Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis size is not that important, my routine, goals


I strive every day to be able to keep up a consistent routine. I need a reason to continue this activity. The reason is I want my penis bigger. That is the only reason. I know very well that is is only a sort of fixation. I know completely that penis size is not supposed to be an issue, but I am here, reading posts of people trying to increase their penises’ size and I am one of them. Evidently, I do not believe the ” size does not matter position”. What is the point at coming here, in a forum of people obsessed with the will of increasing their manhood, to predicate their aim it is worthless. This entire site is aimed to allow people to increase the size of their penises, not to convince them it is not necessary. There are lots of places to go to if this is what one wants. I truly think it is out of place coming here to say PE is unnecessary.

Perseverance wins

Originally Posted by buby
I strive every day to be able to keep up a consistent routine. I need a reason to continue this activity. The reason is I want my penis bigger. That is the only reason. I know very well that is is only a sort of fixation. I know completely that penis size is not supposed to be an issue, but I am here, reading posts of people trying to increase their penises’ size and I am one of them. Evidently, I do not believe the ” size does not matter position”. What is the point at coming here, in a forum of people obsessed with the will of increasing their manhood, to predicate their aim it is worthless. This entire site is aimed to allow people to increase the size of their penises, not to convince them it is not necessary. There are lots of places to go to if this is what one wants. I truly think it is out of place coming here to say PE is unnecessary.

I think you have misunderstood a lot of whats been from what I can see from your posts. Of course penis size matters, nobody is saying that it doesn’t. It matters just like money, biceps, chest, back, face and what clothing you wear is etc etc.

From6to_ is trying to help the people who have hang-ups about their penis size (well at least thats what iv deduced from the post) and believe that women may laugh or whatever. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a bigger penis and there’s loads of people who want one for a good reason, but there’s also a lot of people who are very insecure when they shouldn’t be. Your penis size isn’t going to get you lots of women, ever. _YOU_ are what gets you lots of women, and _YOU_ stand a much better chance if you don’t have any hang-ups about your body.

It’s like a dance floor in a club. The blokes who just stand around looking a little awkward are not (in general) going to be surrounded by women, but the bloke on the dance floor giving it 100% even though he looks like a tit is going to get attention.

Well said, lorek.

It’s not that size doesn’t matter, it’s that it doesn’t matter in the way many think it does.

There are unrealistic ideas of what a monster cock will do for you.

This site is about a whole lot more than merely PE. It encompasses penis health and a great range of issues relating to masculinity.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be well hung. There’s nothing wrong with wanting overall to improve impediments to sexual ability, whether that be physical, psychological or what have you.

What I have a problem with is the idea that PE will answer all problems sexually. That somehow if you build a 9” x 7” cock all the women you have sex with will be overjoyed. Because, except in rare circumstances, that is simply not true.

There’s a reason these huge guys go into porn guys. It’s difficult, if you’re Shane Diesel for example, to have a normal sex life - so you join the circus of porn.

Another problem I have is this idea that “the sky’s the limit” with regard to PE.

There are many who gain up to 1”. There are some who gain more. But the +2” club is pretty small. Upwards of that the ranks get thinner. There are lots of variables in the mix: personal biology, commitment and consistency of application, consistency of technique, etc. But there are limits to what can be expected.

Ultimately your biology will reach a limit with regard to how much you can gain and still have a functional unit. It’s just the truth.

So to suggest to a newbie that he can increase his size by 3” + in length or 2” + in girth…yeah, it’s possible, but to give such expectations going in?

It’s a little DLD.

Many people get impatient for the big gains - and that is often what leads to injury. This is why I felt your position was irresponsible, Bird.

In your case buby, you already have a very big dick. You want to make it bigger? Fine. Ultimately it’s your penis.

But why?

What? You want a career in porn? It’s an idea. I just don’t think it’s a good one.

Maybe it’s good to ask why?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I think this is one of the best resources for PE on the entire Internet but, as far as it concerns psychology, I am afraid it does not rate at all. I keep believing that defending the uselessness of penis size in a PENIS ENLARGEMENT forum is simply out of place. However, this is a free forum, keep your ideas I shall keep mine.

If I thought penis size were not important I would not waste my time in a penis enlargement site.

Perseverance wins

I am not trying to say PE is useless.

I am asking why it’s so important to you.

Big difference.

You don’t have to answer.

I’m just challenging the idea of the necessity to take an already unusually large unit and make it bigger.

What will it do for you?

Don’t misunderstand me: I don’t really want to know about you or anyone here in specific.

So if it feels like I’m singleling you out, understand that I’m not - I’m posing an intellectual question.

I believe it’s worth asking such things.

You’re okay in my book buby. I apologize if you think I’m picking on you. It’s really not my intent.

Just bringing up questions.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 12-25-2006 at .

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I am not trying to say PE is useless.

I am asking why it’s so important to you.

Big difference.

You don’t have to answer.

I’m just challenging the idea of the necessity to take an already unusually large unit and make it bigger.

What will it do for you?

Don’t misunderstand me: I don’t really want to know about you or anyone here in specific.

So if it feels like I’m singleling you out, understand that I’m not - I’m posing an intellectual question.

I believe it’s worth asking such things.

You’re okay in my book buby. I apologize if you think I’m picking on you. It’s really not my intent.

Just bringing up questions.

You too are okay in my book, you don’t need to apologize, you said nothing bad at me, neither did I (I hope). At any rate, in my opinion and experience, statistics do not represent clearly women’s attitude toward penis size. I have never found a girl saying to me I was too big (with the exception of anal sex, some times yes some times not) and I have had sexual intercourse with different women right out of a long pump session with good length and really good girth (my girth can temporarily approach 7” after a long session). I also know that my wife may come even if do not work out for weeks, maybe even easier as she does not think I am checking my dick out on her, but after she said to me (so many times) I did not need to keep “exercising”, she always enjoys it better when I do. To have a large dick makes me feel good, makes me feel I call the shots. It is stupid and childish, perhaps, but it feel so good. That is all.

Perseverance wins

Well …

I’m speechless.

So, if we combine all the studies, we come up with a man with an above average penis, who is naturaly muscular, not too hairy, who is nice - but not overly nice, has some money, and is “good looking”.

Hey! That’s me!


Okay, well maybe not. I don’t really have any money. But I will … soon.

Hey buby, well and honestly said. I commend you for it.

It’s worth looking at these issues from a variety of perspectives.

I’m glad to have yours. :thumbs:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 12-25-2006 at .

Well, Madaga, you have well and truly put my mind in even more of a muddle as to what women want. I don’t know whether to thank you or insult you. :)

The broad shoulder and masculine chest part is a nice one as I have personal experience with it. Since I started lifting weights (9 months ago) my shape has altered lots. I’ve spotted women checking me out as they speak to me. Well, I’m not sure if it’s checking me out, but their eyes seem to flick to my neck/ upper body area more than they used to if I’m only wearing a t-shirt.

My lass isn’t too sure about me building my body, I think it makes her a little insecure for some reason. But she need not worry, I’m doing it for myself and the sports I play.

Good post anyway mate.

Madaga - We’d like to have links to online reports of the studies you quoted or better citations than “a study in Africa” please. I removed the e-mail addresses of the researchers since that does not satisfy the requirement we have for proper citation of quoted material. Thank you.

Originally Posted by buby

What you say is reasonable. What is not is: ” what the hell are you doing in a PE forum if you really believe what you say”?

Was reading the post & read this, I say. I PE because I do everything else good for my body, Like work out.. Yoga my biggest obsession, and a good obsession it is. I could care less whats between my legs knowing I can please a girl a million ways. I could finger them use my penis, but it goes deeper IMO. When I was young I liked to be tickle so I would tickle a girl give her a sweet pet name smile every time I see her and give her a kiss and a card he also said that he hanging weights to nail his wife, I’m only 20 and not vary experience with girls, you can then say I’m naive but with girls I just go up to them and do my best to satisfy them there on the spot without sex when we have sex look out bam! Laughing, for me I pick a goal daily and live by it and if a girl finds that attractive then best of two things.
Good post Mate.
P.s Be the lion, have the confidence, Be one with nature.

Thank you Wrestla for your help . I was preparing all the information when suddenly my computer died on me. I am writing from an Internet Cafe. As soon I will fix my computer I will post the complete info.

Anyway. I found the studies in pubmed using the title of the research in the search engine of pubmed should bring you to the papers. Sorry, for now I can’t do much.

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Mary Engelbreit

Originally Posted by from6to_
It really is all about confidence.

Please guys be careful when doing this stuff. After my second day of jerking twice per day I felt my veins larger, but also the skin that covers the penis was softer, and seemed to be looser around the penis. My erections work fine but the skin is softer for some reason. I will keep you posted but it seems to be recuperating.

Excellent post dude, full of great points and insights

Your skin will feel that way in the beginning, the more you do, the tougher and more elastic the skin will become and will be better suited to the more rigorous techniques you take on as you progress.

No worries.


All the talk about penis size makes me feel SOOOOOO inadequate being barely 7” erect.will exercise help me?


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