Hello all. I apologize in advance for both my spelling and poor forum etiquette.
A little background first. I do not PE, I found this forum after injuring myself and desperately searching for answers online. I’m 35 years old, very happily married, sexually active and apart from being overweight I am in good health. I would add that I am on TRT due to life long low testosterone and have a degree in psychology (I am aware my spelling is beyond terrible, it is what it is) . I have in the past been a debt collector and bouncer. I train a variety of martial arts and lift weights, the mightiest of these often being my own ego. Now you know some context I will fill things out a bit.
10 days ago my wife and I were having sex. When she is blowing me she sometimes grabs the base of my penis with both hands and squeezes it hard to make the veins pop up and get me ultra hard. This time she did that and at the same time pushed down very hard. She drove her hands from the base of my unit as deep as she could into my pelvis, while squeezing as hard as she could. Deep down on the right hand side of the base of my penis something went very wrong. There was a strange pain, a dull/sharp/aching/yanking pain. About a 4/10 on my scale. She let go immidatly and the right side of my errection went soft, shortly followed by the left, I lost sensation in the right side of my shaft and I started getting very worried. There was some swelling, no discoloration, painful and tender to the touch where I felt the initial pain . 10 minutes passed and the pain mostly went away however all the other symptoms remained. The "dull/sharp/aching/yanking pain" was replaced by a dull/sharp/aching/yankied wierd feeling. It was uncomfortable and unnerving but the emphasis was on the "it feels very wrong" rather that the pain. Deciding there was no immediate danger I took some ibuprofen and went to bed,
I am on trt, my test levels are thanks to the wonders of modern science high enough that I all ways have 100% EQ morning wood every day. On what I now call day 1 I woke up with what I now know to be a hard flaccid. Before I looked I thought I was hard. I was shocked when I felt down and found it not only soft but a weirdo firm soft unlike anything I had felt before. It felt like I had a 80% EQ 3 inch penis with lots of lose skin around it ( I am about 6.5 in hard normally). I had a soft outer tissue layer and a tiny erection inside it. I had no sensation on the right hand side of my shaft a coldish glans and the right side was definatly slightly smaller and softer. I had the oddest feeling of a lack of unit balance. That dull/sharp/aching/yanked weird feeling had turned back into a dull/sharp/aching/yanked pain (DSAYP I will call it from now on) and was at about a 6/10 on my discomfort scale.
I was very scared. I am used to fear I have been in 1000’s of very dangerous physical confrontations and this was worse that all of that. I understand fear and paranoia. I have a long, deep history of psychedelic drug use. My mind has kicked open some very creativly terrifying doors over the years and I have returned stronger every time I have left reality. Combine this with my studies and I considered myself in a pretty good place to deal with any paranoia and fear issues that might arise. I was wrong. I personify paranoia in my head as a seperate entity, like the cartoon devil who appears opposite an angel when a character is trying to decide what to do. It is a useful trick to help deal with paranoia. The personification gives you something to fight, something tangible to resist and wave a middle finger at defiantly. All that shit got blown out the water . My mind attacked me. I exploded with anxiety and very nearly had a panic attack. (It is 10 days later and I am only just starting to get a real grip on my fear and paranoia)
I went to my dr who had no real idea what the problem was. She had a good poke around that made everything thing worse and when she hit the area deep ito the right of the base of my unit I felt the DSAYP spike to about a 7 on the pain scale. Not her fault she had to poke around. She told me to rest it and take ibuprofen.
As I got home the DSAYP lowerd in pain but went up in discomfort. It is hard to describe because when its not activity pissed of at me for messing with it, there is little real pain, just an awareness of it all being very wrong. Then the tube/vein from my right testicle started to hurt. That slowly turned into my right testicle hurting and then shrinking .Over then next 2 days All my symptoms (numbness, erection imbalance, hard flaccid, DSAYP on the right side at base and testicle pain on the right) all got progressivly worse and they called in a huge viriaty of other symptoms from chest pain, heart palpitations, weird burning, itching, stinging, throbbing etc etc.. In all sorts of places round my unit and groin area. My paranoia was on full attack mode. Parts of my mind were telling me I would never be able to make love with my wife again, let alone savage her like a wild animal leaving her walking funny for the next day. A life without my unit functioning and my balls in constant pain it was a very dark time for me.
Early day 4 I tapped out, I called my DR she told me to go immediately to A&E at my local hospital. I was seen quickly and they did an ultrasound scan. They could feel swelling but there was nothing showing on the ultrasound. I was given codine and Clarithromycin (a "well it won’t do any harm and might help" testicle pain antibiotic). The codeine was wonderful. Having smoked opium twice before I have made an effort never to used opiate based pain killers as they are a very dangerous slippery slope to addiction. The codine hit me like a warm blanket of glowing bliss and I stopped panicing. For the first time in 4 days I wasn’t worrying about it and allthough my thinking was cloudy I discovered that pain aside most of my problems were coming from my head not my unit. I was able to process what was going on without the fear and while in that place I could make rational decisions about how bad it was and how I felt. A few hours later a uroligist came down and explained that the most likely explanation for my problems was a deep soft tissue tear/damage in the region I was feeling pain from, that I must rest the area and do what I could to help it heal. He gave me more codine to take home and another antiinflamitary.
I am now on day 10 I am much better. I’m back to my morning wood, the lopsided feel has gone. The numbness has gone and my wife very gently and careful made sure everything was working fine earlier, first time in 10 days I won’t be pounding away anytime soon but at least it all works fine and I didn’t tear anything again. I am aware of the damage deep in there but I am doing everything I can to speed recovery. It is very slow I know that one slip, bang or careless movement could rip apart a few days/weeks of healing and I understand that this make take 6 weeks or more to heal maby 2-3 times that much but I will take each day as it comes.
Now to why I am clogging your forum with this rambling, waffle wall of text. On day 1 I started trying to work out what was going on and what I could do to help. My Dr was help full but could only do so much with her limited time and knowledge on a very specific aspect of her field. I turned to the internet and found Thundersplace . You guys talk openly and honestly about unit problems in a way I simply could not find anywhere else. I am very experienced reading complex medical paperwork and raw data but nowhere could I find what I needed I.e people going through similar shit to me and other people offering up their years of experience helping others and them selves deal with it. I was scared, for myself, my wife my future, everything and you guys filled the information void I was sitting alone and scared in. I looked at every single thread on this part of the forum and it all helped add perspective and clarity I really needed. My wife could only help so much it was context and experience I lacked and I plundered this forum for as much of it as I could get to help me. I don’t know how I would have got to where I am now without your help. I owe firegoat, memento and the rest of you more than I can say. 10 days ago I was crying at my keybord out of fear now I’m sat here with tears in my eyes from the gratitude and relief I feel now I am through the worst of it. People fear what they don’t understand and thundersplace helped me get closer to understating what was going on. My codeine enduced time of calm in A&E would not have helped at all, had I not spent days filling my head with the knowlage, wisdom and stright talking advice I found.
For what its worth I think the most important thing was getting a grip on my fear and paranoia as I said at the start. I am the person all most everyone I know calls when the shit hits the fan, there is very little I can’t deal with, physically or mentally. This nearly ruined me. Be very aware that your mind will be massivly amplifying your symptoms, twisting perception and pouring stress hormones into your body, slowing down healing and making you depressed .
This may help a lot with that. The science is sound, cortisone very bad all round and you want to lower it especially when trying to heal . It helped me . It is one of the few things that I found somwhere other than here that helped me, I hope it helps you. She’s not selling anything, just trying to help people.
Codine helped me stay calm when I needed it after a&e and in the days after with the pain. Be careful its basically sneaky heroin and ma by not legal for you depending on country.
Whoever invented the rice sock needs some sort of monument erected in their honour.
I know as forum moderators you guys can do whatever you want with this post. Please feel free to make any changes to it, that you feel may make my rambling better able to help anyone who reads it. Move it, spell check it, change layout whatever. If you think it helps keep it or if I’m way off base then delete it please because I don’t want to cause any problems, here of all places.
One last time I promise. Thank you all, everyone. Those brave enough to post about their pain and those kind enough to help. May your units grow and prosper .