Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis size is not that important, my routine, goals


Originally Posted by miron
Penis size is really important for most of women. They always talk to their girlfriends about their lovers penis size and, usually, it is like some kind of competition between them (mine has a longer cock, mine has a thicker one, etc.).

My current girlfriend told me she wouldn’t fuck a 5 incher (although before we dated she always said she hated/couldn’t handle big cocks because she is so small - I think under 100 pounds).

Anyway, I am very happy having started PE and joining Thunders. Yesterday while jerking off I felt my cock bigger than it used to be (girthier), having gained 0.25in in girth already and for the last 2-3 weeks I started to have a big dick attitude (even though my penis size is about average at 6.7x5.75).

That is a very inacurate generalization. Man I guarantee you that even if I had a 9 inch dick I would prefer a woman who didn’t care so much about this.There are many type of people in this world, some are shallow some are not. Life is hard pal, and a good woman will judge a man on many, many , many other things before the size of his penis.

“My current girlfriend told me she wouldn’t fuck a 5 incher “- does it get any more shallow than that. Thats like me saying I would never fuck a girl with a butt bigger than I don’t know what because I don’t measure butts.

I have never had any problems in bed with a woman and never have been dumped. My first girl was when I was 15 she was 24(super fine) so I was probably smaller then, and she was engaged to a dude that was 28 and 6’ 2” and probaly had a larger penis than a 15 year old kid. Still she was banging me( every night). Currently am 6’X5’ and 22 years old

Originally Posted by miron
Penis size is really important for most of women. They always talk to their girlfriends about their lovers penis size and, usually, it is like some kind of competition between them (mine has a longer cock, mine has a thicker one, etc.).

I have many female friends, have had 4 proper relationships, worked behind a bar for 2 years and I can say that without a shadow of a doubt I have never heard girls competing over whos boyfriend has the largest dick. If I asked my lass if she ever did it even in her teens I’m pretty sure she would just laugh at me.

They do make remarks at times, like “Wow.. He’s big!”, just like we observe a lovely rack or a killer ass. If I said to one of my mates that my girls tits are firmer than his girls, or my girls pussy is tighter he wouldn’t even laugh, he’d just think I was a cock.

I know that when drunk they can go into little conversations about size, but no competition.

Originally Posted by miron
My current girlfriend told me she wouldn’t fuck a 5 incher (although before we dated she always said she hated/couldn’t handle big cocks because she is so small - I think under 100 pounds).

So she meets a bloke who is built like Adonis, has the looks of Brad Pitt and has her ideal personality, but before jumping in bed (or a date) with him she demands to know if his penis is over 5”? Nope. Girls first check out the face (eyes/ looks), then the body and then the personality. They can’t check the penis out unless they ask; something that I have never once seen in my life.

Originally Posted by Iorek
So she meets a bloke who is built like Adonis, has the looks of Brad Pitt and has her ideal personality, but before jumping in bed (or a date) with him she demands to know if his penis is over 5”? Nope. Girls first check out the face (eyes/ looks), then the body and then the personality. They can’t check the penis out unless they ask; something that I have never once seen in my life.

I bet she would have a preference, and if given a CHOICE, she’d choose 8” over 5”. But she will “settle” because of everything else surrounding that man. Same with men, as others have said. I’m not looking for perfection in a woman, and will never find it. So I “settle” and accept the person I’m with, faults and all because I love them. All the other positive traits make up for and far out weigh, what they may lack in one or two departments such as perfect breasts, etc.

Originally Posted by Joe_joe
No, anyone who doesn’t have a severe mental disorder can speak at least one language just fine. I’ve also heard the figure that most people on earth today are bilingual or better, which is certainly believable.

Well, you might want to take a walk in Brooklyn and listen to the way they talk…

Perseverance wins

wise man, self control is golden.

Jolly t'conquer the world, Jolly t'bear witness O'bars which imprison, Jolly in life, Jolly til' death.

A Pirates Progress Report

Goal: EL: 9 EG:7

Originally Posted by TalleyWacker
I bet she would have a preference, and if given a CHOICE, she’d choose 8” over 5”. But she will “settle” because of everything else surrounding that man. Same with men, as others have said. I’m not looking for perfection in a woman, and will never find it. So I “settle” and accept the person I’m with, faults and all because I love them. All the other positive traits make up for and far out weigh, what they may lack in one or two departments such as perfect breasts, etc.

Good call, same goes for myself. However, here’s a question my girlfriend has confronted me with:

“If I’m not ideal or perfect for you, but a clone of me came along who was, had the exact same personality and everything, but had those things you saw as ‘flaws’ fixed to your liking, would you choose her or me?”

Now what would you do Talley? What about the rest of you.

I’m talking PERFECTION - something you say you’ll never find.

Originally Posted by from6to_

I actually believe that the penis size thing is in the head, a man’s head. …


Sex is better when the focus is on her! Congrats on being free from porn. Sex has been so much better for both of us since I said goodbye to that stuff.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by miron
Penis size is really important for most of women. They always talk to their girlfriends about their lovers penis size and, usually, it is like some kind of competition between them (mine has a longer cock, mine has a thicker one, etc…).

Maybe women are different in Romania. This I have never heard of. Women, when they talk about men, rarely are competitive in this way. Perhaps some are - after all different people have different priorities - but the vast majority of women are not interested in cock size as a priority.

Originally Posted by miron
My current girlfriend told me she wouldn’t fuck a 5 incher (although before we dated she always said she hated/couldn’t handle big cocks because she is so small - i think under 100 pounds).

This girlfriend seems to be having contradictory ideas: on one hand she’s making some sort of size statement as being too much, on the other hand she’s talking about a minimum.

My guess is she really is unsure about size, except as it relates to masculine approval, which is another factor in terms of female priorities and competition.

Originally Posted by miron
Anyway, I am very happy having started PE and joining Thunders. Yesterday while jerking off i felt my cock bigger than it used to be (girthier), having gained 0.25in in girth already and for the last 2-3 weeks I started to have a big dick attitude (even though my penis size is about average at 6.7x5.75).

News flash: 6.7” is on the high side of average length heading toward large (average being 5.9” - 6” depending on the survey), and 5.75” in girth is definitely larger than average ( 4.95”); significantly larger. Your girth will allow you to wear Magnums and XL Magnums would probably be okay too.

Overall you have a big dick.

There is a certain biological reality to size variations in this arena, but a great deal of the actual sexual satisfaction occurs between the ears.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

For women in general, financial status trumps penis size.

Age: 42 Start date: July 14, 2004 Non-BPEL 5 5/8"; Erect girth, mid shaft, 5", base 5 1/4"

Current stats: BPEL 7.5"; Erect girth, mid-shaft (MSG) 5.25", base (BG) 5.5"

Well, in as much as it relates to self-confidence and security there is truth this.

But the idea that women are only after money is equally nonsensical as the idea that they all want a man with a big dick.

Some do, some don’t.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by from6to_
… if I had a 9 inch dick I would prefer a woman who didn’t care so much about this.

… and probably you would, as women who say they do not care about penis size, for one reason or another one, they always end up with someone with a 9 inch boner!


Perseverance wins


Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by from6to_
My goals are also listed below. By the way I am completely against watching porn. I have been porn free for two months and I plan keeping it this way forever. I believe is bad for the mind, and I will probably write about psychological effects of porn in another thread one day.

This interests me mate, could you explain the psychological effects of watching porn?

Jolly t'conquer the world, Jolly t'bear witness O'bars which imprison, Jolly in life, Jolly til' death.

A Pirates Progress Report

Goal: EL: 9 EG:7

Well, for one thing it tends to distort our idea of what an average sized cock is.

It also depicts sex as an exclusively athletic activity. The focus on penetration.

In truth the spiritual and emotional aspects are left out, as are the physical variations of slow grinding and smaller subtler movements that can be used to create a sense on intimacy and bonding.

Porn is at best a raw depiction of the mechanics of sex and, because of the need for the camera to see everything, it has certain limits with regard to what it can capture.

I’m not saying that porn is all wrong or that sex doesn’t have components of what is depicted in porn, but it’s a very sensationalized representation of the activity.

And, as most of the actresses are enhanced, and most of the men are on the larger end of the physical spectrum (with few exceptions the ‘small’ guys in porn are around 7”) it makes for a distorted picture of human sexuality.

A steady diet of this, rather than actual sex with real women, tends to skew sexual values and goals. I think it can widen the communication gulf between girls and boys, and hinder the overall understanding, and therefore the trust, needed to develop a healthy sex life.

As a diversion, kept in proper perspective, porn is fine. If you recognize it for what it is: a live-action cartoon of sexual activity without soul.

It’s fun.

But it’s kind of like cotton candy. It tastes good once in a while, but a steady diet of it will make you sick.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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