Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Beginning my third month of the year, I decided that I’m going to change up the frequency and intensity of my routine to take more advantage of the rest periods. I’m going to go from 4 days a week (M T T &F) to 3 days a week (M W &F). I’m also going to be either adding more clamping sets or adding some pumping on top of my clamping to reallygive it a good workout

Not only does this schedule work better for me as I have the house to myself for a few hours on these days, but that will put my workouts almost 48 hours apart. This means that each workout will be followed with more time to repair the damage, hopefully resulting in more growth.

My previous schedule really only had two periods of repair, and I didnt really like how it felt during and after the second consecutive workout day. Seems like a good idea to make this change.

Anyways, stats are good. Very slight increase in girth and length this month.

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I haven’t been doing a good job at keeping up with my growth log because I’ve been getting super busy at work and life has been a bit hectic. And honestly, there hasn’t been much growth happening.

I’m currently at the end of a mini 3 week decon break, but the past 6-7 months, I’ve been doing my 4 sets of 10 minute clamping 3 days a week. My end of set expansion never exceeded 12.9cm and my girth measurements on Sunday stayed around 12.0cm.

I did add a lot of manual stretching throughout the day, so it pulled out a couple mm that i had lost since stopping my stretching routine. I’ll be starting clamping again next week, but my measurements are:

BPEL: 19.7
MSEG: 11.8
BPFSL: 20.8

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I have been officially doing PE for 18 months. For the past 3 or 4, i have not really seen much of any gains with my clamping routine. Its like I shot up to 12.0/12.1 MSEG pretty quick, but I feel like I have reached the plateau.

Not wanting to do an actual deconditioning break, i decided to see if a shock routine would work. I added pumping about a month go, and it really didnt do much. 3x 10 minute pump at 5hg followed by 3x 10 minute clamped edging sessions. They felt like great workouts, but it was just too much time to be dedicating to a routine that wasnt working.

Not only have I plateaued, but my dick is starting to look pretty beat up from the clamping. It’s no longer worth it. I have decided to take an extended deconditioning break. My previous decon breaks were half-assed and only a month long. I am going to attempt a 6 month decon, and ease back into a girth routine in 2024.

When I return, it seems like a 2month on 1month off approach might keep the plateaus at bay. Dunno, but for the time being, I wont be updating the thread very much. If I start to notice any losses or gains, i’ll make a post, but I’ll try and regularly take measurements and update my stats page in my profile

Later y’all!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Finally got around to taking a good measurement.

MSEG: 12.0cm / 4.69in
BPEL: 19.7cm / 7.76in
BPFSL: 20.8cm / 8.19in

After 18 months, the total gains are
BPEL: 27mm / 1.063in
MSEG : 10mm / 0.39in

You can see in the stats graph that my girth increased pretty well in the first half of the first clamping with fire stint at the beginning of the year, and then it leveled off. Even after a month decon, it stayed flat throughout my second clamping stint. That tells me a month was not really an effective deconditioning timeframe, and that 2 months is probably about how long I will see gains during a clamping routine.

I’m still not sure how long I should refrain from PE, but it will either be 6 months and just finish off the year with a break, or 4 months break and a 2 month clamping regimen. Undecided. I am interested to see how all my bruising heals up though. Keep y’all posted.

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Nice progress!

Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

Great progress bro. Can you tell me how do I make such image from the stats and upload it in my log like you did ? It looks awesome

Start: 6.3"BPEL X 5.1" MSEG

Now: 7.3" BPEL X 5.7" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL X 6.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by Wanting10
Nice progress!

Thank you so much!

Originally Posted by paja23
Great progress bro. Can you tell me how do I make such image from the stats and upload it in my log like you did ? It looks awesome

Sure! I’m using my phone, so I just take a screen capture of my stats page and then crop it to only show the graph. Then I’ll upload that image as the attachment. If you are on a windows computer, you could use the "Snip" feature to grab the screenshot.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Originally Posted by Beebs
Thank you so much!

Sure! I’m using my phone, so I just take a screen capture of my stats page and then crop it to only show the graph. Then I’ll upload that image as the attachment. If you are on a windows computer, you could use the "Snip" feature to grab the screenshot.

Thank you, very useful

Start: 6.3"BPEL X 5.1" MSEG

Now: 7.3" BPEL X 5.7" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL X 6.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by Beebs
I’m still not sure how long I should refrain from PE, but it will either be 6 months and just finish off the year with a break, or 4 months break and a 2 month clamping regimen.

How about three months, then decide whether you want to extend it or go back to work?

Congrats and later, Beebs!

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Thanks LFG!

Originally Posted by AndyJ
How about three months, then decide whether you want to extend it or go back to work?

That’s probably a good plan. Anything to shorten it up, haha. It’s so hard to not get a good jelq in, or a quick piss-pull when I go take a whiz.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Just checking in here. Two solid months of decon now behind me without so much as a single jelq. Stats are holding strong, and some of the bruising caused by clamping has just started to fade a tiny bit. I have every intention of continuing the break for at least another month. I hope y’all have been well.


My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Decon is over. I went 10 weeks without any PE at all. I’ve been wanting to explore pumping a little bit more. I had made a nice homemade pump towards the end of my clamping routine, and i had only just begun using it before starting my decon. I used it yesterday and today.

Its a piece of acrylic with a 1.75" ID, and .25" wall thickness and 8" long. I tapped a 1/8npt port at the end and installed a mini vacuum gauge. Then I took the size 1 totalman vacuum hanger tip that is to small for me, added a silicone sleeve to act as a gasket, then shove it into the end of the tube. Boom pump with a oneway valve. I plan on making a less ghetto endcap for it, but having a removable end really makes it easy to clean.

I’m going to start pumping 3 sets of 10-12 minutes at 5inhg. That seems to be my current limit before getting a noticable donut. I will do this once every morning and once every evening. Everyday if possible, or at least until i start to notice negative signs. I like having the extra bulge going during the day, and I haven’t been able to sneak a pumped dick into the bedroom yet. Would love to see if she says anything, haha. Especially since i come out of the tube a bit above my near term goal of 5"eg.

I will likely continue this for a couple months. I have been contemplating a vasectomy, and i should probably get a good couple months of PE before the recovery from that forces another decon. I dont know when I’ll get it done since I’m still working myself up to have it done. I have an aversion towards medical procedures in general.

I lost pretty much no stats. Girth stayed around 11.9-12.0. Length stayed at 19.5-19.7. I feel like I lost 0.2mm FSL. I’m measuring 20.6mm consistently.

I also realized that the super thin ruler I’ve been using this whole time is giving me incorrect length measurements. Its so narrow and thin, it has been digging underneath my pelvic bone. I’m a thin guy with minimal fat pad, so using a wide ruler diagonally against my pelvic bone only loses me 0.5cm. I’m going to continue measuring as i have been for consistentcy, but just know i’m 0.5cm less in length. I’ll probably switch methods when I have the time to modify all of my stats down a bit so that my graph doesnt show a dramatic loss. So i’m actually around 19.0-19.2cm which is 7.5". Still a length I am happy with, number-wise and function/fit-wise.

With my wife’s anatomy, and what she likes, I dont think I should gain much more length in my PE career. She could take, and probably enjoy up to 5.5mseg, so my long term goal is 7.5x5.5 or 19x14

Wish me luck. Maybe 2024 will be the year I get there. Patience, dedication, decons.

Later y’all.

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Its been about a week of messing around with pumping, and I’m still trying to figure out my routine. I was right about my limit before donutting in my last post. However, I have found that I can do all three sets worth of pumping in one go. 30-35 minuts straight at 5 inhg. I tried for 7inhg and got donut. 45 minutes at 5inhg. Donut.

I’m going to continue 30-35 at 5inhg for a couple weeks and see if I can slowly work up the vacuum levels to 7. Maybe do 10 at 5, 10 at 6, then finish with 10 at 7 as described in Gprent’s incremental pumping thread.

Incremental Pump Routine Results

For what it is worth, when i pump at 30 minuts of 5inhg, i get a 2.5% strain measured with a 20.6 bpfsl before, and a 21.1 bpfsl after. I have yet to measure how much expansion i am getting on the girth side of things. I will report back when I get that done.

My flacid hang and plump had been excellent since starting this!

Later y’all

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE


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