Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Think I Might Have Injured Myself


I was thinking about that.

I might have kind the same thing but I am a hypochondriac and I know that when I am thinking about I think to have a mild pain/discomfort as you said. When I am not thinking about it I don’t have it.

I have erections, morning wood, etc. No spots, pain when touching etc

Still think that this is in my head. Big time.

All we have is a “penis ache” and that can be normal after sex or masturbation. But we think too much about it and that is it.

Alright guys, here’s an update on me, would appreciate feedback, particularly from Behemoth:

If you haven’t read my last post on the previous page, it might provide more insight on my situation.

Over the past 2 weeks I’ve been worried about my situation a little more.I have felt like my erections are not as strong over the last two weeks, and I still feel like my penis has become slightly measurably smaller. When I masturbate to porn (like I just got done doing), I am not getting the amount of “blood rush” to my dick that I used to experience (it would be almost red sometimes and visually fuller). I am still basically the same size when I measure but slightly smaller. This could be due to me not PEing for over 2 months. Here is an example in my small change in measured size, and I’m fairly confident in these:

Bone-Pressed Erect Length after Max Edging: 7.25 inches (though maybe slightly more)
Erect Girth at Base after Max Edging: 5.5 inches
Erect Girth at Mid Shaft after Max Edging: 4.875 inches
Erect Girth Under the Glans after Max Edging: 4.25 inches

Bone-Pressed Erect Length after Max Edging: 7.188 inches
Erect Girth at Base after Max Edging: 5.5 inches
Erect Girth at Mid Shaft after Max Edging: 4.75 (maybe slightly more) inches (though closer to 4.65 until I have edged for a while)
Erect Girth Under the Glans after Max Edging: 4.125 inches (though closer to 4.0 until I have edged for a while)

Also in flaccid state, my Midshaft girth was between 4.0 - 4.25 inches before, now its more like 3.875 - 4.125 normally. I am definitely “turtled” more of the time than I used to be.

The changes are very small as you can see, but I’m pretty sure I can tell a difference. I also understand that this can all possibly be in my head, but I’m fairly certain that I’m not getting the same engorgement from Mid-shaft up to the Glans. This is also where I initially felt the injury occur.

Last week I had sex with a girl, and I used a generic Viagra that a friend gave to me to try out. I had never used it before. The results weren’t mind-blowing, but I definitely noticed an increase in blood flow to my penis. However, it did not feel anymore full than how my erections felt prior to my injury without Viagra. I have definitely had harder erections in the past viagra-free.

Last night I was with another girl, and we were getting into it, and she reached in my pants to play with my dick. Much to my disappointment, I was unable to get more than a 30% semi. And if you’ve ever experienced that, it sucks. She thought it was her fault because she is pretty inexperienced, but still it was very difficult for me to play off the situation in front of her.

Tonight, I tried edging to porn to test it out. I had an erection at a high angle at the size and feeling I described earlier. Its just not as strong and needs to be stimulated to maintain absolute full engorgement. My EQ was not amazing pre-injury, but I’m fairly certain it was better than my current EQ

I still feel the light pain/discomfort feeling sometimes, and its still in about the same spot as it was, though it moves around sometimes.

Anyway guys, its been almost 2.5 months. What do you think about my situation, and what do you advise? Thanks as always.

Last edited by WangSlanga : 12-12-2013 at .

Stop masturbating and taking generic Viagra and just let yourself heal. You’re stressing yourself out over over-reaching when you need a few days to may a week and a half of celibacy.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Ok guys, I’m going to post a brief timeline of my symptoms.

September 30- Day injury occured. Off and on light pain in same area of penis for the first week. No change in EQ or size, but orgasming caused pain to return. Penis functioned normally other than presence of light pain
Around October 7- Noticed EQ wasn’t full strength when I was with a girl. Sill experiencing off/on light pain
Around October 10-15- Had experienced less frequent instances of off/on pain during that week. Masturbating and Orgasming caused the off/on pain to return
Around October 15-18- Pain returned and became more frequent. Noticed my erections were not as strong even when looking at porn, and my penis was not reaching its normal max size dimensions. Also noticed flaccid size had become slightly smaller
Around November 30- Still same light pain symptoms. Penis measured in slightly smaller than pre-injury measurements (<.25 inch in length and girth from midshaft up)
Around December 12- Had sex using Viagra (one time) and it improved my EQ, but not as good as pre-injury EQ. A week later, I was unable to become erect while not using Viagra when a girl was jerking me off
December 26- Still the presence of off/on pain, but it has become less frequent over the last week I think. Penis still measures in slightly smaller than it was, and visually noticeable in flaccid state

P.S.- The slighly smaller erections I am describing are at as high of an angle as they ever were, but do not look and feel as full. Measurably smaller (<.25 inches in length and girth from midshaft up).

I have been getting less random erections and semis throughout the day too, and am worried about having erectile dysfunction because of an injury.

I am obviously very worried. I would like to hear some more opinions from what senior forum members think about my injury.(marinera, Tom Hubbard, memento)

I have a question about post-orgasm erection.

I cannot get a rock solid erection without looking at porn, and even then it has to be maintained with manual stimulation. However, after orgasming just now, I maintained a rock solid erection while standing without any manual stimulation at all. The erection may be slightly smaller than 3 months ago (maybe not) but it was solid, and it lasted atleast 2 minutes with me just standing there.

However, I think I remember reading before that post-orgasm erections are not a good indicator of the physical health of your penis. Is this true? Because if I can maintain an erection of the size and rigidity of what I just experienced post-orgasm during regular sex, I will be waaaaaaaaaay less worried. But it seems like I remember reading before that post-orgasm erections have a ridiculous amount of blood going to them that is impossible to achieve during regular erections. What do you guys think? I’m hoping this is an indicator that my penis doesn’t have anything physically preventing it from achieving satisfactory erections.

And I’m trying to quit masturbating. I had just gone 5 days, but I got really bored and slipped up. I felt some very slight tinges of pain a few times on different areas of my dick (and where my injury occured) while masturbating just now, so whatever that means. Thanks

Your 5 day break from masturbation sounds like the most likely cause. It gave you a chance to get aroused, rather than your body just reacting to the normal masturbation session with a half hearted erection. The fact that you stayed erect afterwards can’t be anything but a positive sign. Try doing that with a partner around :) You probably just need to carry on doing what you are. If there’s some novelty to being erect and sexually aroused, you will get more aroused.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
Your 5 day break from masturbation sounds like the most likely cause. It gave you a chance to get aroused, rather than your body just reacting to the normal masturbation session with a half hearted erection. The fact that you stayed erect afterwards can’t be anything but a positive sign. Try doing that with a partner around :) You probably just need to carry on doing what you are. If there’s some novelty to being erect and sexually aroused, you will get more aroused.

Thanks memento. My 5 day break from masturbation probably had some effect on my EQ while masturbating. However, I wasn’t really “aroused” before masturbating, just kind of bored. My penis was basically turtled until I started looking at porn, and then the erection wasn’t up to my standards until after I had orgasmed (I edged for like an hour) I haven’t had sex in almost a month, largely because I have not wanted to put myself in another situation where my dick doesn’t get hard with a girl. But if I can maintain an erection like the post-orgasm one from last night, then I’ll be fine. Hope the light pain sensation goes away too.

When you say carry on doing what I’m doing, do you mean continuing to masturbate or abstain? Because I am trying to come off porn for many very important reasons (the website has a lot of useful information), and I can’t really masturbate without visual aid. If I was to come off of porn and masturbation cold turkey though, my penis would not be getting erect very often and would probably be even smaller when flaccid for at least a few weeks or more. This is described as a “flatline” period that people coming off porn experience. Would this be detrimental to the healing process? Do you think masturbating to porn in the short term would be more beneficial than giving up porn? When it comes to porn, I’m like an addict that will justify any reason to look at it, so try to understand where I’m coming from. Thanks again

I can’t speak about yourbrainonporn, because I haven’t investigated them enough and a simple quick check doesn’t help because they use a domain anonymisation service but previous sites I’ve investigated with a similar message have been linked to fundamentalist church organisations, they just strip the religious language at the door and add psuedo-scientific mumbo jumbo to gain more credibility whilst still allowing themselves to promote a message that they think is important. So far, I’ve yet to see credible research to back what they are saying. On a penis enlargement site, where we have no credible scientific evidence to back our claims, that might seem like a low blow but these sites tend to claim to have the evidence and when you do that you put yourself into the area of the sales pitch. Whether yourbrainonporn fits this description, you’ll have to decide.

Regarding masturbation itself, I don’t think there’s really an issue with it affecting sexual function negatively. Masturbating 1/2 hour before sex might be a positive thing for the really young or more of a negative thing for those who are older. Masturbating to porn might fill the head with images that are unrealistic depictions of sex but the solution to that is to get some more realistic porn. Porn targeted at women is often better than US gonzo porn for this, if only because the women in it are treated somewhat better. If porn is the only source of anything sexual and you are spending all your free time viewing it, I can see there being a problem but if you are back to leading a full sex life and using porn too, if it works for you - great.

Generally things like PE, edging, BC clenches etc. will increase sexual stamina and that is not in the least deleterious to your sex life, is it.

Does that answer your question or was it a bit too ranty.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
I can’t speak about yourbrainonporn, because I haven’t investigated them enough and a simple quick check doesn’t help because they use a domain anonymisation service but previous sites I’ve investigated with a similar message have been linked to fundamentalist church organisations, they just strip the religious language at the door and add psuedo-scientific mumbo jumbo to gain more credibility whilst still allowing themselves to promote a message that they think is important. So far, I’ve yet to see credible research to back what they are saying. On a penis enlargement site, where we have no credible scientific evidence to back our claims, that might seem like a low blow but these sites tend to claim to have the evidence and when you do that you put yourself into the area of the sales pitch. Whether yourbrainonporn fits this description, you’ll have to decide.

Regarding masturbation itself, I don’t think there’s really an issue with it affecting sexual function negatively. Masturbating 1/2 hour before sex might be a positive thing for the really young or more of a negative thing for those who are older. Masturbating to porn might fill the head with images that are unrealistic depictions of sex but the solution to that is to get some more realistic porn. Porn targeted at women is often better than US gonzo porn for this, if only because the women in it are treated somewhat better. If porn is the only source of anything sexual and you are spending all your free time viewing it, I can see there being a problem but if you are back to leading a full sex life and using porn too, if it works for you - great.

Generally things like PE, edging, BC clenches etc. will increase sexual stamina and that is not in the least deleterious to your sex life, is it.

Does that answer your question or was it a bit too ranty.

Thanks again memento. I know that porn causes too many issues with me and I need to abandon the habbit.

I’d like to know what you think about the injury I’ve described as far as if it will heal, and what you think the best course of action should be. Answers from other posters are welcome too. Thanks

Ok so I want to schedule an appointment with a Urologist. Does anybody know of the best way to find one that would be most knowledgeable about injuries leading to ED? I’m looking for one in the Birmingham, AL area. I just want to have my penis looked at to see if there is an injury present.

Alright I scheduled an appointment with a Urologist for next week.

Is there anything in particular you guys think I should be sure to tell him or some sort of diagnostic test I should ask him about? I’d really appreciate the feedback, Thanks

I might be in the same boat as you - please do give feedback what your urologist managed to find out and how severe it was.

I saw a urologist last week. I told him that I was “messing around with my penis, kind of pulling on it” and “think I injured myself by squeezing it too hard”. I told him that I have had off/on sensations of discomfort and slight pain in my penis since suffering the injury, and that my flaccid state seems slightly smaller and my erections don’t seem as hard and full.

About the slight pain, he basically said “If it was anywhere else on your body, you probably wouldn’t care. If it was on your leg you would hardly think about it”. I guess he’s right, but I would have liked a better explanation. He said “You probably bruised it”. He asked me about my ability to urinate and ejaculate and I said it was all fine. He asked if erections were a problem, and I said “Not really, but it doesn’t seem as hard or full as it was”. He mentioned prescribing Levitra, but I decided I didn’t absolutely need it. He then looked at my penis in its flaccid state, kind of feeling around with his thumb and index finger. He said everything seems normal with no abnormal shape. He said he didn’t see anything wrong, and if everything works like how I described, he didn’t see what he could do. He said “just don’t mess with it”. He also mentioned some test they could do (I think it must check for blood flow or whatever) as we were walking out of the room, and he said “but you don’t want to be hooked up to that”. He patted me on the shoulder and said just call up there again if there’s any problems, but he thinks it is definitely nothing serious.

So my question for the experts on this forum is, what do you think I should do to help my dick now? I really kind of want to ease into some sort of very safe PE routine to see if that doesn’t help with my situation. I’ve had a lot of anxiety about this, so a good bit of my symptoms are probably psychological and getting a good pump from a PE session might help me out. But the doctor did say “don’t mess with it”. What do you guys think I should do? I’m ready to move foward with this. I’m open to suggestions. I don’t want to wallow in self-pity and just be depressed, magnifying the psychological problems. Where I stand now, I can still have sex with a woman, my penis might not be as big or as hard as it was, but its not that much worse compared to what it was 3-4 months ago. So lets move on, and y’all give me some suggestions on how to keep improving. Thanks

Do you guys think I should do PE again? Behemoth, would you still advise me to use the Betadine scrub at this point?

I would not mess with it, like the doctor said. If the pain goes away and the EQ gets back to full strength I may start extremely light and then build up. Until then I’d just leave off. I’d rather have a working dick than a bigger one, especially if I was already above average like you.

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)


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