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Anybody notice an increase in size while on testosterone

Anybody notice an increase in size while on testosterone

I don’t think its just me. I’ve notice in the past when I’m taking testosterone my erect size is noticably increased. Who else here has this happened to? Further more, what causes it? Why are erections larger with increased levels of testosterone? Is there anyway that this method could be used to result in permanent gains? Just some questions that I think are worth addressing. Cheers.

Erections are not larger with increased levels of testosterone, it’s just you. Well, you and a few other guys. Placebo effect? Other variables? I don’t know. Try using the search button with terms like "testosterone size." Here are two to get you started.

steroids help cock grow?
Exposing Dr. Lin

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Nobody else has any other comments with regard to this thread? Come on. I know you guys got more than that.

Yes, I seem to stay tanked up on test lately and the erections are wonderful.

A childhood buddy had micro-penis—about 3” and hairless. When he went into the Navy they gave him something, I believe he said test, and went to 6” with about a 5.5” girth. I wonder what they did. He was 18 years old.

Heres my experience: I ran some Deca at 300mg a week. Around the 4 or 5th week when it really kicked in I started to get Deca D#ck. It was not that bad it was just instead of waking up with full morning wood it was like a 1/2 to 3/4 wood. I could still get it up when the time came.

After some research on the “right” way to do roids I found that Testosterone should be included with any roid you do. So I took some test cyp with it at around 400mg a week and that totaly fixed the problem after it kicked in. I was getting wood galore. I have taken test a few times since then and I have noticed no gains in penis size. I have asked other experienced gear users and they all agree it does not.

I’m not trying to give anyone any ideas but I have wondered with a Test/Deca cycle if you could get gains easier because Deca is pretty good for your ligaments. So I always wondered if you were doing PE on this cycle if it would help in your stretching ? I’m going to test it out mabey later this summer not sure yet though.

Roids do have definite sides though. Shrunken testicals, loss of libido if not done right, depression when comming off and Gyno (B$tch Tits). The way you come off roids is just as important as how you do them. You need to use your clomids and Novladex. Alot even toss in some Tribulus and Tongkat Ali, as they help alot with bringing back the size of your “boys” :) There are a few other anti E’s out there other people use too.

So in the end no Test will not increase the size of your penis but it might give you more frequent erections. Also if you use it at a young age while you are still growning it could really mess you up when you come off - stunted growth.

Edit: My advice would be try Tribulus and Tonkat Ali mabey with some Horny Goat Weed. Thats what I’m going to try next to get my test levels up. Not sure if I’ll ever do roids again.

Harder wood, for sure. Larger flaccid, yes. Larger erect, nope….

Originally Posted by swinglow
A childhood buddy had micro-penis—about 3” and hairless. When he went into the Navy they gave him something, I believe he said test, and went to 6” with about a 5.5” girth. I wonder what they did. He was 18 years old.

That sounds like some of the goofy ads in the back of magazines they had years ago for zinc of all things. “The US Navy only wants real men and gives under endowed recruits (insert product name here)”

anyone else remember those old adds?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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