Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Recovery Story Specifics


Recovery Story Specifics

Vague stuff can be dangerous when dealing with vulnerable people who really want answers, like how it’s taken so much longer than it should have to disprove the idea everyone with hard flaccid could resolve it through physical therapy and relaxation techniques. Looking at the specifics, the truth is that a very small percentage of people report recovery from this method, and some of the recent recovery stories are shockingly vague.

Recently, someone posted on a different PE forum that after suffering with an injury for a long time, they had finally recovered from resting for awhile and taking supplements, and when someone asked for some specifics about how the recovery played out, they literally responded by saying that they would “get into more detail someday when they had time.” There was another guy who, for awhile, literally went on almost every hard flaccid injury thread to say that he had hard flaccid, had gotten rid of it by treating his head issues, and that everyone who had hard flaccid needed to treat their headed issues. He literally just kept repeating the same few lines, and never got into any specifics about his hard flaccid, head issues, recovery, etc. Not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before he had a ton of positive rep points.

Eventually, people started getting annoyed and he sorted of faded away. We may be left to wonder whether his head issues vanished in a sudden moment, along with his hard flaccid, or if his head issues faded over the course of a few weeks, as his flaccid simultaneously got softer.

We know how many guys there are with penile issues like peyronies disease, the prospect of permanent impotence after prostate cancer surgery, recovering fractured penises, etc. who are terrified about their penises, but show zero signs of hard flaccid. Or guys like me with erectile dysfunction and loss of sexual sensation, who in the beginning were just horrified, but never had hard flaccid.

The medical establishment will at first just say relax to see if it goes away. Then, they may check for blood flow with a doppler, or just prescribe Viagra. Next are injections or an implant.

They won’t do anything else because treatment wouldn’t be any different. I literally begged one urologist to do an MRI, but he wouldn’t, and I don’t think he would have even if I had offered to pay out of pocket. It’s clearly something he never did in these cases, so he wouldn’t be clear on exactly what he would be looking for. He had a waiting room full of patients with clear cut issues he deals with on a daily bases, why bother when it wouldn’t result in any new treatment options?

I’ve felt a sense of camaraderie towards the guys who have hard flaccid since we both got injured from PE and are both dealing with issues without clear cut answers. The uncertainty can be so unbearable for some people, that they are more likely to believe in ideas backed by very vague, loose evidence, or some pretty wacky mental gymnastics, with intimidation and public humiliation on other forums to keep people from asking the tough, but obvious questions.

Fear is powerful, both for guys who are suffering with an injury and for those who don’t want to get injured and get scared reading about it, but by not letting fear tempt us into throwing away our minds and our abilities to think critically, we can make positive progress. A lot of the good people on thundersplace have provided some simple, honest advice and support.

So hopefully anyone who took the time to read all of this or at least part of it sees why we need to ask questions, to think, to look for specifics. Don’t just accept stuff at face value. Ask questions and focus on specific evidence.

So what questions should be asked?

inspirit99 What type of evidence are you expecting from here.We are all in an experiment trial.You can’t trust anyone on the internet thats rule number 1 you have no idea who I am what my motives are or anything about anyone. Any evidence here whether people coincidentally have had the same experience or not is not real evidence.Studies are the closest things you can get to real evidence start there and then come here for ideas and theories.This was only to address the last paragraph.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
So what questions should be asked?

I made my post at 1:54PM and you replied at 2:05PM right away like on so many injury threads. So one question right off the bat would be why is it that a random member that doesn’t personally have a serious injury spend such a massive amount of time and effort on injury threads? Isn’t it a little weird?

Why is it that on a for profit forum, someone who actually works as a jelqing consultant for a living(dead serious), is one of the loudest and most prominent voices saying that most people with serious injuries actually just need to find the courage to accept that they have head issues? Why don’t more people tell this person that someone who makes a living charging people money to tell them how to jelq actually just needs to find the courage to lose a bit of profit by telling the truth?

Why does another admin on that other forum tell people that doctors get things wrong all of the time when they ask him why many doctors don’t acknowledge PE, but accepts the doctor’s word as gospel without asking any questions if the doctor doesn’t think a person is injured from PE?

The weirdness and hypocrisy at these other forums, all tied together only by how it tries to discredit and diminish the impact and seriousness of injuries is just endless, and there are so many questions that could be asked, contradictions that can be exposed, on and on. I’ve gained a lot of respect for thundersplace as I’ve seen this stuff go on, because there are some other places that are seriously just lunacy with how they handle things.

So those are a few other specifics to answer your question. Some of this stuff is kind of obvious though but you wanted an answer so there it is.

I also got into some general injury specifics in the original post. The main thing is for people to ask questions and look for specifics as time goes on, since new threads and new stuff will always keep coming up. It’s still an ongoing process. Ask questions, don’t be afraid to think critically, and treat the good people who offer some honest help like here on thunders respectfully.

Originally Posted by miguel coto
inspirit99 What type of evidence are you expecting from here.We are all in an experiment trial.You can’t trust anyone on the internet thats rule number 1 you have no idea who I am what my motives are or anything about anyone. Any evidence here whether people coincidentally have had the same experience or not is not real evidence.Studies are the closest things you can get to real evidence start there and then come here for ideas and theories.This was only to address the last paragraph.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

I appreciate the reply. I think the internet plays a big role in anything to do with PE, because PE still hasn’t made it’s way into mainstream medicine, and it isn’t something a lot of people would feel comfortable talking about in person. Plus, it obviously lets us communicate with a lot of people remotely very easily. So despite the flaws of the internet, it’s kind of the only thing that we have in a lot of ways as far as PE goes, and I’m just looking at ways to use it more effectively concerning injuries. It isn’t going to be perfect, but we might as well do the best we can. We almost can never know 100% what is true or what isn’t, but we can do the best we can to get the best information possible.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
I made my post at 1:54PM and you replied at 2:05PM right away like on so many injury threads. So one question right off the bat would be why is it that a random member that doesn’t personally have a serious injury spend such a massive amount of time and effort on injury threads? Isn’t it a little weird?

Why is it that on a for profit forum, someone who actually works as a jelqing consultant for a living(dead serious), is one of the loudest and most prominent voices saying that most people with serious injuries actually just need to find the courage to accept that they have head issues? Why don’t more people tell this person that someone who makes a living charging people money to tell them how to jelq actually just needs to find the courage to lose a bit of profit by telling the truth?

Why does another admin on that other forum tell people that doctors get things wrong all of the time when they ask him why many doctors don’t acknowledge PE, but accepts the doctor’s word as gospel without asking any questions if the doctor doesn’t think a person is injured from PE?

The weirdness and hypocrisy at these other forums, all tied together only by how it tries to discredit and diminish the impact and seriousness of injuries is just endless, and there are so many questions that could be asked, contradictions that can be exposed, on and on. I’ve gained a lot of respect for thundersplace as I’ve seen this stuff go on, because there are some other places that are seriously just lunacy with how they handle things.

So those are a few other specifics to answer your question. Some of this stuff is kind of obvious though but you wanted an answer so there it is.

I also got into some general injury specifics in the original post. The main thing is for people to ask questions and look for specifics as time goes on, since new threads and new stuff will always keep coming up. It’s still an ongoing process. Ask questions, don’t be afraid to think critically, and treat the good people who offer some honest help like here on thunders respectfully.

I simply asked a question of what we should ask. I really didn’t need a sermon.

Sorry you feel that way. I wanted to give you some questions that really need to be asked, and wanted to make sure I was thorough and detailed. What really matters is the specific evidence anyway, not the tone or whether something sounds like a sermon or not. But trying to sidestep the evidence by just calling it a sermon is the kind of vague stuff I was talking about.

Here’s a few other questions people could also ask or specifics to consider-

Root causes vs. aggravating factors, for instance, with hard flaccid, when people lay on their back, it typically softens up, but is harder when standing. Does this mean that standing is the root cause of hard flaccid? Obviously it isn’t. With people who don’t have hard flaccid, anxiety can make their penises turtle up, and with hard flaccid, it can make the hard flaccid get harder. Anxiety can make the penis contract even in healthy people, so it is going to be an aggravating factor for those with hard flaccid, but not a root cause.

Be careful about vague statements like the one that was just made up above to avoid getting into specifics, and attacking the tone of a post instead, basically changing the topic. Or statements like ‘a lot of people think’ or ‘many have said’ or ‘the consensus seems to be’ etc. These kinds of statements basically argue that if something is repeated enough times, it becomes true, which everyone knows is both wrong and dangerous.

Questions that I think are important are.

Have you ever experienced long term ED before your current bout of ED?

Have you tried abstinence as a treatment?

Do you have some days that your EQ is better?

Do ED drugs work for you? (Pills or injections)

What’s your long term treatment plan?

How long will you wait before attempting a implant procedure?

Have you had any depression or other mental illness in your past before the ED?

As far as treatment for ED there seems to be very few viable options. Abstaince, drugs (may lead to implant), or acceptance of ED. Personally I am taking the drug path. Currently I’m injecting caverject twice a week with good results. I do feel some sensation towards the head of my penis but next to nothing in my shaft and the skin surrounding my shaft. I did a penile doppler showing no signs of organic ED. My urologist says it’s in my head and wants me to go to a sex therapist. Could it be all in my head? Maybe. There definitely is a physical aspect to my ED and I doubt I will regain much if any of my lost sensitivity. Maybe if my libido came back and with abstinence my erections would find a new homeostasis and start becoming firming in spite of the loss of sensitivity. But that is just a bit of bro science I have just made up. Any thoughts inspirite99?

This is not a medical site, nor is it intended as a place to find answers to some of the very difficult ailments that you listed that can occur to our sexual anatomy.

We are a site that provides various methods for increasing the size of your penis and give advice to take it slow and get conditioned first and take some time off when you first see an injury.

The questions about what to do when an injury occurs are answered by guys that have had similar problems and what they did to heal or have heard from others on what has worked as a remedy.

Many injuries are not reported on until they have gotten beyond the quick fix stage and require a long time of no PE until healing occurs. There are some conditions and injuries that unfortunately have no remedy.

The worst offender as far as injuries go is going way overboard in an effort to gain quickly. PE is a long term investment that requires time and patience.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

SofaKing I agree that those are good questions to help get a sense of what could be causing someone’s ED. Then there’s also quality/frequency of morning erections, and another thing is whether their ED is much worse in certain positions, like lying on their back vs. standing. A lot of guys with ED from jelqing injuries report much more erectile difficulties when they are standing. Maybe in those cases if a doppler is performed they could ask to have it done while standing.

You talk about a loss of sensation, so maybe that is playing in role in the erectile issues, which wouldn’t show on a doppler. Since there isn’t any mainstream medical treatment for penile nerve issues anyway, the urologist may have felt he was helping you by telling you it was all in your head, thinking it would help you move forward and not dwell on it. If there’s no mainstream medical treatment, all that they can do is send you to a therapist to help cope with it. So what they are really saying by all in your head is that all you can do is to focus on how you feel about it.

Based on my experience and reading other people’s posts I think that a lot of these guys would cope much better by getting a sense of closure. Like how you said there is definitely a physical aspect to your ED, we know when something isn’t right, especially when it’s drastic and long term, and a doctor saying everything’s fine isn’t going to make everything OK. So in order to get closure, we want at least some acknowledgement of what exactly is going on.

Before this whole injury thing I never complained about doctors, but so many people are so unhappy with the treatment they’ve received in these cases, it’s like are we all that stupid? When you look at how many people have been left feeling worse by doctor behavior (which is supposed to be helpful), putting doctors above any kind of criticism from us ‘regular’ people only allows this problem to continue. Sometimes people in power are the ones that need to be criticized the most because it’s like the old saying power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely

For your injury I would start by paying attention to results. See if there are any changes. You could always trying getting a seat cushion or trying different chairs to see if anything is different after sitting in different seats for extended periods of time. Also getting as turned on as possible psychologically will help you get erections in spite of the loss of sensitivity, look at the elements of a girl’s personality that turn you on in a mental/emotional way to make up for less physical sensation.

Gprent I’m on the same page with everything you said. Mainstream medical options are limited for penile injuries, so guys are trying on their own to do whatever they can.

Doing too much too fast is definitely the biggest problem too. The thing I started thinking was when those guys who end up getting injured are in the act of doing too much, do they believe that what they are doing really has a chance of causing them serious harm? If they did, would they still be doing it? So I think it comes down to a lot of guys not really realizing how serious of a risk there is when doing too much too fast, despite the current safety info. Maybe they think it’s just sort of a disclaimer and don’t take it seriously enough.

Profit orientated admins are liars.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
Profit orientated admins are liars.

What do you mean by that? Anything happen recently?

Originally Posted by inspirit99
The weirdness and hypocrisy at these other forums, all tied together only by how it tries to discredit and diminish the impact and seriousness of injuries is just endless, and there are so many questions that could be asked, contradictions that can be exposed, on and on. I’ve gained a lot of respect for thundersplace as I’ve seen this stuff go on, because there are some other places that are seriously just lunacy with how they handle things.

I’ve spent no time on any other forums, zero, that actually might be a bit strange. So I have no idea what the culture around injuries is on the other forums.

However, injuries are quite real and risks in PE should not be taken lightly. The safest bet is to be happy with one’s current size. One must accept accountability for their decision to begin PE and realize that tomorrow could come at a cost. No one can predict someone’s personal sensitivity or predisposition to injury due to their own physiological uniqueness. Some people lift weights and quite simply don’t have the tendons to handle it, they quite simply are more predisposed to tears. This can also be true with the penis, except instead of not being able to lift weights or swing a hammer, now one has trouble using their cock, major risk.

None the less, we need to help each other through these challenges (we each have taken the same risk) and I think we have a responsibility to support those with injuries as best we can (obviously my bleeding heart opinion). Yes, there will always be a mental aspect to it. How can there not be, it’s our cock, but typically we are truly experiencing a physical issue and support, understanding and good doctors are all needed.

I do believe one challenge with PE is that there is a level of intensity required for gains. Some of us might be better than others at finding the “sweet” spot. Some of us might just be more susceptible to growth. Those who are not, might be more driven to push the limits. Those who gain with less intensity or are just less susceptible to injury under the stresses might be quick to not understand or be less empathetic to those who are not so much.

One of the greatest challenges of the human condition is seeing the world outside of our own personal experience.

So how far beyond our current experiences can we see, well, that’s our limit.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

The influx of the past 6-7 years of new participants seem to want it all now. I get PM’s frequently ask me for my routine. When I tell them it’s going to take 5-6 years of consistency, I rarely hear from them again. They want to skip the newbie routine and start hanging or clamping.

I get asked why I haven’t grown in three month, when I didn’t see my first real gains in six months.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

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