Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I am not going to lie. I have NOT read all of this yet and am working on it, however, from what I have read so far this seems like a great thread and you seem to have poured a lot of research and time into this! Especially for a discreet brother like myself! I hope to learn a lot from you and will definitely be tracking your journey closely!!! Keep it up

Just want to be the me I want to be. ;)

Start: BPEL 6.3" EG 5.1"

Now: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.7" Goal: MORE

Thank you Mrcsmxx, I’ll try and be consistent in my updates. I finally got around to taking measurements and entering them into my stats. As you can see from the chart, the trend in length gain seems to be leveling off. I havent decided if I’m going to continue m-f on and weekends off or do a 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off schedule with the stretching. Definitely going to be increasing my focus on jelqing.

Anyways, official measurements are:
Measured 6/27
BPEL 19.7
BPFSL 21.0
MSEG 11.9

Gain since last month:
BPEL 0.0cm
BPFSL -0.2cm
MSEG -0.3cm

Gain since starting (6 months total):
BPEL 2.7cm
BPFSL 3.0cm
MSEG 0.9cm

From the numbers it looks like I lost some gainage from last month, but i feel like this is just variation in EQ levels.

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I feel like I’ve hit a plateau on length gains. For the past 4 weeks or so, i really haven’t been getting past 20.8-21.0 cold BPFSL and 21.5 post stretch BPFSL with a BPEL staying in between 19.5 and 19.7. It’s kind of a bummer considering how fast I was gaining and how abrupt the gains flattened out.

I do feel like my TotalMan IR heating pad is starting to give up the ghost. It’s just not putting the heat into my unit like it used to and i will be switching to the Thermedic IR pad when I get back. Most likely I will continue with the stretching routine for another month or so and see if the gains start picking back up with a better functioning heat source.

If i stay at this plateau for that time, i do have a question about how to proceed. I could either do a decon break and resume stretching after some time, or just switch up my routine. Even though I’m shy of my length goals, i really want more girth. Would I need to do a decon break before going into a girth focused routine? Does this length plateau still apply to any girth gain attempts?

As bummed as I am about this stall, i feel great about where I’m at. I am spending the week visiting my parents (the same house I grew up in). Anyways, this morning I woke up with a particularly nice flaccid hang, but man, I had to take a crap. I go to the bathroom and take a seat. What tha?! I look down and sure enough, my dick touched the water. Granted, these are small, oddly shaped toilets with probably too much water in the bowl, but hey! I’ve been shitting in those things for 3 decades and that has never happened before. Thanks Thunders!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Welp, tomorrow marks 7 months of dick stretching for me, and I’ve finished up with what I think will be my last set of my length routine. At least for now. I’ll get to 8 some day, but I’d rather not get the with the girth I have now haha.

I’m going to be switching gears for the rest of the year and focus on girth. I’ve been fairly consistent with 150ish jelqs on my stretch days, so i will keep that on my “on days”. I’ve dabbled with clamping, pumping, and other various manual exercises, but they all require a fair amount of time in privacy that I don’t have.

Remember, this is about stealth PE.

In the short amount of time i’ve been browsing this site and doing PE, i’ve come to a couple conclusions:

-Heat is just as important as the exercises. The more heat you can put into it the better. I started to lose progress when I had issues with my heating pad.

-Maintaining the best possible EQ results in more consistent girth gains (at least for me).

-Dieting, exercising, and supplementing to aid in both bloodflow and libido helps the body make the repairs necessary for growth quicker.

With those three points in mind, i feel like I can make gains without exercising so much that I get close to injury. With my vacuum stretching routine, my biggest injury risks were blisters on the head from the vacuum cup, and blisters on the shaft from heating pad hotspot burns. With girth exercises, there is a whole other level of injury risk.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

So here is the plan:

I am going to attempt all day heat. I have a pretty good setup with the USB heating pads and the battery pack. Very stealth. I bought an additional pack so I’ll always have one charged for the next day. As it is, a pack will run the heating pad for about 4-6 hours.

I will wear this while I work, keeping my member warmed up and ready for exercise at all times. This way, I’ll be able avoid the typical “warmup -do all your exercise - cooldown” routine that takes a chunk out of the day. It will be much more convenient and stealthy to be able to just spend 5 minutes here and there and get the sporadic quick clamp, squeeze-jelq, or pump.

Maybe spreading the exercises out through the day will reduce the risk of overdoing it and injuring myself.

Additionally, keeping the heating pad on for extended periods of time will keep better circulation going on down there. The more circulation, the better.

For the actual exercises and schedule, I was thinking something like this:
Monday - 5x 5 minute clamping, squeezes and jelqs when I can
Tuesday - Squeezes and jelqs when I can.
Wednesday - Rest day. Only heat.
Thursday - 5x 5 minute clamping, squeezes and jelqs when I can
Friday - Squeezes and jelqs when I can
Saturday - Rest day. Only heat.
Sunday - Rest day. Only heat.

This is the starting point at least. I’ll monitor my gains and EQ closely and adjust as needed. 25 minutes of clamping might be too much, or i might not be getting enough squeezes in. We’ll have to see. I might even add some light pumping somehow. Dunno yet.

I’ll get to the supplements in the next post.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE


As far as diet and exercise goes, no change is needed there. I eat well. Fruits and vegetables, lean meats, nuts, cheese, whey protein, and plenty of water. I avoid bread, sugar, and overly processed crap and junk food. I keep my alcohol consumption to the weekends. Lift weights 3-5 times per week and do cardio about 3 times per week.

My supplement stack (that pertains to PE) going forward with this routine consists of:

L-Citrulline - This is a really good one. This boosts Nitric Oxide which is the very important in vasodilation. There is a lot of talk on this forum about L-Arginine for this reason. Believe it or not L-Citrulline is more effective than L-Arginine at increasing blood Arginine levels. Something about how they are digested and used in the Urea cycle. I won’t get into the details in this post, but its for this reason it replaces L-Arginine in my stack.

Tadalafil - This is just generic Cialis. I read about Big Girtha including this in his clamping routine. It definitely helps to maintain EQ! I’ve noticed that it seems to help with the flaccid hang as well. Thats probably due to being partly hard though. Anyways, I’ve read that PDE5 inhibitors like viagra and cialis are more effective when nitric oxide levels are also elevated. Great combo with the Citrulline. I already had this stuff prior to PE to use when I would take recreational drugs that would otherwise kill my ability to acheive or maintain an erection. Nothing like some good ol chem-sex! Thanks Cialis!

Pine pollen - A great nutritional supplement that is reported to boost Testosterone and other male hormone levels. The reason for this one is its ability to just absolutely maximize nocturnal erections and morning wood. I’ve read numerous theories here at Thunders that this is when a good deal of growth happens.

Ashwagandha - I began taking this for stress and anxiety reduction, and for that it is great! It is also supposed to have an effect on Testosterone levels and libido, so I’ll include it in the list.

Black Maca root powder - I’ve been cycling this one on and off for a while now. I love it. I like the way it tastes. It gives me a great deal of energy, a boost in weight lifting performance, and it definitely ups my sex drive.


Alongside various vitamins and minerals, these supplements should aid with maintaining maximum EQ and blood flow while testing out this upcoming girth routine. Of course I will have to cycle some of these and/or make substitutions to avoid the reduction in effectiveness and to also check in on my natural EQ.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Here is where I finished up my 7 months of my length stretching routine:

Measured 7/17
BPEL 19.5
BPFSL 20.9
MSEG 11.9

Gain since last month:
BPEL -0.2cm
BPFSL -0.1cm
MSEG 0.0cm

Gain since starting (7 months total):
BPEL 2.5cm
BPFSL 2.9cm
MSEG 0.9cm

Today was the first day of the new routine. It went pretty well, but i feel like doing PE throughout the day might take too much of my focus off of work and responsibilities. Maybe I just need to get adjusted to it.

I managed to fix the totalman heating pad and shortened to USB cords down to about a foot.this reall makes it easier since I dont have to manage 3+ feet of cable between the pad and the battery pack in my pocket.

In total today i managed to wear the heating pad for a total of 5 hours. I got in about 30 minuts of clamping split up between 5 sets. I did several squeezes amd finished the day with 100 or so jelqs. It definitely feels like it has been worked, but my flaccid is nice, soft and full. Still can achieve a great erection too, so I feel it was all the proper amount and that my routine schedule i set out will work just fine. I’m going to keep this up as long as I can and will update in a couple weeks unless something changes. I’m excited to see if I will lose length from not stretching or gain length from possibe maximizing EQ. We’ll see!

Later Y’all

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I have now finished up my first month of my girth focused routine. It took a week or so to settle into the routine and a couple days to realize that my all day heat idea just wasnt worth the hassle. At least not in combination with a Texas summer.

I have been doing my workouts on Mon Tue Thur Fri with Wed Sat Sun as rest days. I have been getting 3-4 sets of 10 minute clamping on my PE days in one of two ways. Half the time i will have the house to myself and can knock out all three sets back to back. I will make sure and use the heat pads for 30 minutes to come up to temp, and then do my sets with 5-7 minutes in between. I will keep the heating pad on throughout and remove it a couple minutes into my third set.

If i dont get the house to myself, i will put on my heating pad for 15-20 minutes beforehand (it is very stealth), and then get a single clamp session in when my wife is busy or distracted. I’ll do 4 sets spread throughout the day instead of 3 back to back since it seems less straining.

I really like clamping. A lot. It’s fun, it feels good, and it is really awesome to see that extra engorgement. I do feel that my EQ is taking a hit though. Its hard to say though. My wife and I have been having sex more often than normal, so i don’t have that boner getting just cuz the wind blew EQ like I do when I’m 10-14 days into semen retention. Probably a combination of being a bit depleted and the EQ hit from clamping.

My measurements show this hit in EQ, but i feel like they also show potential girth gains over this past month. By the time i get the ruler bone pressed or the tape wrapped around, it drops to a 70-80%. Despite this my girth measurement at this level is consistent with my girth a month ago when my EQ was higher. It definitely feels thicker in my hand, especially on the bottom. Its like ive been gaining at the CS only. When it’s in my hand and i have high EQ, it is noticably bigger.

I think I’m going to do a 2 week decon at the end of every 6 weeks of clamping in hopes of resetting EQ and just to take a mental break from PE in general.

Measured 8/17
BPEL 19.5
BPFSL 20.8
MSEG 11.7

Gain since last month:
BPEL 0.0cm
BPFSL -0.1cm
MSEG -0.2cm

Gain since starting (8 months total):
BPEL 2.5cm
BPFSL 2.8cm
MSEG 0.7cm

I would also like to add that I am religous about doing firegoat rolls and slow dry jelqs after ever single clamping set. I am keeping a close eye on the color, and will quit clamping the second my dick starts to look off in color.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I decided earlier this week that I will be taking my first Decon break. This isnt caused by an injury or anything. I just feel like its something i should have done before making the switch from my stretching routine to my hanging routine. I’ll go until the 17th of September which will put it right at 4 weeks.

My plan is to resume the clamping routine for another 2 months, and then finish off my first year of PE with another month long decon break. My hopes are that I can keep my BPEL at 19.5cm and get my MSEG to a consistent 12.0 by that time.

I will most likely begin year two with clamping and continue to do so until I reach 12.7cm(5”) girth. At that point, I’ll switch back to a length routine to get to 8”.

Any comments on how to treat decon breaks are certainly welcome. Sounds like kegals and edging are perfectly fine. I’ll try to report weekly on EQ increases or any (hopefully not) loss of gains.

Later y’all

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Man… this Decon break so far has been awesome! I typically refrain from orgasm during masturbation and only cum when having sex with my wife. Well, due to our baby getting sick, her getting sick, me getting sick, and travel, im unintentionally at 21 days of retention today. Combine that with not beating my dick up with PE, my EQ has been INSANE! Like almost immediate level 10 boners on command. I’ve been consistently hitting 19.7cm BPEL which is my maximum ever. It usually is around 19.5cm. Im not hitting new marks on the tape when measuring girth, but it feels thicker in my hand and is just so much harder.

We got a chance to put it to use last weekend. The sex was so freaking good. She got off much faster and many more times than usual. She was wore out before i could get off, so the streak continues. I kinda want to see if i can hit a month on the retention. It won’t bother me if it doesn’t happen though haha. Ive never gone this long before, and honestly I can kinda see what all the fuss is about.

Another awesome and unexpected benefit of this decon break is the huge jump in flaccid size. It’s seriously close to my old erect size.
I hope the actual tissue deconditioning is taking place, because I am looking forward to easing back into clamping and making some gains again.

The plan is to resume on the 17th, and clamp for 2 more months. Then, i can finish off my first year of PE with with another month-long decon break. I would love to get above 12cm(4.73) within the year. That’s 1.5mm per month. Seems doable.

I’ll report back if anything changes.
Later y’all.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Originally Posted by Beebs
I feel like I’ve hit a plateau on length gains. For the past 4 weeks or so, I really haven’t been getting past 20.8-21.0 cold BPFSL and 21.5 post stretch BPFSL with a BPEL staying in between 19.5 and 19.7. It’s kind of a bummer considering how fast I was gaining and how abrupt the gains flattened out.

I do feel like my TotalMan IR heating pad is starting to give up the ghost. It’s just not putting the heat into my unit like it used to and I will be switching to the Thermedic IR pad when I get back. Most likely I will continue with the stretching routine for another month or so and see if the gains start picking back up with a better functioning heat source.

I started with totalmanpad and hanging. Gains were slow and certainly improved when I switched to ultrasound. If you want to get most out of stretching try ultrasound. I have gained + 4cm BPFSL in a half year. Still waiting for plateau.

If life changes and i’m allowed the privacy to do ultrasound, i would consider it for sure. I rrally would love to try it, but for the time being, I am sticking to the stealth routine and am so close to my length goals that I think I can get there with the IR heating pad and strategic deconditioning breaks.

I just wanted to report in since this is now 9 months i to my PE and really the tail end of my decon break. I will resume my clamping routine on Monday by easing back into it, and I will continue it for two months.

The decon break went really well. I lost no erect length or girth. Due to the increased EQ, i almost always measured at my maximum BPEL of 19.7cm and MSEG of 11.7cm. The interesting thing though is that before my break, i would be lucky to have a BPFSL of over 20.8cm, and now I am consistently measuring 21.0cm.

To me, that is an indicator of a deconditioned dick. It has become less toughened and more susceptible to stretching. I’m excited to start clamping again. I missed it. I will resume with the same Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri clamping sets, and probably do 3x 5-7 minute sets for the first week and work my way up to the 4x 10 minute sets that I was doing before the break.

My hope is that i will reach 12.0cm MSEG by my 1 year PE anniversary on Dec. 17th. That would be a total gain of 2.7cm BPEL and 1.0cm MSEG in one year. Wish me luck!

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Welp… I finally told her.

My wife and I got this card game that has all these conversation starter topics, and we’ve been doing a couple cards before going to bed every night for the past couple weeks. It’s been pretty fun. Last night the card came up that asked “What are things you’ve been keeping from your spouse?”.

I basically told her that for the past year I’ve been doing excercises to increase the size of my penis. She didn’t seem to care hardly at all and hinted that she had noticed the size increase. She also said a while back she came across one of my homemade pump tubes, so she thinks I’ve been pumping. I didnt give her the specifics of what i’m doing, but i told her that was just something that i tried early on that didnt work for me, so i tossed it.

I dont expect anything really to come of this, but it was nice to somewhat include her in something that I’ve been hiding from her. No intended change to the routine. I’m still going to carry on with clamping and jelqing when I can get privacy, and I’ll most likely return to my stealth stretching routine this winter in hopes of getting over 8.

Maybe something more will come of this, maybe not. We’ll see.

Anyways, I’ve resumed clamping after my decon break with one modification. I’m doing 4 on 3 off. Having the 3 days straight to rest seemed like a good idea. It feels like I’m gaining, but I havent really kept up with measurements. I did however measure MSEG while clamped just to see what i get up to, and it was around 12.3-12.4cm from my unclamped 11.7-11.8cm. I’ll get good measurements on Sundays when my EQ is fully recovered.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I just finished up my 4th week of girth work after my decon. I am for sure gaining, but I will wait until Sunday to take official measurements. It juat feels so much thicker. I really, really worked it today, and my EQ is suffering a bit. Ive been getting 4x 10 minute clamping sessions, 4x per week. Plus, I’ve been both jelqing and cock ring edging when I can.

Today i did 4x 10 minute clamped edgins sessions, 4x 10ish minute cock ring edging sessions, plus about 30 minutes of piss pulls/squeezes. It is toast, and can definitely use the weekend for rest.

Last measurement i took, i hit 11.9, which is a new record, and while cock ring edging, I measured 12.6. It was awesome to see what a near 5” [12.7] girth feels like in the hands.

Ive been consistently getting that itching feeling on my off days which has corresponded to gains in the past. I feel like im on the right the path. I definitely feel like I will hit my 2022 goal of 12.0cm girth. It’s only 1 more mm to go in 1 months time. Should be doable.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Things are going well, and I’m feeling great about my routine. Im getting great expansion and my EQ has been bouncing back pretty quick. Its crazy how much different a 0.2cm girth gain looks and feels, while a 0.2cm length gain is barely noticable. The erect gains are super nice and what I’m after, but I’m really loving these flaccid gains. I never bothered taking flaccid measurements, because it’s not something I ever really thought about. But yeah’ the new flaccid is awesome! Going to continue this routine for another month and then finish off my forst year of PE with another month long decon. I think i might resume my stealth stretching routine after that and go for that 8” BPEL. Havent decided yet.

Measured 10/17
BPEL 19.8
BPFSL 20.9
MSEG 11.9

Gain since last month:
BPEL 0.1cm
BPFSL -0.1cm
MSEG 0.2cm

Gain since starting (10 months total):
BPEL 2.8cm
BPFSL 2.9cm
MSEG 0.9cm

Thanks for reading!

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE


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