Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Today, I finished up my last PE exercise of my first year of PE. During my girth routine, i’ve slacked off on taking all the various measurements since my EQ has been all over the place. The only thing I’ve been doing consistently was taking an MSEG measurement during maximum expansion of my last clamping set. Today I was just barely north of 12.7 [5.00”] This was a great indicator of growth. Reading back through some of my earlier posts made me feel great about my progress.

Originally Posted by Beebs
I did however measure MSEG while clamped just to see what i get up to, and it was around 12.3-12.4cm from my unclamped 11.7-11.8cm. I’ll get good measurements on Sundays when my EQ is fully recovered.

Originally Posted by Beebs
Last measurement i took, i hit 11.9, which is a new record, and while cock ring edging, I measured 12.6. It was awesome to see what a near 5” [12.7] girth feels like in the hands.

There is definitely growth taking place. I will let my EQ recover until Sunday and then take my official 1 year progress measurements. I am certainly over my girth goals as every measurement ive taken has been between 12.0 and 12.2. I may be finally starting to lose a little bit of my length gains. 19.5 and 19.6 seem to be the averages. We’ll see in a couple days.

Later y’all.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Lengthy post today, sorry. I basically ramble about my year of dick pulling.

Took my official one year measurements today and had great EQ

Measured 12/18
BPEL 19.7
BPFSL 20.8
MSEG 12.1

Gain since last month:
BPEL -0.1cm
BPFSL -0.1cm
MSEG 0.2cm

Gain since starting (12 months total):
BPEL 2.7cm
BPFSL 2.8cm
MSEG 1.1cm

To recap the year, it was about 7 months of a hanging with fire inspired stretching routine +jelqing(5on2off), then a 1 month decon, and then 4 months of heated clamping…Clamping with FIRe? Meh… anyways.. I quickly gained all my length, and half the girth during the strecthing jelqing period, and then the other half of my girth through clamping.

There were periods where I exercised really hard, periods where i slowed down, times I gained, periods of stalls. I was on supplements, off supplements, went through periods of masturbating/sex daily, also periods of total abstinence. I combined this method with that method, had great EQ after workouts, or completely turtled after.

It’s all a learning process, both in the methods of PE and in how your body responds to them. Everyone’s different and can handle various levels of tension, pressure, vacuum, heat, etc. The first year for me, aside from the physical gains, was gaining the understanding of what works and what can be detrimental personally. Following my routines could lead to no gains, or it could break your dick. You have to ease into it to get a feel for what’s right for you.

Just using my BPEL and MSEG to calculate volume, that puts me right at a 40% volume increase. It really motivates me to continue doing this to think that in one year, my dick got 40% bigger. This doesn’t even take into account my base girth, for which i have never bothered to mention. There was a largeer increase in base girth due to the initial length gains caused by pulling the ‘inner penis’ out of the body further. It’s thicker than the rest of it. Kinda lumpy. So, I imagine the actual volume gains are beyond 40%.

What i want to find out in my second year, is where does this 40% gain lie on the curve of diminishing returns? Can i gain another 20%? 10%? My goal for the next year is to hit 12.7cm MSEG. Seems very doable considering the progress. But for the sake of the point i’m trying to make is even if I were to hit 13.0 this year without losing length. Thats only a 15% volume increase. What will my gains look like without they newbie gains? Dunno, we’ll see.

I’m going to just continue with my clamping routine until either gains stop or I start losing my length gains. I want to get into the 5” girth range. I’ll also continue posting at least every month.

Thanks for reading!
Later y’all!

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Going back a couple posts where I mention taking a clamped MSEG measurement of 12.7… last Friday I measured on the high side of 12.8, and just today it was a solid 12.9 during my last session. Looking forward to this weekends official measurement to see if this increase in clamped expansion translates into real erect girth gains.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Following. Keep it up Beebs!

08/23/2016: 6 1/4" BPEL 4 9/16" Mseg

02/27/2020: 7 3/16" BPEL 5 1/16" Mseg

02/09/2022: 7 1/2" BPEL 5 1/4" MSEG

Happy New Year everyone! I hope y’all had a nice holiday. I just wanted to provide a quick update. I continued clamping through last week and have decided to start the first month of 2023 deconditioning. It dawned on me that my half assed 2 week “decon” in early December was filled with pumping instead of clamping. Aside from that, its been a pretty consistent 4 months of clamping.

It is probably best that I take a break before I hit a stall period. I will probably take this time to read through some of the more lengthy threads of Xenolith and Thoughtful Gold. Been through a few, but there’s still more to learn.

Hopefully some small gains will come of this break. My EQ should see a boost since I’m back on a proper diet and avoiding frequent alcohol consumption again.

I’ll still try and update my stats log weekly.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Another thought I have (which i dont think I’m ready to try) would be instead of a deconditioning after a few months of girth excercises, what about just doing a length focused routine?

I’ve read the Tunica has both a layer of fibers running longitudinally AND a layer wrapping the circumference. This is the target of increase during length stretching routines, and girth squeezing routines, respectively.

I could obviously see conditioning of BOTH layers after a routine that is 50% length and 50% girth focused. Therefore a complete cessation of PE would be ideal for tissue deconditioning.

However, for for the past 4 months i have really only clamped. The only length work i have done has been occasional pisspulls and some high erection jelquing. It would be reasonable to hypothesize that the circumferential layer of the tunica is becoming condtioned as it has been the one being stretched beyond its normal limits over and over, while the longitudinal layer has just been kinda hanging out and taking it easy during my clamping routine. Therefore, length gains may possibly come for a couple months of stretching while the “girth” tunica layer deconditions.

Would anyone mind chiming in with thoughts or experience alternating the layer of the tunica that gets worked in order to prevent complete stoppage of PE? I’m not opposed to a complete decon, it helps me focus on other aspects of my life. It would just be nice to do 3 month stints of length, girth, length, girth.

Any comments welcome,

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I’m really tempted to try gaining length instead of going full decon. I know a decon would likely be better for me, but I want to test this theory.

Plus, I have relocated my home office setup from the common area of the house to the garage. The amount of privacy (and of course work focus) down here is insane. It’s pretty much MY part of the house. The only time my wife comes down here is to get in her car and leave. Even with that, i can hear the footsteps all the way down and have plenty of time to stop whatever crazy PE thing i might be doing at the time.

Since my computer is set up at my work bench, I’m thinking of anchoring a series of bungee cords underneath it. I’ll use my totalman hanger and just attach additional bungees to up the tension.

Welp… I’m off to Home Depot to spend more money on MacGyver dick pulling stuff.
Cheers y’all!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Halfway through the decon break and I’m really itchin’ to back into a PE routine. It appears that I am starting to lose some of my gains a bit. This isn’t surprising, and I fully expect them to rapidly come back once I start back up again. My BPFSL is down .4cm, my BPEL is down .2cm, amd my girth dropped back below 12cm to 11.9. Kind of disheartening, but this is normal from everything that I have read. I’ll have to be more diligent about my pisspulls. I’ve really done nothing at all for the past couple weeks.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Decon break number two complete. This one was entirely different than the first in that I had a downward trend in all measurements. I lost some of the MSEG which was to be expected. I’m down to 11.8cm from the 12.1 that I got up to with the clamping period. This was expected, and actually pretty good considering I kept half of the gains from the clamping period.

What I didn’t expect was to see my BPEL and BPFSL starting to shrink. I’m hitting between 20.4 and 20.6 on the flaccid stretched length; down from a consistent 20.8. My BPEL is around 19.4-19.5; down from 19.7-19.8. It makes sense though, i havent done any length exercises in 7 months. Maybe whatever jelqing i was doing during my clamping period was enough to maintain.

I’m going to resume exercising tomorrow, but I have yet to decide what. I’m 50/50 split on whether I want dive straight back into the clamping routine I was doing, or start back a stretching/ jelqing routine to get some of that lost length back and pre condition my dick for clamping.

Here is a snip of my stats. You can clearly see the down trend during this last decondition month.

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Brother all of your updates in the thread have been fantastic. Sounds like you have an exciting new setup on the way. I think the Decon was great and you’ll appreciate it later.

Do you edge? I think using more edging may help maintain gains especially on a decon and I haven’t read anywhere that is counterproductive. Thoughtful gold is a big advocate of edging and so was 5.5.

As far as rotating methods I think like everybody else probably it’s best to rest but at the same time our bodies all react to different things and you might want to experiment. I think once I get to my goal length gains I’ll probably just focus on pumping I don’t see pumpers taking as many decons

Thank you WG! Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy I did the decon break, and I’m definitely not disappointed in the loss of length gains. Surprised, but not disappointed.

About the edging, you are probably spot on with that theory. Edging is typically something I do, but not during this past month. Not for any reason other than just being too busy to think about it. I did edge through my first decon break a few months ago and lost nothing.

Anyways, I decided to just resume my clamping routine for the time being. I was able to easily do my 4x 10-12 minute sets, and hit a 12.6 max MSEG during my 4th set of clamping. I will use this max expansion measurement as the starting point of this girth campaign to measure progress. Looking forward to future positive updates!

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I was going to wait until the end of the minth to update, but just wanted to share how the first week went. I managed to do my 4 workout days of 4X 10-12 minute heated clamping sessions. Each day my max expansion a small amount, and I ended up hitting 12.8 at the end if my last session on Friday. This is the biggest clamped MSEG that I ever hit prior to my decon break. It was awesome to see it come back so fast.

Not only that, but my flaccid is hanging fat again. It’s like everything immediately picked up where it left off. What this really reminds me of is when I finish lifting weights and I get that “swoll”. There’s not any additional muscle mass, but they are visibly bigger during the periods of lifting. Same thing with PE. There is actual gains, and there is an additional level of “swollness” that hangs around for a small period of time in between and after workouts. During the decon, I lost that expansion and was left with just the actual gains at the end. Resuming PE exercise in general brings back that extra expansion rapidly, just as a good gym session would bring that temporary expansion.

Excited to continue and watch the clamped girth increase further of the next few weeks.
Later y’all.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

I’ve just finished month one of my 2023 clamping routine. I managed to complete 4 weeks of clamping 4x 10-12 minute sets 4 days a week and only missed one day. I’ve been really busy and have been slacking off on taking my weekly measurements.

Overall though it seems like my girth is hanging around 12.0cm and my length is continuing to drop. I’ve deciding to continue clamping for another month, except this time drop down to 3 sets and add some stretching before and after. I’ll give more details about my new setup and routine in my next post, and I’ll try and get some official measurements put into the stats page. For now though, here are the maximum expansion measurements taken towards the end of the 4th clamping set.

1/30 -12.6
1/31 - 12.7
2/1 - off
2/2 - 12.7
2/3 - 12.8
2/4 - off
2/5 - off
2/6 -12.6
2/7 - 12.7
2/8 - off
2/9 - 12.9
2/10 - 12.8
2/11 - off
2/12 - off
2/13 -12.8
2/14 - 13.0
2/15 - no measure
2/16 - 12.9
2/17 - off
2/18 - off
2/19 - off
2/20 -12.8
2/21 - 12.9
2/22 - off
2/23 - skipped
2/24 - 12.8
2/25 - off
2/26 - off

Later y’all

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Hey guys,

So my updates are going to be pretty sparse for a while. I am getting super busy at work and will be for the next 6-8 months as I work on a new project. I think that I will still be able to manage to keep up with my routine. We’ll see.

After a month of clamping, I notice that my length was finally starting to decrease. I dont attribute the lose of length gains to the gain in girth, but rather the lack oflength exercises. The past two weeks, i have been adding about an hour of vacuum stretching after my clamping routine. Length gains are BACK!

I’m happy to see how fast those couple of MM came back. When i started this year off, i decided that I would abide by thoughtfulgold’s six weeks on two weeks off clamping reccomendation. I will be taking a small break for two weeks and resume my current routine.

The current routine is 30-45 minutes of preheating with my battery powered FIR heating pad, 3-4x 10-12 minutes clamping sets, then 1 hour of increasing tension stretching with my totalman vacuum hanger and a clever new bungee system that I created at my desk. I will post pictures of the new setup here shortly.

As you can see from the stats image below, my measurements have bounced back pretty well. This measurement was even taken with less than best EQ. It will take a few more weeks to know if it is actually trending up or not. Ill keep y’all updated the best I can.

Thanks for reading!

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My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE


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