAIN, since late may '08

He barely speaks one language

No, anyone who doesn’t have a severe mental disorder can speak at least one language just fine. I’ve also heard the figure that most people on earth today are bilingual or better, which is certainly believable.

Also, lol @

He barely speaks one language

I have a work

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