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Photos of Keritinized Glans

Photos of Keritinized Glans

Does anyone know where I can find some to know how bad my personal condition is? I have been moisturizing with Eucirin with Alpha Hydroxy

for a over a week and haven’t seen the slightest change.

Westla ,I have a far more cracked, grooved and wrinkled glans than any of those pictures. I know the damage has been

done from PE is it possible I have another condition? Or is it more likely that my condition is more serious?

Are you circumcised? Do you wear underwear? Did you recently change laundry detergents? There are a number of reasons for keratinization. I don’t see how any of the usual PE exercises could have caused this. Perhaps you’re paying more attention to your penis now and have begun to notice it more.

More to the point, is it painful, red or bleeding? Keratinization isn’t harmful. Millions of circumcised men have the condition and do just fine sexually and otherwise.

Regarding your current treatment, the Eucerin might be OK to use but Alpha Hydroxy contains acids that might be making the condition worse. Perhaps you should try a period of using only one product and see if the condition improves.

Actually, I have been noticing more of that keritinized look to my glands as well just by simply PE’ing. Maybe its from too much stress? Who knows but I know that I NEVER had it until I began PE.

I’ve had keritinized glans for as long as I can remember. I actually have a few of those “pits” you see in the pictures. PE has made it a bit more apparent I think because the skin has stretched a bit.

I wouldn’t worry about it, seems to be pretty common.

Westla, I am 100 percent sure that my condition is from PE. I know for a fact it has gotten worse since I have been using vacuum based
devices. It is not painful at all, but it has gotten to the point where it looks very bad (deep cracks, very wrinkled). The more PE
I do the worse it gets.

I will take your advice and stick with the Eucirin for a while. Is there any other product you recommend for effective treatment?


I think you’re making too big a deal of this.

How about trying to lotion up your glans (and whole penis?) and covering it as much as possible?

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