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Thrombosed Veins and hanging anybody?


Thrombosed Veins and hanging anybody?

Just trying to see how many people have had problems with Thrombosed Veins as a result of Hanging?

I’ve got at least 2 different veins, perhaps 3 going on right now. I’m pretty much walking away from PE for a while until they clear up.

My belief for the main reason why I am having these problems is because I masturbate way too much. And that my friends is an understatement. On average up to 3-4 times a night on weeknights, and on the weekends 4-6 times, sometimes up to 8 times! And usually no days off in-between. I’m 30 years old by the way. I do not currently have a girlfriend, but even when I did I was still going at it pretty regularly, probably about half the amount I am at now. My point being that my penis just can not handle all the stress I was putting on it. So the vein issues are a way of it telling me to knock it off. I think had I not been so aggressive in my masturbation I may have not had these problems. Perhaps I would have anyway. Just a thought.

I’m taking time off until they heal. Eventually I want to hang again, but probably not for some time. I plan on doing the Newbie Routine for a good solid while (say a year or so) until I do anything else. And that is after all my vein issues have cleared up.

Anyway, I am posting this thread hoping that others who have had vein issues as a result of hanging can post and tell their stories. I want to see if I am one of the only ones or if this is more common that what is thought. Bib told me that he has heard of people occasionally getting a thrombosed vein from hanging. But that he had never heard of anyone getting as many as I have at one time.

Please post if you think you may have gotten a thrombosed vein/s from hanging.



I guess all we can do is sympathise with you. But as you say the remedy is in you own hands ( no pun) Just stop masterbating so much once a day is quite enough. - and probably too much in your present condition.

Do as you suggest.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I have had problems with thrombosed veins all along. One eventually put a stop to my hanging.

What are your symptoms of thrombosed veins? Describe what is going on.

Why are you masturbating so much? I don’t mean to sound offensive, but do you have emotional issues? Just wondering…

It is great that you have such a high sex drive though…

You need to get some hobbies… try swimming, gym and PE lol.

Just stick to very soft, very low erection jelqing… after aiming a hot shower on yourself. At the end of the session - aim cold water on it for a while.

Cleared my veins up nicely. Also, look up eroset vein oil for use after the shower.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Originally Posted by hobby
I have had problems with thrombosed veins all along. One eventually put a stop to my hanging.

What are your symptoms of thrombosed veins? Describe what is going on.


I have two very prevalent veins running up each side of my shaft on top/sides. These both popped up within the last month. They made me alter the way I masturbate. They are not particularly painful, more of a nuisance really. I don’t like pushing on them, they are hard like the guitar-strings people describe. Also on the right side of my penis near the head I have more of coil-like thing going on, this is semi-painful at times and has similar symptoms, I’m thinking this one may be a lymphocyte.

I quit hanging on Thursday 2/4/10. I do not plan on doing any PE until this clears up.
I was starting to feel some slight pains when I was hanging, also during the day I was getting some sharp pains throughout my shaft, but they would go away very quickly.

I think it was a combination of things, hanging, and way too much masturbation. My goal is to beat it 2 times per week until this clears up. Even then I will not be using old Rosey Palmer, I have a flesh-light I will use instead so as to minimize any gripping from my hands that may have been contributing to these issues.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
I guess all we can do is sympathise with you. But as you say the remedy is in you own hands ( no pun) Just stop masturbating so much once a day is quite enough. - and probably too much in your present condition.

Do as you suggest.

Thanks for your response.

Originally Posted by Herballist
Why are you masturbating so much? I don’t mean to sound offensive, but do you have emotional issues? Just wondering…

Really not sure what this all is supposed to mean? But thanks for your response and recommendations anyway.

I can relate to you because I have a very similar problem. I also feel a guitar- string like thing on the right side of my dick, and it appeared after I masturbated a lot and also without rest days (damn vacations).It isn’t painful but it is annoying and uncomfortable.

I am thinking of taking two weeks off masturbation, what do you think? Should I also stay away from sexual activities with my girl?

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Hi Gryphon,

If I were you I would try and limit the masturbation like I am working on now, and when you do, try not to grip very hard, would be best probably if you could avoid using your hand, use a fleshlight if you have one or something similar, or something as simple as thrusting on a pillow could help. This would reduce any undue gripping stress.

I don’t know that I would stop sex unless your symptoms were very extreme. Would keep going with the sex but try not to be too rough when you are doing it. Just my thoughts.

If you are going to masturbate, heat your penis up first - it doesn’t JUST help for PE.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Originally Posted by PenisMagee
I have two very prevalent veins running up each side of my shaft on top/sides. These both popped up within the last month. They made me alter the way I masturbate. They are not particularly painful, more of a nuisance really. I don’t like pushing on them, they are hard like the guitar-strings people describe.

Popped up? What do you mean? If big veins ruptured you’d have major, obvious symptoms. You’d be frantically wondering why your dick turned black and blue. If they only became more prominent, that’s likely a side effect of PEing. If they clotted, you would likely have some swelling.

Persistent skin swelling over the clot (for several days) was the most obvious sign to me of a thrombosed vein. Sometimes I felt twinges of very mild stinging in the skin, but usually no pain at all. Palpating the vein under the swelling, I could feel the clogged area.

I quit hanging on Thursday 2/4/10. I do not plan on doing any PE until this clears up.
I was starting to feel some slight pains when I was hanging, also during the day I was getting some sharp pains throughout my shaft, but they would go away very quickly.

Taking some time off is the best thing to do.

I think it was a combination of things, hanging, and way too much masturbation. My goal is to beat it 2 times per week until this clears up. Even then I will not be using old Rosey Palmer, I have a flesh-light I will use instead so as to minimize any gripping from my hands that may have been contributing to these issues.

Hanging is stressful. The ligs and other connective tissues are tough, but skin and veins take a beating. Work up gradually. Doing other kinds of PE at the same time, or in your case masturbating way too much, adds additional stress to the most fragile parts. My opinion is that if you’re going to hang, then hang only. No other PE. And don’t do anything else crazy to add stress.

Originally Posted by hobby
Popped up? What do you mean? If big veins ruptured you’d have major, obvious symptoms. You’d be frantically wondering why your dick turned black and blue. If they only became more prominent, that’s likely a side effect of PEing. If they clotted, you would likely have some swelling.

Persistent skin swelling over the clot (for several days) was the most obvious sign to me of a thrombosed vein. Sometimes I felt twinges of very mild stinging in the skin, but usually no pain at all. Palpating the vein under the swelling, I could feel the clogged area.

Thanks hobby for your feedback, I definitely appreciate it.

I don’t really know how to describe the “Popped up” that you are asking about. I don’t have anything turning different colors down there, but there is some swelling going on. I’ve had veins become more prominent in the past when I started jelqing however those were still smooth if that makes sense. The 2 big ones I have going on now are very hard and seem foreign to my penis, they are hard and wirey like what is usually described on these boards by others as a thrombosis.

You should include your hanging apparatus to PenisMagee. I’ve had issues with my hanger perhaps being too tight.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Originally Posted by hopeful2hanglow
You should include your hanging apparatus to PenisMagee. I’ve had issues with my hanger perhaps being too tight.

I’m not sure what you are asking here hopeful2hanglow? If you are asking to know which hanger I use, I used a Bib Starter. If you would like to see pictures you can check my account on Bib’s site. My bloc is in the “pictures” section and I go by the name of “cdub” on there.

I did have some issues with tightening too fast. Per Bib, he says to tighten the hanger as you go. For instance, you shouldn’t need to be as tight when hanging 5 pounds in comparison to how tight you will need to be when you are hanging 12 pounds.

-PM…aka cdub on Bib’s site.

So I noticed a hard vein near my main dorsal vein which seems to be new. It doesn’t hurt, but it very hard like a guitar string. No discoloration or pain. Is this a thrombosed vein?

Sounds like it. Apply heat as many times a day as you can and stick to light jelqing.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Ugh! What happens if you keep hanging?

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