Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone else use hot sauce to increase penis sensitivity?

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
This years first contestant for the Thundersplace Darwin Award

It was a calculated risk. I knew it would hurt for a limited amount of time, but was unlikely to cause actual damage. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain as someone that has had to undergo surgery and dental care without functional anesthetics. If you feel enough pain, it’s possible to just disregard it up to the point of going into shock and losing consciousness. I wasn’t curled up on the floor shaking from pain, or anywhere near it, so I’d rate it about a 3/10 on the pain you can feel without losing consciousness scale. I’d say it’s a little bit worse than having a finger nail slowly removed with pliers, but still nothing like being water boarded when the CO2 starts making you burn everywhere in terms of raw pain, and it’s a zero on the scale of fear and panic.

I’d do it ten more times if it got one of my favorite discontinued shows back into production.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

wow the stuff one reads here.

what’s next… Sulphuric acid? 😛

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
It was a calculated risk. I knew it would hurt for a limited amount of time, but was unlikely to cause actual damage. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain as someone that has had to undergo surgery and dental care without functional anesthetics. If you feel enough pain, it’s possible to just disregard it up to the point of going into shock and losing consciousness. I wasn’t curled up on the floor shaking from pain, or anywhere near it, so I’d rate it about a 3/10 on the pain you can feel without losing consciousness scale. I’d say it’s a little bit worse than having a finger nail slowly removed with pliers, but still nothing like being water boarded when the CO2 starts making you burn everywhere in terms of raw pain, and it’s a zero on the scale of fear and panic.

I’d do it ten more times if it got one of my favorite discontinued shows back into production.

I refute my statement. My apologies.

I get the pain part, I agree most pain is relatively easy to deal with. I was just under the assumption capsaicin would thin cell membranes in the body. Which would be no bueno in the urethra. Just did some digging to make sure, and while that is the case at higher concentrations I don’t think that won’t happen using very little.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Sounds like it would actually desensitize your penis in the long run

Ouch! I haven’t tried this as a PE method and although my first quest is rock-hard EQ, I don’t think this will work — other than short-term sensitivity to pain. I mistakenly took a piss and not thinking handled my dick with the wrong hand after cooking with poblano peppers. It’s not as bad as rubbing your eyes after handling peppers, but it’s up there. The burning lasted for several hours and did induce a persistent swelling hard-on. Still, I wouldn’t recommend it and am now careful how I handle my guy after handling hot stuff.

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
I refute my statement. My apologies.

I get the pain part, I agree most pain is relatively easy to deal with. I was just under the assumption capsaicin would thin cell membranes in the body. Which would be no bueno in the urethra. Just did some digging to make sure, and while that is the case at higher concentrations I don’t think that won’t happen using very little.

I’m sure some died, but probably not many more than normal. Anything that doesn’t have the same molar concentration of solute as blood runs the risk of destabilizing membranes and the capsaicin liquid did contain some short chain alcohol (longer chains, more carbons, reduce the membrane destabilizing properties of the alcohol functional group) though I let it evaporate away before applying. Membrane destabilization itself is something most human cell lines can recover from though (adipocytes being an exception) if they’re not completely lysed, and they’re regularly destabilized just from walking out in the sunshine. I assume a cell would begin the apoptosis cascade before bursting from capsaicin depolarization via TRPV1.

The urethra itself is used to minor fluctuations in osmotic balance I imagine due to the variability of urine.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Last edited by Sigmoid : 02-18-2020 at .

Originally Posted by miguel coto
Sounds like it would actually desensitize your penis in the long run

Using larger quantities, yes, I expect it would.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Tofer
Ouch! I haven’t tried this as a PE method and although my first quest is rock-hard EQ, I don’t think this will work — other than short-term sensitivity to pain. I mistakenly took a piss and not thinking handled my dick with the wrong hand after cooking with poblano peppers. It’s not as bad as rubbing your eyes after handling peppers, but it’s up there. The burning lasted for several hours and did induce a persistent swelling hard-on. Still, I wouldn’t recommend it and am now careful how I handle my guy after handling hot stuff.

I should probably mention for the method of putting a drop on the finger, rinsing it under water, and then rubbing, I use tabasco sauce. I haven’t tried other hot sauces, that might be significantly hotter.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

PE should be about pleasure not pain.

Very simple and without big words, pleasure = good, pain = bad.

I don’t recommend anyone do this.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
Using larger quantities, yes, I expect it would.

It can be used to treat aches and pains. Any amount would eventually desensitize whatever you are applying it to. It does NOT heighten sensitivity in the long run. The chemical breaks down cell membranes.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
I’m sure some died, but probably not many more than normal. Anything that doesn’t have the same molar concentration of solute as blood runs the risk of destabilizing membranes and the capsaicin liquid did contain some short chain alcohol (longer chains, more carbons, reduce the membrane destabilizing properties of the alcohol functional group) though I let it evaporate away before applying. Membrane destabilization itself is something most human cell lines can recover from though (adipocytes being an exception) if they’re not completely lysed, and they’re regularly destabilized just from walking out in the sunshine. I assume a cell would begin the apoptosis cascade before bursting from capsaicin depolarization via TRPV1.

The urethra itself is used to minor fluctuations in osmotic balance I imagine due to the variability of urine.

If you used a far lower concentrations that would likely be the case…at .07% there were positive results of usage on the SKIN. You should almost definitely use even lower concentrations if putting it inside of your urethra if you want any kind of possible benefit.

Long term use of capsaicin on the SKIN is unknown.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
If you used a far lower concentrations that would likely be the case…at .07% there were positive results of usage on the SKIN. You should almost definitely use even lower concentrations if putting it inside of your urethra if you want any kind of possible benefit.

Long term use of capsaicin on the SKIN is unknown.

I agree that less should be used. Though if you wanted to figure out just how much is safe, you’d have to look at in a different way to measure the dosage correctly, like mg/cm^2 across different tissue types. Because capsaicin is solubilized in things that tend to evaporate away, .07% in ethanol for instance would rapidly become 100% when applied to the skin.

The TRPV1 is being continuously agonized in one way or another, by temperature and shear stresses. A low enough dosage/cm^2 could be entirely negligible. The quality of capsaicin inhibiting innervation however, I don’t know. There must be a concentration in tissue that does not cause significant nerve growth inhibition since people that eat chilis aren’t numb and capsaicin must be circulating around tissues on lipophilic substrates to some degree.

I forgot to mention in my earlier explanation that inflammatory cascades, I’m not sure about all of them, increase sensitivity in somatosensory nerves. That’s why when you get a bruise the tissue becomes hyper sensitive to the touch.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Why all of the pseudo science? Throwing things up against the wall to see what sticks?

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
I agree that less should be used. Though if you wanted to figure out just how much is safe, you’d have to look at in a different way to measure the dosage correctly, like mg/cm^2 across different tissue types. Because capsaicin is solubilized in things that tend to evaporate away, .07% in ethanol for instance would rapidly become 100% when applied to the skin.

The TRPV1 is being continuously agonized in one way or another, by temperature and shear stresses. A low enough dosage/cm^2 could be entirely negligible. The quality of capsaicin inhibiting innervation however, I don’t know. There must be a concentration in tissue that does not cause significant nerve growth inhibition since people that eat chilis aren’t numb and capsaicin must be circulating around tissues on lipophilic substrates to some degree.

I forgot to mention in my earlier explanation that inflammatory cascades, I’m not sure about all of them, increase sensitivity in somatosensory nerves. That’s why when you get a bruise the tissue becomes hyper sensitive to the touch.

Well ethanol would not be something anyone should use in their urethra…I’m sure there are dilutes that don’t evaporate.
Actually capsaicin deadens nerve receptors, that’s why people are able to eat spicier and spicier foods with practice.
You aren’t causing a bruise in this case, totally different effect on the body. Spice and heat cause the opposite reaction.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL


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