Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Vein???



I had a vein problem develop from accidentally wearing a stretchy cock ring overnight. Pumping, wearing a cock ring or any prolonged (say over 5 minutes) constriction caused an almost BB-sized lump in the vein.

Depending on how badly I aggravated it, the lump (often not only one, but a series) would go away within a few hours to several days. I continued PEing and tried to avoid techniques that irritated it the most. I’d have to search my posts to figure out when this first happened - maybe 9 months ago? But now it’s no longer a problem. I have a different vein bothering me at the moment. :(

In my experience, pumping, wearing a cock ring and wrapping for girth are some of the worst things a guy can do when dealing with a thrombosed vein. Anything that hinders blood flow for many minutes is bad.

My suggestion is to take several days off all PE, then start back with a few minutes of easy jelqing (no pumping or cock rings). See how it goes. If the vein clots, take a longer break, maybe a week or two, then try lightly jelqing again. It’s a tough call how long to rest before trying again. Play it by ear.

>What I found is, it seems like the vessel became too long due to the stretch and then when getting flaccid, it creases so much that the blood won’t get through anymore.<

Something irritated the vein. Perhaps you can adjust your hand position to avoid overstressing it. If you wet jelq, you could try dry jelqing. Or switch your grip from underhand to overhand or vice versa.

If the clot is there immediately after your workout, the crease when you go totally flaccid isn’t the cause. OTOH, if it’s ok right after your workout but clots later, then the kinking may be contributing to it.

> I had a vein problem develop from accidentally wearing a stretchy cock
> ring overnight.

whoops :-)

> In my experience, pumping, wearing a cock ring and wrapping for girth
> are some of the worst things a guy can do when dealing with a
> thrombosed vein.

oh yes and i’ve been doing all of that…

> My suggestion is to take several days off all PE, then start back with a
> few minutes of easy jelqing (no pumping or cock rings). See how it
> goes. If the vein clots, take a longer break, maybe a week or two, then
> try lightly jelqing again. It’s a tough call how long to rest before trying
> again. Play it by ear.

I took one day off everything (one day! how cool is that. could not resist any longer) , and had a small pumping session today (5 x 1 minutes at 5 HG), carefully watching things progress. No problem. A few minutes later though, same thing as always, the rubber band appeared. So I believe the kinking might in fact have to do with it. Later again, everything alright, a penis as small as always and no thrombosed vessels anywhere.

soflsun, thanks for your reply. Probably you’re right and I just should stop thinking about it.

Good luck to all of you with your veins ;-) I’ll be posting my experiences in a few weeks or so.

Thrombosed vein???

Hello All,

I have been reading the forum to see if anyone had a similar injury and I think I may have found it here. I have included a file with some areas highlighted to show the area of injury.

I have been using the JELQ(TM) device from as well as manually stretching and hand jelqing for about 2 months now. A few weeks back, after a rather vigorous workout (I thought I could handle it), I noticed a hard and sensitive area just behind the Glans Penis and slightly on the left side. Furthest to the left is a bulbous area and as you come around the shaft towards the center, it is like a very hard ridge and it is sensitive to touch. I noticed, after sex with my wife this last weekend, that the sensitivity is now progressing from the area of the bulbous vein back in a straight line towards my body but there is no signs of hardening in that area…just very sensitive and slightly painful like little needles pricking it as I, or my wife of course, slides over it. Over the last two weeks it had become more painful so this week I have stopped jelqing and limiting myself to hot wraps, manual stretching while in the shower, and massaging a coupl;e times a day. I am hoping this will help.

Just to put my mind at ease, please take a look at the picture I have provided and let me know if anyone has had a similar injury.

(23.4 KB, 125 views)

This talk of taking aspirin and vitamin E has me wondering about something. I’ve been taking fish oil capsules for several years. I started taking it just as preventative health because I had read it was good to help keep plaque from sticking to the arteries and helps keep the arteries elastic. Not sure now, but I think I read that fish oil health benefits were investigated when it was noticed that eskimoes rarely have heart attacks. My eating habits are so bad I thought I might as well try to offset my diet with some supplements.

I’ve been jelqing for over a year and since joining Thunder’s I’ve added fowfers and manuel stretching. I haven’t had a thrombosed and I’m wondering if the fish oil may be a preventative for that? I am more veiny now from PE though.
If a person is a diabetic they have to be careful about taking fish oil I’m thinking but not sure. Just thought I would mention it and if someone diabetic wants to take fish oil they can check first and see if I’m correct or wrong about that.

Last edited by beenthere : 12-11-2003 at .

Also, I think fish oil thins the blood like aspirin, vitamin e, and garlic all do. A person can make their blood way too thin by taking all these together at high levels. Thin blood is a good heart attack preventive but too thin can increase the chance of a stroke if I’m not mistaken of what I’ve heard.

I’ve got the rubber-band thing happening along a vein from base to just under glans AND around under the glans. The vein would often get swollen from jelqing and in the past but nothing like this. Got it after a break from jelqing when I tried some horse-type clamping after several weeks off. First it was just the vein but then it seemed to grow and include the circumference of the shaft under the glans like in the pic earlier in the post (the one with the nice shot of the carpet :) without any more self-applied trauma, which worried me. When I’ve gotten a hardened area before it’s gone away after a bit of massage but this one’s been around for weeks now. I bet it would feel pretty interesting to a woman feeling that ridgy thing moving around and it’s kind of cool because of that and because of the little bit extra girth under the glans but, MAN, I do not want my dick to die! I’m going to resume jelqing gently and see how it goes.

…but then, after having this thing for a while it pretty much disappeared over night. I can still feel a little of the ‘rubber-band’ effect in the vein that goes lengthwise but the area just under the glans which felt like a thick piece of string had been wrapped 1 1/2 times around it has fully smoothed out which makes me think there is something to this idea of some kind of valve, otherwise how could such a prominent thing that had been there for over a week disappear in one day?


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