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Arginine Lysine Food Chart Ratios

Arginine Lysine Food Chart Ratios

Found this chart showing the amount of Arginine and Lysine in certain foods. Supposedly for larger semen load one would want more Arginine. For viral and infection defenses , more Lysine. Others have noted that Lysine and Arginine fight for absorption. If this is the case will 100/300 intake have the same results of 1000/3000 or will we benefit from the increased dosage on both sides.

Curiously my Optimum Nutrition Protein Complex mix has about 4000/1000 Lysine/Arginine ratio per serving.

http://www.herp … Nutrition.shtml

I noted that Pine Nuts had the most Arginine per gram as well as a very high Arginine to Lysine ratio. I’ve never had Pine Nuts I assume they are edible? Are they tasty?

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Yeah, they’re not bad (pine nuts). Thanks for the list!

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

If you like Italian food, the Pesto sauce is garlic/olive oil/spinach/PINE NUTS. Very rich.

I like!

Pine nuts are also very good for the skin.

But since it’s recommended to take L-A on an empty stomach, isn’t it a waste of time to look for food that contains L-A? I take L-A on an empty stomach with just a glass of water and I don’t eat for a least 45 min. after and it is working great for me.

Originally Posted by powpow
But since it’s recommended to take L-A on an empty stomach, isn’t it a waste of time to look for food that contains L-A? I take L-A on an empty stomach with just a glass of water and I don’t eat for a least 45 min. after and it is working great for me.

I think that stems from the idea that proteins/fats need a base PH to digest when carbohydrates need an acidic PH to digest (it could be vice versa I don’t recall). If you mix the two, the proteins wouldn’t be absorbed as readily (in bodybuilding you try to eat them at seperate sittings). Or that the protein is better absorbed elswhere in the intestinal tract and avoid the stomach acids altogether by not mixing with solid food thus triggering the gastric sphincter to hold onto contents and secrete acid.

Nuts are a mix of Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates. Looking at Peanuts it is 50% fat 25% protein 25% carbs.

I’m ready to accept being wrong on this though :)

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

I don’t really get your point Siam. I know L-A is an amino acid…do you mean that eating pine nuts as a source of L-A would improve the ability of the intestinal system to digest an absorb the L-A since the other components of the nuts would create a base pH in the stomach?

I never claimed either is better :) , one might be cheaper and more tasty than pure Arginine. If indeed Arginine is better absorbed by avoiding the stomach then the water/powder mix should get there pretty quickly. The only way to know how much better it is to eat it from a food source rather than the powder form is to go eat some pine nuts(or whatever other food you might choose) and see how much of it you need to reproduce the same effects that you have on the powder supplement if its even possible.

The mix of components in nuts might hinder digestion and absorption. The stomach might guage which ratio is greatest and digest only that part and then excrete the rest. I don’t have any medical training so… I’ve noticed that if I mix the different types of foods, I often get indigestion and feel bloated as the stomach seems to hold on longer to the contents as well as produce odd gases.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Last edited by SiamGuy : 01-25-2005 at .

Originally Posted by SiamGuy
As well as produce odd gases.

Yeah, you have to watch out with those odd gases.

Might decrease your popularity under sheets.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Yeah, you have to watch out with those odd gases.

Might decrease your popularity under sheets.

Don’t use sheets that way the gas will distribute faster and not smell as bad. Hehehehehehe!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

This topic is quite old, but maybe it can be of interest for other users.

Originally Posted by Thai Guy
I noted that Pine Nuts had the most Arginine per gram as well as a very high Arginine to Lysine ratio. I’ve never had Pine Nuts I assume they are edible? Are they tasty?

Look for other things; they’re quite good, but they’re too expensive. I think in comparison common walnuts contain much l-arginine and they’re even better tasting.

Originally Posted by jays0423
If you like Italian food, the Pesto sauce is garlic/olive oil/spinach/PINE NUTS. Very rich.

Beware that, being pine nuts so expensive, VERY often pesto sauce is done using much cheaper cashews. Maybe they contain the same arginine, maybe not.

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