Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

All the Whey - whey and CEE


Originally Posted by happi_g_more
I’m by no means an expert, but I’ve taking a TON of creatine in my time. From what I’ve read CEE is much better quality then monohydrate. Plue, in my experience, monohydrate is a pain in the ass. If you don’t dissolve it properly, the stomach doesn’t absorb it. Then it goes into the intestines. It’s way too big for the intestines to absorb, so your body flushes it.diarrhea!! I have tested this time and time again. If I’m persistent in dissolving monohydrate in hot water, I’m great and have decent results. If I don’t dissolve it.I get the runs, every time. CEE disappears in cold water quickly and I feel like I get equal to better results with it. Anyway, that’s my unscientific creatine study.

As for the links. I have not looked at bulk, but I have looked at just seems like a marketing site for it’s own store. Not that thats a horrible thing, I was just trying to get the inside scoup on supplements. I use to really pay attention and know what to get and from whom. Not so much anymore.

I hope you read my post about this scam product like many others, if you still want to go with creatinine.cough cough.. I mean cee I will send you a link were you can get bulk cheap

I suggest you try green mag however or storm


Thanks new2this. Ill check out the links you posted. I’m really interested to read about this.

I’ve takin a shit load of creatine over the last approx. 20 years. Mostly creatine mono-hydrate. I can tell you this, the CEE I had was completely different then any monohydrate I’ve ever seen. All CMH that I have used was next to impossible to dissolve in a cold liquid. It’s like trying to dissolve sea salt in cold water. It just sits there on the bottom. When I would drink it, it was guaranteed to give me the runs. After a ton of reading, I found something that made sense. It basically ends up in the intestine where the body tries to flush it. When I would dissolve CMH in hot water, everything was fine.

However, the 1 huge tube of CEE I’ve used over the last few years dissolved in water with little effort. I felt like I got the same results as CMH, it was just infinitely easier to use. CEE does taste like shit though. It’s so fucking bitter.

Yea cee turns into creatinine too fast, which is what you get if you leave creatine in water for 15 minutes it becomes useless and you urinate it, it’s changing before it reaches your tissue.

I don’t even put creatine mono-hydrate in water, I just put it on my tounge and drink something. I don’t get the runs but, say I have just come off a cycle(no need to cycle creatine) I have to use the bathroom, no matter what kind because my body has to get use to it again, so it could be your body needs to get use to it. But cm has a poor absorption rate.
So I couldn’t tell you a creatine to keep you from going initially but you will get use to it. I have tried them all.except cee and upon 1st time taking them I go to the bathroom even magnesium chelate which is the worse but your body gets use to the magnesium.

Try out concrete, it’s a hcl which was found while in the process of making cee. No bloat. No water retention. Problem with taking just 1 is that if you don’t respond to it money gone.
A blend like storm and you will respond, no weight gain, minimum water retention hard muscle look, it’s almost like green mag but you don’t add weight with it. I like the water retention so I dropped storm lololol

Well crap! Looks like it has been some years since I kept up to date on supplement research. Thanks New2This.

I found 1/5 bin of CCE hidden in the back of my supp closet. I switched to Storm then Monsterpump for a comprehensive NO2 matrix a few years back when the prices came way down. Don’t remember if I even notices that they contained old school monohydrate rather than CCE.

Originally Posted by New2This
A blend like storm and you will respond, no weight gain, minimum water retention hard muscle look, it’s almost like green mag but you don’t add weight with it. I like the water retention so I dropped storm lololol

I originally looked into creatine for water retention rather than body building many years ago. I tried and liked storm but did notice it didn’t help as much with water retention.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Well crap! Looks like it has been some years since I kept up to date on supplement research. Thanks New2This.

I found 1/5 bin of CCE hidden in the back of my supp closet. I switched to Storm then Monsterpump for a comprehensive NO2 matrix a few years back when the prices came way down. Don’t remember if I even notices that they contained old school monohydrate rather than CCE.

I originally looked into creatine for water retention rather than body building many years ago. I tried and liked storm but did notice it didn’t help as much with water retention.

Yea, see alot of bodybuilders out there don’t like water retention, so they do use storm or concrete. I love the water retention so I use monohydrate it makes my muscle swollen but not harder like storm does. I think it made my penis puffier and more relaxed but can’t be sure because I do take all forms of arginine. Why were you looking for water retention?

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
You don’t even need the loading phases, it’s a waste: Why Use Creatine & What Else To Know

I don’t know if you need to load or not I can’t say I actually load but I take probably 20 grams a day that I do weight training.

My new routine
Chest Back take bcaas,raw oatmeal with whey relax for an hour at the gym chat calm my self, then run 1 mile(10 minutes)
Basketball layups sprint 4 times from each side of the court, 50 #210 crunches x 10 sipo bcaas inbetween. If 10 sets cannot be done in 45 minutes quit go home.

Run 3 miles ( normally 35 minutes trying to work to 28)

Shoulders and traps relax for an hour bcaas raw oatmeal and whey run 1 mile) basketball sprints and weighted crunches x10 go home’
Later speed bag and heavy bag ddrills at some point before bed

3 miles

Monday routine

Wedsday routine with bag work

Sunday off (no creatine)

I do grueling work so 20 grams shouldn’t be considered a load I suppose as I know I’m burning my creatine storage


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