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Think I Might Have Injured Myself


Think I Might Have Injured Myself

Somebody calm me down. Yesterday, I decided to increase my PE routine to 2 days on, 1 day off. I had been doing 1 on, 2 off at 10 minutes jelqing and stretching for a few months with very little gains. Today was the 2nd consecutive day of PE.

With a few minutes left in today’s 10 minute jelqing session, I began to experience a sharp, but not very painful “sensation” about 3/4 of the way up my shaft. The light pain felt like it was coming from deeper inside the penis, and not a good feeling. Stupidly, I continued jelqing until the 10 minutes were up and the sensation occured with almost every stroke. Afterward, I have felt the same sharp sensation in the same spot (3/4 of the way up my shaft from within the penis closer to the right side) for brief moments at a time. It has been 4 hours since I would have acquired this possible injury.

Immediately after becoming concerned, I tested to see if I could achieve a full erection, and I can. But the slight pain is still present. My penis is not turtled right now, and I’ve gotten a few semis by getting randomly aroused a few times since then. But

Basically, I’m scared out of my mind right now. From what I’ve read, it sounds like these injuries resolve themselves, it just takes time. But I am a worrier. Could the sensation I’m describing be a normal and non-serious “ache” after some sessions? Somebody please calm me down.

Last edited by WangSlanga : 10-01-2013 at .

The sensation has become less frequent as time has passed since the PE session, but still there.

So I stayed worried about this and ended up masturbating to porn, because that what I do when I get stressed out (a problem I am trying to fix). During the masturbation, my penis got fully erect and there was no trace of pain/sharp sensation. I felt the sensation again a few moments ago, though it seems to be fading. Somebody please tell me I’m probably alright.

You will most likely be alright, stop PE for a couple of weeks, and see how it feels after that.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Thank you Behemoth.

Question, I felt like I was probably squeezing a little too tight during this session which resulted in this situation. I don’t think it was due to me doing back-to-back days of PEing, though it could be.

When I start back, do you think I should be alright switching to 2 on, 1 off from 1 on, 2 off. Thanks

When you go back start with one on and two off again, then after a month or so go to one on and one off, perhaps you might like to try the Parallel grip as displayed on Tom’s site,

It may give you a little less pressure to work with.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Originally Posted by Behemoth
When you go back start with one on and two off again, then after a month or so go to one on and one off, perhaps you might like to try the Parallel grip as displayed on Tom’s site,

It may give you a little less pressure to work with.

Ok Thanks

It’s a good idea to be careful when jelquing and stretching so as not to hurt your self. It’s very easy to injure when going too hard at it. It’s good to have a girl do that for you if you have a girlfriend, ask her if she can help you out. If not, proceed with caution!

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!

Update on my situation: Ok so this morning I woke up with a semi which is pretty normal for me. I thought that was a good sign, no signs of the pain from yesterday for the first 30 minutes or so of my morning.

But when I got on the bus to go to class, I began to periodically feel the sensation again. It feels like a really weak ant bite right in the middle of the diameter of my shaft in the spot I described yesterday. There is no discoloration or bad pain, just the coming and going sensation. Sometimes it will last a few seconds and feel like somebody lightly thumped the side of my dick. Since I’ve begun typing this message, I have not experienced the sensation. I need to be calmed again. Thanks

You’re probably going to be ok, after all you’ve only given the injury a day or so to recover. That’s simply not enough time for, really, any injury. I can understand the concern given where the injury is, but just leave it completely alone for a few days and see if the pain subsides completely. I think it would be wise to abstain from anything like sex or masturbation for at least 3-5 days. You’ll probably want to give PE a couple weeks and ease back into it very gradually. This may cost you a week or two as far as your progress, but that’s better than restarting too early and really injuring yourself.

As long as the pain subsides slightly every day I think you have nothing to worry about, especially if you’re still capable of getting an erection. If you had truly injured yourself you’d probably have a seriously difficult time doing that. Keep calm =)

Edit - had to fix a typo (sorry, OCD)

Originally Posted by dallama
You’re probably going to be ok, after all you’ve only given the injury a day or so to recover. That’s simply not enough time for, really, any injury. I can understand the concern given where the injury is, but just leave it completely alone for a few days and see if the pain subsides completely. I think it would be wise to abstain from anything like sex or masturbation for at least 3-5 days. You’ll probably want to give PE a couple weeks and ease back into it very gradually. This may cost you a week or two as far as your progress, but that’s better than restarting too early and really injuring yourself.

As long as the pain subsides slightly every day I think you have nothing to worry about, especially if you’re still capable of getting an erection. If you had truly injured yourself you’d probably have a seriously difficult time doing that. Keep calm =)

Edit - had to fix a typo (sorry, OCD)

An update on my situation. Its been 4 days and the frequency of the feeling has continued to decrease I think, but it is still there. The feeling feels like it has kind of changed though when it does occur, less sharp and more of dull ache (maybe light pressure that slightly radiates toward just under the glans on the under right side). The feeling I describe is not sensitive to touch at all, just a coming and going pulse of sensation every now and then. I’ve gone several hours at a time over the last few days without feeling any of the weird sensation. Sometimes the duration of the sensation can last a few minutes, I am feeling it as I type this right now actually. However, I just got done masturbating. You say I it would be wise to give that up for a few days, I have masturbated 3 times since acquiring this injury with no pain or difficulty getting an erection. I think I will stop doing it though. Its just when I get the sensation, sometimes I get really worried and I want to test if my penis still works right then. But it has obviously worked fine 3 times since the injury, so I guess I just need to give it a complete rest.

When do you think I will be completely healed?

Last edited by WangSlanga : 10-05-2013 at .

Guys since Masturbating a little over an hour ago, the sensation has been fairly constant. Just a present kind of sharp sensation that radiates about an inch upward toward my glans. I’m panicking right now. Please calm me down

Originally Posted by WangSlanga

Guys since Masturbating a little over an hour ago, the sensation has been fairly constant. Just a present kind of sharp sensation that radiates about an inch upward toward my glans. I’m panicking right now. Please calm me down

Originally Posted by Dude151
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I see you’re joking. Do you think I will recover from this? I’m seriously scared out of my mind right now that I have caused permanent damage to my dick and it will get gradually worse or something. I’m really not in the mood man. I can appreciate trolling somebody if you think they are freaking out for no reason, do you think I’ll be fine?

I’m seriously really stressed out right now.

Originally Posted by WangSlanga
I see you’re joking. Do you think I will recover from this? I’m seriously scared out of my mind right now that I have caused permanent damage to my dick and it will get gradually worse or something. I’m really not in the mood man. I can appreciate trolling somebody if you think they are freaking out for no reason, do you think I’ll be fine?

I’m seriously really stressed out right now.

The message was simply, calm down. Don’t touch your dick and if it doesn’t heal up after some time passes, go visit a doctor.

Originally Posted by Dude151
The message was simply, calm down. Don’t touch your dick and if it doesn’t heal up after some time passes, go visit a doctor.

I understand and am trying to. I swear I’m going to take it very easy next time I do PE. In your opinion though, what do you think about what I have described? Does this resemble horror stories you have heard?

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