Possible injury: vein inflamation or worse
I noticed my vein bigger (the one/s just behind the glans) than usual while doing squeezes for the glans.
Pressure was moderate and I use a silicon ring to make the squeeze even softer due to my sensitive skin.
I felt no pain when it happened. The only difference was that my kegels before each squeeze were really hard.
I went to hospital, the doctor said that the blood was running free so it was nothing, but he was not sure… If had a superficial thrombosis or not.
If I push it, blood goes away from the vein, but when I leave it alone it is more noticeable than usual, so blueish and bigger.
The doctor said it was not painful enough to be real thrombosis. What? I mean he touched it and ask ‘Does it hurt?’
I am confused. I think I will pay a visit to the urologist.
Bad week for me… : (((