Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tons of Red Spots After Clamping...

Tons of Red Spots After Clamping...

Hey guys

Before I started clamping I only got scattered red spots…it was pretty minimal. However, I have been clamping for a little bit now, and every time I clamp my entire dick is covered in red spots. I mean, blotches of them all the way up and down. I know they are normal but I want to know if anyone else gets them like this. Am I clamping too hard/long?

The thing is my dick feels great afterwards. My erection quality is tremendous. It is just the surface level skin where my problems are.

Are these red spots what lead to discoloration?

I am using Vita-K to help fight them off.

This goes in the injury thread dude,

and a few spots are ok, but that many means you’re doing it too much.What’s your routine look like?

Start: 6" length, 4.5" girth / Now: 6.1" length,4.7" girth 1/10/08- 6.25" NBEL length BPEL 6.75" 4.7" Girth

2/12/08- 6.60"NBEL 7" BPEL under head girth- 4.7" base-5"

Time PE'ing:8 months Goal: 10" length, 7" girth My progress thread with pictures: Imasleep's progress thread.Journey to 10x7! Check IT OUT, I have alot of questions posted there with no answers please!


Warm up w/ lamp

Some light stretching

Dry jelq for 10 minutes

Clamp for 5

Lamp time for 5

Clamp for 10

Warm down w/ lamp

What kind of lamp are you using?

Try cutting down the second clamp session to 5 mins and adding some wet jelqs

How long you been PE’ing for?

Start: 6" length, 4.5" girth / Now: 6.1" length,4.7" girth 1/10/08- 6.25" NBEL length BPEL 6.75" 4.7" Girth

2/12/08- 6.60"NBEL 7" BPEL under head girth- 4.7" base-5"

Time PE'ing:8 months Goal: 10" length, 7" girth My progress thread with pictures: Imasleep's progress thread.Journey to 10x7! Check IT OUT, I have alot of questions posted there with no answers please!

Some of us are more susceptible to “red spots” than others. Getting them repeatedly is likely to lead to long-term discoloration. KK, it sounds as though you are headed in that direction. Pressure under tightly stretched skin = spotting/bruising. Repeated spotting/bruising = a good recipe for hemosiderin staining.

Originally Posted by KevinKill
Before I started clamping I only got scattered red spots…it was pretty minimal. However, I have been clamping for a little bit now, and every time I clamp my entire dick is covered in red spots. I mean, blotches of them all the way up and down. I know they are normal but I want to know if anyone else gets them like this. Am I clamping too hard/long?

I wouldn’t consider red spotting as “normal”, that makes it sound a usual event. For me, it is the clearest sign that you’re putting too much pressure on your unit. I got them once on my glans when I was Power-Jelqing too keenly. That sight was enough for me to recognise my penis’ limitations and I vowed never to push that hard again.

As hobby suggests, you may be more susceptible to blood-spotting than most so it is essential that you set boundaries in your intensity. It sounds like you’re way overdoing the clamping pressure, on an already spot-vulnerable penis. Always be sure that any spots you currently have are healed and dissipated before attempting clamping again, or you will simply reopen old wounds and things will get worse.

Once fully healed, go slow, pay full attention to your cock throughout your routine. At any sign of potential trouble, stop before the spotting gets to blotching.

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

I recently started clamping.

I was overly enthusiastic, I guess, to begin with.

The expansion was awesome and my unit was much larger than normal immediately afterwards. The first few times I clamped I was experimenting, but then realised I could get quite a pressure going. Then the skin discolouration - obviously due to blood seeping through the tissues.

I don’t want a penis which is large and a different colour to the rest of my body!

So I’ve had a break of PE - about 3 months (also due to other things happening in my life) - now just started again.

I want to use clamping in my routine but have decided to clamp with a pressure that is stretching the tissues but not beyond that which causes injury .

I believe the discolouration I experienced was an injury, ie not spots but a whole colour change to an even deeper red tone. Which also, I’ve noticed, has taken a while to fade. Note: I also noticed a de-sensitizing of my penis after this clamping session which worried me to a degree, should it be permanent of course! The break has seen a return to normal.

I plan also to alter the duration. Some have said to increase the time clamped - 10 mins plus etc - but I’m going to limit the clamp time to much less, I’m maxing at 1 minute. But, will be doing more ‘sets’ - in other words - 1 min - rest (and pressure release) - 1 min - rest - 1 min - rest etc.

So if I do this routine often - occasionally increasing the pressure - whilst avoiding the ‘blood tissue seepage’ - I’m hoping to avoid the discolouration that can come with clamping. And hopefully see the camping routine produce growth.

I guess it’s like bodybuilding, build up resistance over time in a controlled way.

I think you could do some serious damage if you go too far with clamping. Is it worth it?

Oh by the way… I bought an air clamp from a fellow member’s website -

The air clamp is great for getting a comfortable and controllable clamp! But get your size right. I measure six inches at the base of my unit - the clamp I bought would be difficult to use if I was any bigger!

An extra point to consider - I have had red spots as the result of jelqing, which disappeared after a couple of days. The discolouration from clamping much different.

So, KevinKill, this is my experience and plan of action to work on.

For all the experienced ones out there what’s your thoughts on the above, also any other advice you can give?

As well as clamping I’m incorporating:

ADS (Penimaster)
Manual stretching exercises
hanging using peweights


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