Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Hello all,

I’d like to start off by thanking all those here who have dedicated their time to providing the insight and documentation on this wonderful forum.

TL;DR: Newb here. Stumbled upon this site a couple months ago, read a bunch, started PE 12/17, overly happy with gains. Would love to share my stealth method and progress as I continue.

I can’t exactly remember how I stumbled upon this site, but I think it had something to do with doing research on sexual health related supplements. Not that I felt that I actually need them, but hey, if we didn’t feel like we wanted enhancement down there, this sort wouldn’t exist. Anyways, I was reading about some supplement and noticed everyone’s signature talking about dick size. WTF. For whatever reason, I went down the rabbit hole of reading all the different ways you all were increasing your size. With the sheer amount of posts, members, success stories, I knew it was legit and decided to start soaking up everything I could.

I officially started PE on Dec 17, 2021 with some very round numbers; BPEL of 17.0cm, BPFSL 18.0cm and a MSEG of 11.0cm. I spent my first two weeks doing the newbie routine of warmups, stretching, jelqing, reading about all methods and theories of PE, and ordering all the various bits and pieces needed to start my PE journey. After reading various threads, the things that really made sense to me and that I would be basing my initial routine off of are:

- shoot for lig length gains before attempting girth gains
-jelqing for several months will prepare tissue and veins for more aggressive techniques such as pumping and clamping.
- apply heat throughout exercises for maximum effect
-Increase load over the course of your sets
-last set done under cool down phase without heat
-increasing blood flow aids in off day recovery.
-time under tension(or vacuum) is really what it takes for gains
-E.Q. Is EQually important as P.E. Watch the P.I.s
-off days are important

Part of me wants to just say to my wife “hey, I just found out I can make my dick bigger, I’m gonna try it”, but the bigger (lol) part of me wants to keep it hid and see if it actually works and that she notices. While the initial warm up, stretching, jelqing routine was happening, my time spent in the bathroom/shower went up exponentially. This was, in my mind, a rather a rupture and obvious change in my daily routine so I decided to devise a way to incorporate P.E. Into my existing daily routine.

Since the start of the pandemic, my wife and I both work from home, so we are in close proximity around the clock. I can’t spend hours in the bathroom manually pulling on my dick and applying rice socks, or clamping a BibHanger and a bunch if weights on it. I needed something inconspicuous.

I ended up ordering the TotalMan vacuum ADS, a couple FIR heat pads(TM, Thermedic, and some off brand heating pad), and a rechargeable battery pack capable of delivering the 5V 2.1A that the heating pads need. The TM ADS is an attachment that goes over the head, seals with vacuum and has an attachment point on the tip to connect their leg strap via an adjustable elastic band. This provides the dick pull needed for elongation.

After abandoning the newbie routine due to time and privacy constraints, I merged 5.5 Squared’s routine with the TM ADS and subtracted the documentation and precision that I know I would be unable to maintain. After my morning shower I would attache thebTM vacuum head and wrap the leg band just below my knee of choice that day. Then I’ll wrap my shaft in the heat pad and connect the leg band bungee to the vacuum head. The bungee is adjusted higher than ADS tension; around 2-2.5lbs. Verified with a fish scale, and feeling of hanging similar weight.

With my dick stretching straight down one of my legs, I start dressing myself. Boxer briefs keep everything secure, and slightly baggy Jean’s cover up anything going on underneath. Then, I’ll plug the USB of the heating pad into the battery back, and put the pack into my front pocket. All of the heating pad cable slack is just stuffed into my underwear and the hole rig is barely noticable.

Once everything is set up and I am dressed, I go to my computer and begin working. I have a sit/stand desk, and use the stand configuration during PE time. When I begin feeling the heat (around 15 min.) I’ll go to another room, adjust the tension to a perceived 1lb. Increase and hold it there for 20 minutes while I continue working. I’ll continue this process taking 5-10 minute breaks between increasing tension 20 minute sets of 1lb. Intervals until I hit a perceived 5-6lbs. Tension. This is when I’ll unplug the battery and begin the cooldown. Even though the actual tension is unknown, it is kind of nice because depending on body position, you can really adjust the pull +/- a lot when the bungie approaches the extent of its elasticity.

This approach is mildly distracting as it requires you to make frequent trips to adjust the bungie, but it is a very stealthy way to incorporate the benefits of a straight down hanging with FIRe routine into your (my) everyday routine. In addition to this, I will perform 150-200 helps in the shower after my nightly workout. This has been 5 ON (M-F) 2 OFF(sat sun)I have been taking daily BPSFL measurements to ensure progress, but have decide to just take my BPEL and MSEG on the 17th of every month so to not obsess over gains. As of starting this post, I have gained 1.8cm BPFSL - 0.7cm BPEL - 0.5cm MSEG in 6 weeks time.

A little more about me:
Early 30s, caucasian, 5’10” 160lb
Exercise: lift weight 3-5 times per week daily 2 mile doggie walk
Diet: loosely based around paleo. Add dairy and protein powder. Add alcohol.
Drink: 20 drinks/weekend, MTWT are dry
Drugs: aww yeah
Supplements: creatine, arginine, citrulline, protein powder, sunflower lecithin, multi vitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium glycinate,

I might post pictures, I’m not sure yet. Kinda weird putting dick pics in the internet. Anyways, I plan on sharing my results and methods on the 17th of every month, and ince again, thank you to those who have laid the groundwork for people like me to just come in, read for a bit, and start PE. So grateful.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Well I have now finished up with month 2 of my PE journey, and I still seem to be continuing to gain. This month consisted of more of the same routine, but I have dialed back the amount of time spent in the ADS device. I found that any amount of time over 2 hours, and the risk of a blister goes up exponentially. Atleast at the tension I was holding at.

On average I would be getting about 1 hour 45 minutes per morning with the total man stretcher and fir heating pad, and about 150 jelqs each night. My measurements at the 2 month mark are:

Start 1 month 2 month
BPFSL: 18.0cm 19.1/19.7 19.7/20.3
BPEL: 17.0cm 18.3 18.6
MSEG: 11.0cm 11.5 11.7

I remember being quite shocked by my initial gains in my first month, but looking back on it, most of those gains were due to the massive boost in EQ from both PE and supplementation.
It really is amazing to set short term goals on the ruler and surpass them. I was over the moon crossing the 20cm mark one day after a good stretch. Now I can’t wait for BPEL to catch that mark. The BPFSL measurements above are pre/post stretching.

I’m going to continue with my routine for the next month as I am still gaining and consistently getting between 2.7% and 3.5% strain in less than 2 hours of stretching while I work. The past couple days I have mixed in short clamping sessions with my jelqing in the evenings. I would like to start gaining in the girth department as I am still a bit skinny. I’ve been doing 3x 7-10 clamping sessions with 50 jelqs afterwards. So clamp jelq clamp jelq clamp jelq. I hope to get to 12cm girth by nexts months report, but that might be a stretch(lol). Right now, I reach about 12.2 MSEG while clamped.

My wife hasn’t said anything yet, but I’ve noticed that she has started positioning herself during sex to take less of the length. She is rather petite. I am interested to see how long it takes for her to actually say something.

Thanks for reading!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

3 Months In

Last Friday marks 3 months of PE for me and I have still been gaining steady. I have reduced my session times to 1.5 hours as I have been trying to find the minimum amount of time needed to reach the 3-3.5% strain.1.5 seems right to me. The clamping sessions that I mentioned in my last post proved to be too much of a time commitment on top of the stretching routine, so that has been abandoned in favor of maintaining my evening jelqs. Maybe I’ll just save the girth routine for when my length gains stop and I can commit enough time to do it right.

So with maintaining a 1.5 hour, increasing tension, heated stretch, 5 days a week, my measurements at the 3 month mark are:

BPFSL: 20.4 before stretch and 21.1 post
BPEL: 18.8cm
MSEG: 11.5

It was really awesome to start consistently hitting the 21cm mark after stretches. My shitty little ruler is just a broken off section if one of those folding meter sticks, and this section is only marked to 22cm. It will be very satisfying to reach the point where I have to go find a different ruler because I outgrew the old one haha. So far that’s over a 3cm total increase in BPFSL since the start and a 0.7cm increase since last month. BPEL is at a 1.8cm total increase and a 0.2 cm increase since last month. No change on girth. Probably had a great EQ last months measure, hence the 0.2cm difference. I’m just going to keep on truckin’ with this routine and just throw in the random clamping session in when I have free time.

Gains left to hit my goal:
BPFSL - 1.2cm
BPEL - 1.5cm
MSEG - 2.4cm

Thanks for reading!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Another month of PE under my belt (pun intended). No change to the routine yet, just steady gains. I’m consistently hitting 21.0cm BPFSL before my stretches (about 21.5 after stretching) and a 19.0 BPEL now. That puts me at 2cm erect gains since starting and should be on track for an inch total gain within my first 6 months of PE. Can’t complain about that at all. Especially considering how low effort my routine is. I also recently stopped drinking during the weekend noticed that my EQ has been off the charts good. Visually, I’m seeing girth gains, but the tailor’s tape says otherwise. I’m curious if I will ever see a MSEG increase with this routine or if that will just wait until I start pumping or clamping. I’m not too worried about it as I am rapidly approaching my length goals, and I couldn’t be happier with the progress.

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Welp, I feel I should post this weekend even though it’s much before my next months checkpoint. I had a good itch throughout my dick today, which happens on my off days usually, and I take that as a PI that tells me repair and growth is taking place. I also had really really good EQ this afternoon so I decided to just measure BPEL. 19.5cm. That is 2.5cm over my starting point.

4 months and 1 week, and I have gained my first inch! Happy days!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Originally Posted by Beebs
Welp, I feel I should post this weekend even though it’s much before my next months checkpoint. I had a good itch throughout my dick today, which happens on my off days usually, and I take that as a PI that tells me repair and growth is taking place. I also had really really good EQ this afternoon so I decided to just measure BPEL. 19.5cm. That is 2.5cm over my starting point.

4 months and 1 week, and I have gained my first inch! Happy days!

It looks like a good PI.
It’s the same as guys injecting stuff for girth enhancement.
When collagen production kick off to surround external matter itching could be felt in the shaft.

It’s something I noticed consistently happening on my breaks. Seems to be confirmed by several threads that come up when searching about the itch in that it coincides with some gainage.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

End of month number five today. Slight change to the routine in that two weeks ago, I was on the road for a full week. Not wanting to pull on my weiner while driving down the highway, I just did manual stretches and squeezes at night in the hotel rooms. I’ve also been focusing my jelqing towards squeezing. I’ll stop one stroke just before the glans, hold it there in a stretch while maintaining the squeeze, and then with my next hand, squeeze the base of my shaft hard. This is during near full erect jelqs and really swells it up like clamping does. Ill hold the squeeze on both hands for 3 seconds, proceed with the jelq, then repeat 150 times. I’ve also added 2 clamping sets a week and an all day cock ring behind the balls to keep engorgement. Flaccid hang is better than ever, and so are my measurements!

Measured 5/17
BPEL 19.7
BPFSL 21.2
MSEG 12.2

Gain since last month:
BPEL 0.7cm
BPFSL 0.2cm
MSEG 0.7cm

Gain since starting (5 months total):
BPEL 2.7cm
BPFSL 3.2cm
MSEG 1.2cm

I find it odd how my girth gains have been sudden and in steps, while my length gains have been a smooth and steady progression.

Things that have changed other than PE routine:
-Exercise intensity and frequency has increased.
-Diet changed to remove bread/beer/grains
-all day cock ring
-more kegels than usual
-I’ve been eating tons of celery, like one to two bunches a day, only with the intention of meal/snack replacement and fat loss before pool season. Come to find out it MAY(does) have an effect down there. I’m semi-hard like all day and EQ has increased. Good thing I like eating celery.

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Nice, I’ll have to pick some of that up when I get off this diet and quit eating so much celery haha.

Edit: how long and how often have you been taking it? Have the effects been consistent or is it something that you have to cycle?

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Originally Posted by Beebs
- shoot for lig length gains before attempting girth gains
-jelqing for several months will prepare tissue and veins for more aggressive techniques such as pumping and clamping.
- apply heat throughout exercises for maximum effect
-Increase load over the course of your sets
-last set done under cool down phase without heat
-increasing blood flow aids in off day recovery.
-time under tension(or vacuum) is really what it takes for gains
-E.Q. Is EQually important as P.E. Watch the P.I.s
-off days are important

Part of me wants to just say to my wife “hey, I just found out I can make my dick bigger, I’m gonna try it”, but the bigger (lol) part of me wants to keep it hid and see if it actually works and that she notices. While the initial warm up, stretching, jelqing routine was happening, my time spent in the bathroom/shower went up exponentially. This was, in my mind, a rather a rupture and obvious change in my daily routine so I decided to devise a way to incorporate P.E. Into my existing daily routine.

Excellent takeaways to base your routine on. I fully subscribe to all those as well.

I want to encourage you to tell you wife. It can seem awkward upfront, but if you go into detail that this is a “you” issue and you’re doing it for your own wellness and self-satisfaction, and make sure she understands that motivation - I think you will reap the rewards from telling her. Men’s perception of their unit is a *core issue* for 90%+ of all men. This issue manifests in numerous ways, with many layers and masks over top of it. But at the very core of it, there is this size self-perception issue.

Relationships are sometimes strained when one of the partners changes something, for example: Both partners smoke. Both decide to quit. One gives up, and one sticks with it. This can create resentment, guilt, bitterness, etc. Same for alcohol. Same for all sorts of things. A change in the dynamic can unsettle the relationship, or bring up insecurities - like if she thinks you’re working on your size so you can leave her and go live out your playboy fantasies, for example. So if she understands your motivation is solidly rooted in your personal wellness and relationship with your body, and you are just doing it for you and no one else - it should be well received. Also assure her you will not be torturing your unit, and will take it slow and be careful not to injure it. This will be her main concern after accepting your endeavor.

The reason I’m encouraging you to tell her is because PE is all about consistency and time under tension - which requires not just time, but private time. Telling her will free you up to use your time how you need to, unabashedly, with no sneaking around or suspicious changes in your behavior, hiding PE equipment, etc. Imagine if she noticed something “off” about you and came up with some other theory about what was going on with you haha - and then having to tell her about PE under those circumstances! So. I just wanted to chime in on that. Telling my wife was the best thing I could’ve done, and now she not only supports and enables my practices, she even helps cover for me to keep the kiddo oblivious, etc. The juice is worth the squeeze.

Good luck to you man - wishing you more success!

Ah - also can confirm celery, celery seed, and fenugreek are great for EQ. As well as Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis, IMO.


That makes total sense and I really appreciate it. Not keeping things from your significant other always feels so much better. Actually, I’ve been thinking about telling her recently. I know she has noticed the size increase and just hasn’t verbally said anything. We’ve been having quite a bit more sex, and I often catch her eyes wandering “down there” throughout the day (my flaccid had probably doubled in size since starting). I really don’t mind telling her about jelqing and manual stretches and squeezes, but I’d rather not tell her that I strap a vacuum cup, bungee cord and a battery powered infrared heating pad to my dick 5 days a week and then talk about it on the internet. That would probably weird her out a bit too much. Plus, I’m really close to my length goals in which I could just use manual stretches and jelqing alone as a maintenance plan and get rid of the stretching equipment. We’ll see how it all goes. Thanks again!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention the thing that I logged in to say, haha. I’ve been using the Totalman FIR heating pad this whole time with no additional wrap. It has its own velcro and it gets pretty warm. This past week, I added an additional 3 velcro straps tightly around the outside to really cinch it to my penis. This seemed to have greatly increased the amount of heat getting to the tissue. It went from being pretty warm to bordering on uncomfortable. Holy crap! It’s really too soon to tell and my method is a bit too imprecise to really make scientific comparisons, but I can just tell it increases the efficiency of my stretches. I’ve been getting around 2.5% strain on my stretches and this last week I consistently got about 3.5% strain, and I had that good ache telling me it was a great stretch. My EQ has been consistent or better, and my flaccid hang has been noticeably larger. I just wanted to say this and kinda reiterate the importance of good heat in the workouts, especially to those not using heat or having troubles gaining.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I’ve now completed 6 months of consistent stretching, and I’m starting to think that I’m hitting a plateau. Either that or I’m losing EQ due to the massive increase in work related stress over the past month or so. Not quite sure, but I’m measuringthe same or 0.2cm less in BPEL MSEG and BPFSL for the past month. My last MSEG measurement mustve just been with spme unreal EQ as I’m consistrntly measuring 11.8. I’m thinking about slowly shifting over to a more girth focused routine by incorporating more light clamping sessions, increasing my stretched jelqs, amd reducing the time in the stretcher. I’ll post up measurements sometime in the next couple days. I hope all is well with everyone!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE


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