Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Another method for erections.


Can’t say for certain, but I want to say it was regimen last about a month or so.

For what it’s worth, I take 4-8 grams a day (spread out over the day) and only have better health as a side effect.

4-8 grams a day?? OH my god. Anyway, if the side effect is only have better health I think I have to try

Originally Posted by Jawbone

So the UL seems to be 2 grams (thanks marinera)., but 100 grams a day doesn’t seem to harm anything. How long of a duration was it?

I think the fellow’ memory could be playing him a trick
"Megadoses have been promoted for the treatment or prevention of various conditions, including cancer,[109][110][111][112] the common cold,[103] and coronary disease.[113] These uses are not supported by clinical evidence, and in some cases harm may result"
Vitamin C - Wikipedia

A moderate excess of vitamin C will be easily depleted by the body so it is unlikely to have severe consequences; the foremost will be diarrhea and loss of water - which aren’t a joy though.


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