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Should You pop a blister on the glans

Should You pop a blister on the glans

So i got this blister from the vac hanging and I’m wondering will it heal faster If I pop it.. Probably someone else made this post before me But I can’t find an answer


PRE:15.8cm x 11.5cm,2022,01,10

NOW:18.8cm x 13.0cm,2023,02,24

PE for life,ttx10

Originally Posted by ttx10


But apply Bacitracin several times a day and wear only white underwear for a few days

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by ChepHanger

So i got this blister from the vac hanging and I’m wondering will it heal faster If I pop it.. Probably someone else made this post before me But I can’t find an answer

Absolutely pop it. You only delay the healing without doing so.

What I do is pop it, but not pull the skin off. Then apply neosporin constantly. Theres a mild anaesthetic in it that really makes a difference. The skin seems to come off naturally in a couple days, and doesnt have the same sting as when it is pulled off early on. I also wear a silicone big toe cap on the glans for a couple days to keep it from rubbing anything.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Sterilize a needle and carefully pop it. Let the skin settle and use that skin as a natural bandage. Clean it gently with soap and water. As already recommended, then apply some Neosporin and keep it covered. Let it breathe a few hours a day and keep it clean.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Btw, it will begin to look pretty nasty as it heals, just keep it clean and no PE. If you scroll through you can follow my healing progression. Don’t do what I did and try to do PE through the healing process, I tried that with my second blister and it went badly.

First blister

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Last edited by LittleEngine : 04-19-2023 at .

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
First blister

That link fails for me.

Does anyone have any references for the benefits of popping? My experience with blisters anywhere on my body is to prevent breakage if possible and keep the area from drying which has also minimized discomfort. My glans blisters only hurt if I let the shower stream make contact. I had glans blisters about four times from the Phallosan. The most recent three times, I put healing balm on it and covered my glans with a plastic cap to protect the blister from pressure and friction. I saved some caps from spray can products that happened to be just the right size for my glans. One has a hole that makes putting on easier while the one without stays in place a bit better. I sanded all the edges and pointy parts on the inside. I roll my shaft skin over my glans for cushioning. It takes about seven days for the blistered tissue to fall off revealing a comfortable but not fully healed surface. Although I have successfully resumed PE that does not stress the glans much after ten days, I find it better to wait at least two weeks before easing back into PE.

Start: 6.3" BPEL x 5" MEG. Now: 7.25" BPEL x 5.375 MEG. Goal: 7.5x5.5

Originally Posted by misterlebowski
That link fails for me.

Does anyone have any references for the benefits of popping? My experience with blisters anywhere on my body is to prevent breakage if possible and keep the area from drying which has also minimized discomfort. My glans blisters only hurt if I let the shower stream make contact. I had glans blisters about four times from the Phallosan. The most recent three times, I put healing balm on it and covered my glans with a plastic cap to protect the blister from pressure and friction. I saved some caps from spray can products that happened to be just the right size for my glans. One has a hole that makes putting on easier while the one without stays in place a bit better. I sanded all the edges and pointy parts on the inside. I roll my shaft skin over my glans for cushioning. It takes about seven days for the blistered tissue to fall off revealing a comfortable but not fully healed surface. Although I have successfully resumed PE that does not stress the glans much after ten days, I find it better to wait at least two weeks before easing back into PE.

I fixed the first link, should work now.

I might not call it popping as much as controlled draining using a small hole. Allowing the skin to settle and then using that skin as a natural bandage, keeping it clean and moist as you have mentioned.

Not draining the blister can certainly work, but it’s often difficult because it’s so raised up and can easily catch and tear as your go about the day, which we don’t want to lose that layer of skin too soon. So by allowing it to drain it, for some, they might be less likely to experience an unintentional tear.

That’s just been my experience.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
So by allowing it to drain it, for some, they might be less likely to experience an unintentional tear.

Makes sense. Thanks.

Start: 6.3" BPEL x 5" MEG. Now: 7.25" BPEL x 5.375 MEG. Goal: 7.5x5.5

Now you have read the posts and what did you find out as a common link? Upon popping it you must keep it very clean and use and antiseptic to prevent infection. Now that’s exactly what the blister does; it forms to keep the skin you damaged clean while the skin has time to heal.. Your choice natural or lots of neosporin.

The ointments I used:
TriDerma Intense Fast Healing Multi-Purpose Cream (oatmeal, calendula, shea butter, and a bunch of stuff)
Cocoa butter (Palmer’s)
Antibacterial ointment like Neosporin (occasionally after the blister broke)

After looking at LittleEngine’s pictures, I prefer my healing process at least by appearance. I had no scab, crust, exposed sore, or puckering. The foreskin blessed might not need a protective cap as he has one built in, but may still benefit from the added protection. I had to wear underwear that was tight enough to hold up the cap.

I did not think of taking pictures before. Hopefully, I have learned enough to not get another blister, but I will document should there be a next time.

Start: 6.3" BPEL x 5" MEG. Now: 7.25" BPEL x 5.375 MEG. Goal: 7.5x5.5

I just had my first blister a couple days ago, and at first i was going do drain it as that was the common advice on thunders, but then i saw some pictures here of some dudes blister and the healing process and mine was nowhere as big as his. My blister was only about 5mm wide, and most of it drained over night on its own. Upon reading more about blisters in general, they only recommend that you pop it if its likely to get punctured because its in a bad spot, otherwise you should let it heal on its own.

Now i have a foreskin so mine was pretty well protected, but i understand that if you dont have one or the blister it very big, its probably safer (or it will heal faster) if you drain it.

I used some liquid bandage after draining and it healed quick and I didn’t have any issues with pain due to raw skin there. It also keeps the “wound” sterile. The Mrs. Doesn’t know about my PE exploits so I had to keep my member out of viewing for a week or so but we did have sex (in the dark) a few times and no issues.

Also, be prepared for some very short lived but intense burning when the liquid bandage is first applied!

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