Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Took my meaurements today. I am officially gaining girth! 12.1 MSEG! The goal for the year was to get into the 12s haha! I feel like the gains have been pretty much limited to the CS. Maybe a tiny bit in the CC, but noticably more in the CS. Check out this up-tick

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

What a fantastic log I need to be more in depth with mine and learn how to measure the strain. Inspiring great log

Thank you Warrior! I keep an almost daily notepad of measurements on my phone for BPEL, MSEG, and BPFSL so that I can personally keep track of what is working and what isn’t. Then I’ll take “official measurements” on Sundays. These typically are at the end of my longest rest period when my EQ has had a chance to recover. The official measurements are what get entered into the Stats feature of this site. I feel like screenshots of the stats graph really helps for the people who want to breeze through thread without keeping track of all the text.

As for measuring strain, it’s simple. Use BPFSL as your measurement because there are less variables than others. Take your post workout measurement and divide it by your pre workout measurement. Multiply it by 100 then subtract 100.

For example:
20.0 pre workout BPFSL
20.5cm post workout BPFSL


My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Thank you so much for that I’m gonna start tracking things better. Keep up your thread and gains I’m inspired

Oh by the way what angle do you hang?

Originally Posted by Warriorgains1
Oh by the way what angle do you hang?

I dont actually hang. I use the ADS leg strap that came with the vacuum cap, but I crank the bungee cord to a perceived 6-8 pounds of tension. Being strapped just below my knee on the inside of the leg, it could very closely be straight down. I alternate legs every week hoping not to develop a dick that points one way or another.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

You should really get into compression hanging , it will definitely help you get gains , I had a plateau and I broke through it with hanging .

Either way much luck to you brother !!

Start: APRIL 2022: 5.5 BPEL X 4.5 Girth

NOV 2022: 6.65 BPEL X 4.75 Girth

GOAL: 8.5 BPEL X 5.5 Girth

Thanks Ross! I gained 2.7cm in 6 months using the stretcher at more aggressive tensions. I have a couple more days of my clamping regimen before I take a month long decon break. When thats over i’m going to see if going back to my stretching routine will allow me any more gains. If not, i may get into hanging heavier weights. I was probably getting up to 8 lbs of tension on my stretcher setup. Or… i may continue clamping. 2 months on 1 month off until i reach 12.7cm(5 inches). I dunno yet. Clamping is really intense and time consuming, especially when using heat, but i feel like I’ve gained about 0.3cm in 2 months.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Welp. I just finished up my 11th month of PE (2nd month of clamping) today. So begins the 1 month decon to finish out the year. I will get measurments in a couple days as EQ has been a bit shit this week. Rather uneventful TBH. Totally ready to take a break from clamping.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Girth is hard to get, I would stop focusing on lenght in order to make my D proportional in your case, in my experience it did slow girth gains too but it was worth it as half of bitches scream because of the length (20.8 cm BPEL) and I could still want more girth(14.3) but simply can’t open PE can of worms anymore as it was my main focus for a whole year(speaking of nolifers) but hey it was effective.

I don’t get why would you rest for an entire month, especially with such a potent girth exercise while you lack girth.
There where days when I clamped 6x10 minutes so yeah 2 hours for a week.

One thing that I cred for my fast gains was lack of heating, yeah it makes everything more susceptible to expansion but it takes time from the clamp itself and gentle jelqs between sets, besides that it made me super sensitive and I would ejaculate more often and that kills EQ and girth gains with it.

You are probably right on continuing to focus on girth until I get it in better proportions. Its just that I’m so close to that 8” EL… meh it can wait. At least until I get to a 5”[12.7] or so girth.

My month decon break is not just for my dick, but also my mind. Like you say, PE seems to be the main focus, and when that is the case, i feel like I neglect other aspects of my life like getting ahead on my work projects and ensuring that I get good weight lifting workouts in. Taking the month off helps me reset my priorities and keep everything in balance. That and it gives my dick tons of time to heal and decondition. I feel like any little blister, or nick from shaving, or whatever just never heals during a clamping regimen. 2 months on 1 month off just feels right for me. I might adjust to 6 weeks on 2 weeks off (as I’ve seen recommended in other threads) in the near future.

I’ve seen you mention heat reducing stamina in other threads, and I feel like I agree with you. I’ve noticed it being much easier to reach that PONR recently. Fortunately for me and my wife, this helps us. With two kids, we only really ever have time and energy for quickies. With it being easier for her to get me off, she seems to enjoy it more, and want it more often. Works for me. I can see it being a negative if you are dating around though.

Your input is much appreciated Jocacar. Thank you!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

How fast did your bpel catch up with bpsl? I was looking at your original stats and it’s crazy how much extra sl you had I’m the opposite I think I have more el maybe that’s why I’m gaining slow because the stretch is harder to come by for me. Great progress bro I’m gonna keep watching your thread

Thanks WG! My BPEL never caught up. The EL and the SL kinda gained in tandem. The spread between the two increased as I was gaining and went back to normal as the gains leveled off. My flaccid just felt stretchier during the period of the routine until i got conditioned and stopped gaining.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Forget what I said about finishing the year with a month long decon break. I ended up doing some light pumping for the two weeks that I wasn’t clamping since I made a really nice new cylinder that I wanted to play with. Nothing intense or strenuous. 15 minutes at 5hg a couple hours before bed to give a couple extra mm girth during some hanky pank. Yesterday I decided to resume my heated clamping routine. Might be able to squeek out another MM before the year is over.

My routine has been this:
30 minutes FIR pad preheat

4x 10-12 minute heated clamped edging sets

Between each set I will perform about 2 minutes of Firegoat rolls, squeezes, and dry jelqing after each set to restore color and get fresh blood, then 10-15 minute rest and heat.

The last of the four sets is done without heat, and i will add a bit of light squeezing throughout to get a bit of extra oomph during cool down.

This is all done before noon, and I add about 150 wet jelqs in the the evening.

This is done Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday are rest days where no PE takes place.

EQ takes a hit on workout days, but never enough to put a damper on sex. It has been overall lower as I’ve been drinking a lot more than I do in the summer months, and I have been taking quite a bit of Kratom lately. That stuff lowers libido and EQ pretty good. I’ll be cutting back on the booze and cycling off Kratom here shortly.
I’ve also been cycled off of all vitamins and supplements for a couple months. All that shit was getting expensive to keep up with.

I’ve still managed to keep my length gains, and my girth is consistently at 11.9-12cm when I’m not exercising. It’s safe to say that by the end of the year i’ll be 12+ which is nice!

I’ve been thinking of moving this over to the members section so that i couldbpost pictures. A before and after 1 year of PE picture would be pretty cool to post.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Broke my first clamp today… was on set number 2 and gave it a good hard kegel. POP! Thought my dick exploded haha. Luckily had another clamp on hand to finish out the session.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE


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