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Thrombosed Vein???


Thrombosed Vein???

After 4 months of PE and good gains I have recently developed a problem: After about 5 minutes of jelqing, I get an engorged vein on the left side of the shaft. It’s on the inner shaft, not on the top skin layer. This only happens when I jelq, stretching, sex etc. - no problems. The vein isn’t even noticeable when I am flaccid. I took 5 weeks off when this begin and just started again at the beginning of this week and the problem persisted.

Has anyone had this experience? Is this a thrombosed vein? What should I do about this? Any suggestions appreciated.

Thanks, Win

Is the vein hard?

Or just engorged?

If the engorgement goes away after you stop jelqing and isn’t actually hard, I would say it doesn’t sound thrombosed to me….

Jelq away….

See Ya,


Engorged vein or hard vein?

If it is hard like a thin rubber band it’s probably thrombosed. See if you can feel it when you are flaccid. It’s difficult sometimes, but try to find it. Thrombosed veins are clogged up and stay hard.

Do you get any skin puffiness or swelling above the vein after jelqing? Of the 3 thrombosed veins I’ve had, I first noticed 2 from the swelling.

They take varying lengths of time to clear up. Anywhere from a week to several months. Hot wraps can help, but mostly you just have to wait it out. :(

Thanks for the replies! It does seem to have some puffiness, although this may just be because the vein is engorged and thus the skin protrudes out. The vein doesn’t seem to stay hard after jelqing and dissipates in size quickly afterward. I forgot to mention previously that I do experience some subtle discomfort when the vein becomes engorged after 5 or so minutes of jelqing. Thrombosis?

Thanks again, Win


I’m not sure. You have some symptoms of it, but the vein should stay hard. Maybe it isn’t thrombosed, but just gets irritated from jelqing?

You could try dry jelqing (sliding the skin along with your ok grip) if you haven’t already. It is generally easier on veins than wet jelqing.

Okay, I’ll try that. Thanks Hobby!

I started pumping and jelqing two months ago. Three times I developed a small thrombosis. The first two times from overpumping - at least that’s what I felt -, today from wearing a cockring.

The location was always the same - just below the head on the lower side. The blood vessel did indeed feel like a hard rubber band.

To make the thrombosis disappear, I massaged, used heat and most important chewed 200mg of ASS (Aspirin) immediately. I believe those low ASS dosages are usually supposed to avoid heart attacks but can also help out in a situation like mine. My thrombosis always disappeared within one hour.

Anyway, I have a somewhat scary question concerning the thrombosis. Does anyone know whether or not such blood clots can move to other parts of the body? If yes, I would think the whole thing over.

Thanks for any replies!

>Does anyone know whether or not such blood clots can move to other parts of the body?

I think there’s a big difference between deep vein thrombosis and the superficial clots we get. Maybe one of the doctors here will answer your question.

In addition to aspirin (81mg per day?), check out purple grape juice. Here is one link. A search on grape juice and resveratrol turns up many more.

>Does anyone know whether or not such blood clots can move to other parts of the body?

Hobby’s right, don’t sweat it: an SVT won’t move. When I had what might have been a thrombosis (or maybe it was part of the normal anatomy I’d never noticed before - the doctor wasn’t sure), the urologist said that penile thromboses are harmless unless they cause pain. It’s worth taking time off and using hot wrap, aspirin, etc., to try to clear it up, but if after months of no activity it’s still acting up, I’d just ignore it if it doesn’t bother you. Something as vascular as the penis will grow new veiny parts to reroute blood flow, bypassing the blockage, is what the doc told me.

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Thanks for your quick replies hobby & helluvastud.

> In addition to aspirin (81mg per day?), check out purple grape juice.
> Here is one link. A search on grape juice and resveratrol turns up
> many more.

Interesting enough. Will try out. Just came back from shopping, bought grape juice and a gravel cleaner which i stumbled across in the pet’s corner (yes i do have an aquarium O:-) )

> Something as vascular as the penis will grow new veiny parts to reroute > blood flow, bypassing the blockage, is what the doc told me.

Thanks for your information. Actually I can imagine that rerouting thing, my member is already building new vessels since I started pumping…

One last thing, what happens to those clots anyway, do they dissolve or stay somewhere?

They dissolve.

By the way, in addition to the grape juice and aspirin, eating lots of garlic or vitamin E may also help thin the blood. Just be careful not to overdo it. Aspirin is the most important thing.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I’ve had two of them and got rid of them both in a short amount of time. Asprin, vitamin E, and massaging. I think the massaging helped more than anything.

FWIW, when I looked up treatment for these things there wasn’t any evidence that aspirin speeds recovery. It may though.

I was thinking that maybe aspirin and grape juice could be of use as preventive measures for those of us who are particularly prone to thrombosed veins. I don’t know if they or any other supplements (l-arginine, for example) would help.

If you take aspirin regularly, don’t take very much. More isn’t better, and stomach problems aren’t fun.

I do take aspirin regularly, low dosed. Never had problems so far but you’re right, it’s not as harmless as many people think.

After today’s workout my problem reappeared, despite aspirin, grape juice and vitamin e. I sat back and examined my penis with a heat lamp. What I found is, it seems like the vessel became too long due to the stretch and then when getting flaccid, it creases so much that the blood won’t get through anymore. It actually looks very much like the black zigzag over here:

So maybe my real problem is this “worn out” blood vessel…? Sucks anyway. Similar experiences anyone?

At 3 months, I have a similar “injury” as you do. It has been there for over a month. It doesn’t usually hurt, and it doesn’t go away. As long as it doesn’t get worse, I would continue. I am also following my own advise. Good luck. BTW, I am also not sure if it was there from the start and just didn’t notice it until later on.

One foot to go

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