Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Veins and hanging anybody?

I don’t know I have read in some urology forums that this veins are a result of trauma so they recommend just not to tocuh it at all till it heals on its own. By this I mean no massages, cold/ hot wraps, no masturbation and if possible no sex.

I can validate any of this suggestions and tell you whether they work or not, but in my case I am going to take a couple of weeks off taking those recommendations. I´ll let you guys know how things go.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

hot and cold wraps cannot possibly do any harm…

not unless you try to masturbate or do PE after a cold wrap.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

I am not so sure about hot and cold wraps. For instance hot baths are advised against when you have varicose veins in the legs. And the so-called “ice-baths” have never been proven to work in sports healing, there was even some indication of counter-effect. Its basically shooting in the dark.

You’re not meant to ejaculate more than twice a week dude. Not only are you breaking your dick but you are throwing away a lot of energy that could be used to create whatever you want and need in life.


Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony
You’re not meant to ejaculate more than twice a week dude. Not only are you breaking your dick but you are throwing away a lot of energy that could be used to create whatever you want and need in life.

Very true. Especially the throwing away energy part. Its just a crutch that makes you into a sex zombie.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

I think you can continue hanging just should switch to a no-clamping style - try a vacuum hanger, for example.

Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony

You’re not meant to ejaculate more than twice a week dude. Not only are you breaking your dick but you are throwing away a lot of energy that could be used to create whatever you want and need in life.

What??? I have sex with my wife at least 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day. Where did you get this info from?

Originally Posted by marinera

I think you can continue hanging just should switch to a no-clamping style - try a vacuum hanger, for example.

So a Bib would not be advisable until that thing is gone?

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong

So a Bib would not be advisable until that thing is gone?

Not advisable IMHO, since it grabs the shaft so puts stress on veins.

Thanks for the warning! I just got my Bib Hardcore Starter and can’t even try it now because of this.

Okay here’s where I’m at. Definitely glad I decided to quit for some time.

Upon further self-examination and review I’m thinking the problems are lymph associated for the most part. But I do have two veins on the underside of my penis that are an issue as well. But the Lymph are the main problems, thick fibrous long tissues that are swollen right now (these or the 2 long cord-like things going on at the base of my penis on both sides).

I’m still having a hard time laying off not jerking it. I still do about every other day but I use my fleshlight so as to not squeeze anything. The only pain I got was from earlier in the week when I was masturbating and the cords swelled up a lot and then on the underside of my penis 2 veins got very irritated, otherwise no pain at all really. I know this will delay my recovery. I’m trying not to touch the damn thing for a few more days, LOL.

I’m holding off on seeing a doctor for the time being, but if things don’t start clearing up or they get worse anytime soon then I will go. But from what I’ve read a lot of guys go and the Doctor pretty much tells them that it will clear up in time on it’s own.

Just an update.

Originally Posted by PenisMagee
Okay here’s where I’m at. Definitely glad I decided to quit for some time.

Upon further self-examination and review I’m thinking the problems are lymph associated for the most part. But I do have two veins on the underside of my penis that are an issue as well. But the Lymph are the main problems, thick fibrous long tissues that are swollen right now (these or the 2 long cord-like things going on at the base of my penis on both sides).

I’m still having a hard time laying off not jerking it. I still do about every other day but I use my fleshlight so as to not squeeze anything. The only pain I got was from earlier in the week when I was masturbating and the cords swelled up a lot and then on the underside of my penis 2 veins got very irritated, otherwise no pain at all really. I know this will delay my recovery. I’m trying not to touch the damn thing for a few more days, LOL.

I’m holding off on seeing a doctor for the time being, but if things don’t start clearing up or they get worse anytime soon then I will go. But from what I’ve read a lot of guys go and the Doctor pretty much tells them that it will clear up in time on it’s own.

Just an update.

I am exactly on the same situation. I masturbated and had sex with my girl a couple of times this week, so I still feel this thing on my dick that I believe it is a thrombosed vein (even my girl mentioned it to me).

Right now my plan of action is to try to avoid any sexual activity alone or with her for one or two weeks and if I don’t see any improvement I will go to the doctor.

I have also read on testimonials of similar injuries and it seems that this issue solves on its own after some time if you give it a rest.
I will keep you guys updated as well.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Not sure I had a thrombosed vein. I had a very small bump under my skin which seemed to be part of a vein. Based on Bib’s advice, I kept hanging and believe it or not, it went away. He said as long as the bump didn’t cause pain, I was OK. So far so good.

Swollen dick - can't hang effectively

I didn’t know where to post but this seems the most fitting thread. It’s possible that I’ve missed a similar topic so If somebody could refer me to it, I would appreciate that greatly.

I’ve been reading “thunders” and doing PE for quite a while. The problem that I have appeared early in my journey and persisted until now, however recently it became a “dead-end” factor. I only hang, and I would think I hang gently, but no matter how many factors I play with, no matter how careful and persistent I am I still get a swollen dick after 2-3(20 minute each) sessions of hanging. This swelling makes the following sessions(I try to manage at least 5-6 sessions to reach 2 hours a day) very problematic, sometimes impossible. The veins become inflated and dick itself gradually becomes sort of soft and spongy. It also prolongs my PE time to a ridiculous 7-8 hours, because I have to wait an hour or more between sessions for the dick to “deflate” to become “hangable”. Out of those 7 hours I only manage to hang for 1.5-2 if I am lucky.What a waste of time, and inefficiency!( It also effects my next day of hanging, often forces me to take breaks(which is not good since ligaments get stronger), because swelling persists to the next day making my dick look more massive(which is good) but at the same time making it impossible to “deflate” it to an acceptable state for hanging, no matter how long and how creatively I try to draw blood out of it.
I think one explanation could be that I never gave my penis enough time to heal and therefore one stress on my veins is followed after another without a full recovery. However I don’t see how it is possible to completely avoid swelling, because even after long breaks it returns as soon as I start hanging. I don’t like to miss days and to be unproductive, PE became sort of a absolutely-need-to-do things on my day-list( I hope you understand me guys). To summarize: I feel very ineffective and discouraged since my ligaments don’t get an appropriate stretch because my penis’s circulatory systems gives up first.

So my question to you is : Am I only one who is limited in the amount of hanging because of the circulatory system issues in the penis and If somebody had the same problem, how one overcame it? Thank you for reading, for I know everyone’s time is valuable.

Hi Levko,

I would suggest starting your own thread on your issues and also talking more in-depth about what type of hanger you are using, and breaking down your routine as well (how long you’ve been hanging, the weight amounts, etc…). If you are using a Bib hanger I would definitely suggest registering on Bib’s site and trying to gain some information thru him, he is an excellent source. Bib has lots of information, as does Thunder about Hanging issues. What I”m saying is don’t be afraid to draw from as many informative PE sites as possible.

If it is taking you as long as you say it is (7-8) hours to get something done, and you are having all these problems you must be doing something wrong. Your body is trying to tell you to back down. You may want to consider a deconditioning break and starting from scratch making sure that you are doing everything right from the get go. Once problems pop up they have an easy way of compounding fast. Furthermore do not be afraid to back down in weights and/or sets until your penis stops having all these issues if you decide to stick with it. And this is for any point in your PE routine.

I’m not sure that we are having the same problems. I think my issues are mostly Lymph related but I do have some veins giving me problems as well.

I wish you luck, but I really think you should start your own thread on your issues, and really describe in detail what is going on, your routine, type of hanger, etc. It may just be some issues you are having with your wrapping (too tight, not enough, too much, hanger sliding, etc.) There are host of things that could come into play.


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