Your Longest Decon/Healing Break?
Hey erryone…
So, like the title reads, what’s the longest time you’ve taken off from PE, for injury healing, deconditioning or otherwise?
Due to the overzealous nature of my attempt at the newbie routine (upping reps too quickly and not using the Linear Routine instead), I injured myself jelqing. This resulted in sporatic, SHARP pains days after ejaculating. I plan on not PEing until August or September of this year, and that will have been 12 months, one solid year of no PE. Not only no PE, but a solid year of trying to not touch my dick and not ejaculate while awake. This has been very stressful on me and unimagineably hard, but my injury has slowly improved and if I can keep this no touching my dick thing up for another 5 months or so, I will be able to guiltlessly continue PE whether my pains are still here or not. September is the absolute longest I can wait without trying PE again, so at that point Ill know I have done all I can about my injury and wont hate myself for pushing through it (I can still get rock hard erections, and I can live with the pains I was getting if they dont heal - but I cannot live with this small unit anymore! It’s just not ‘me’, if you feel where I’m coming from :P
So, what’s the longest you’ve gone without PE? How was this on you mentally, physically, etc? I’m finding that waiting to PE is one of the most miserable things a person can do, as I’m not being very social at all during this year off either (became very secluded once I realized my unit was ‘small’…:/…each day is a struggle, I have my good and my bad days, and all I can really say to keep myself going is, at least I’m not a quadraplegic somewhere (knock on wood). That would be a fate worse than death…it’s a thought that helps keep me going sometimes.
On a sidenote, if you’re ever extremely depressed about your own fate, google ‘aparalyzed forums’ and take a read around at people who have been FUCKED OVER by life so badly….it really does help put things into perspective and lets you know just how strong some people can be (maintaining a positive outlook even though they can’t even breathe, eat or shit for themselves, etc. It’s an amazing place to read some incredibe life stories and cruel twists of fate…anyways, hope at least somebody can reply to this! I’m bored as fuck and sometimes wish this place was more like a chat room than a forum!
Love to you all,