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Arginine Recipes

Would like to add, I never expected these things at all from calcium.
I only started taking it because I decided not to drink milk any more,
but the positive effects can’t be ignored.

I guess if you think about it, calcium is not only used to maintain bone density,
but for every single muscle contraction you have, including merely blinking,
then it begins to make a lot more sense.

I drink 2-3 pints of skimmed milk per day. Over 20 grams of protein per pint, with almost no fat content, and lots of calcium. Taking too much calcium will cause it to be deposited around the heart, so you need to make sure you don’t over do things, however. 4 pints per day is about the limit one should ever drink, but I doubt anyone drinks that much. It is the supplements which could be easier to overdo.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Greetings Canwood

Just bought some 500mg capsules of L-arginine from a large health food store, this was the only form they carried. A quick question from a fellow Canadian…where did you buy the powder and what was the quantity and cost? Thanks

Aggressive stack

For aggressive routines I stack l-arginine with yohimbe and viagra. The mix works incredibly well once you get it down, but if you chew the pills you can’t leave it in your mouth too long, or you will have some blisters. It is very harsh and acidic to the soft tissues of the mouth, I can only wonder what it does to the lining of ones stomach.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I’m not sure what the chemical reaction would be with orange juice. I would like to see a study on that with L-Arg. I know that with some suppliments the acid in OJ breaks it down a bit and can render them useless. That is very true with Creatine.

Here’s an interesting thought. Creatine is a cell volumizer. I wonder if it has any effect on PE? It also has been shown to be helpful mentally as far as memory goes.

As far as getting it in Canada, I’ve ordered it twice from the US, once from a GNC in Montana, and another time from a place in NY. Never had any probs.
Creatine: Yeah, I suppose it would have a VERY minor effect for PE, but I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on it. Great for weightlifting, though. And IMO, everything else seems to work better (strength, speed, recovery, memory, etc) when on creatine.

PS——actually laid off the arginine for a while, just to see the diff. Smaller loads, and maybe longer “down” time? Hard to say.

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

I just wanted to include that when it comes to L-Arginine: If it is mixed with high glycemic foods (sugars, fruit, food, etc.), then it renders it useless as far as releasing of the HGH. Dr Ann De Wees Allen has done a tremendouse amount of research in past decades proving this, so beware of the mixture and timing of doses. see for the extensive research she has done.

Keep up the good work, guys!

guys, if you read my earlier posts, you will have a good answer to most of the problems observed here.

Tastes bad, cant be mixed with sugars.

Basically, one (if not the only) reason that arginine tastes bad, is that it is the most BASIC (high pH) of all the 20 essential amino acids.

To assist with neutralizing, mix with a cap full of lemon juice, i got just a bottle of the stuff to use for various things. It can be found in any grocery store.

The key is that (just like with mixing with OJ or coke (both acidic)) it is neutralized into a less basic form, before you swallow it.

Dont worry about denaturing it, because if the ph of lemon juice “denatures” arginine, then your stomach acid (HCl) will do the exact same thing.

To address the mixture with sugars issue: THIS IS A STUDIED FACT.

One cap full of lemon juice has zero carbs in it.

You want to take it before any meals, and no less than 30 minutes before a meal. Make sure its on an empty stomach. What happens with high GI (glycemic index) foods, is that they will spike your insulin (naturally), but spiked insulin drives amino acids into muscle, and converts excess into carbs and then fat to be stored.

You need to essentially take the arginine without spiking your insulin (DONT TAKE WITH A COKE (FULL OF SUGAR) OR WITH OJ) Now, if you use a negligable amount of OJ, then i guess its ok. But the basic idea is to minimize the amount of carbs in your system simultaneously.

When you are not in puberty, the “easiest” time for your body to spike HGH is when you are asleep.
I take 3-5g arginine right before bed. I get plenty of wood/penile blood flow during the night to help “heal” from what PE I have done that day, and you will have a better chance of spiking HGH and possibly with a higher spike

Arginine creates HUGE LOADS, and in third world countries is used as “generic” VIAGRA or CIALIS, but you all prolly already knew that.
As stated earlier, body builders use it for the same reasons (nitric oxide production) which increases the “pump” (swollen muscles) you get from a workout. It increases the vasodilation (and thus blood flow) to different areas of your body.

Also, medically speaking, has been studied the effect of arginine on blood vessel formation, and it promotes NEW BLOOD VESSELS TO BE FORMED (a.k.a. angiogenesis). People with consistant arginine intake have better “circulation” (a cold-hands versus a warm-hands person (and better cold tolerance)) and have also been shown to have higher numbers of coronary artery tributaries (heart blood vessels) which will make you less susceptible to a heart attack.

Hope this helps.

PM if you have questions or post here.

I think the best way is to buy some empty capsules and put the arginine powder into them. Arginine tastes really bad, and nothing can mask its taste.

During the 5 months I took L-Arginine, I mixed it in grape juice. That did a good job in neutralizing the bitter taste. During those 5 months of taking it I didn’t get any benefit from it at all.

Originally Posted by Formula1
During the 5 months I took L-Arginine, I mixed it in grape juice. That did a good job in neutralizing the bitter taste. During those 5 months of taking it I didn’t get any benefit from it at all.

…What happens with high GI (glycemic index) foods, is that they will spike your insulin (naturally), but spiked insulin drives amino acids into muscle…

That’s why. You did read UpgradingUnit’s post, right? Grape juice has one of the highest GI ratings. Try without a carbs.

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

Originally Posted by Canwood
…What happens with high GI (glycemic index) foods, is that they will spike your insulin (naturally), but spiked insulin drives amino acids into muscle…

That’s why. You did read UpgradingUnit’s post, right? Grape juice has one of the highest GI ratings. Try without a carbs.

No I quit taking it back in June and threw out what I had left.

I’ve been uing Di-Arginine Malate in powder form (source: http://www.1fas … roducts_id=2036 ) and it doesn’t seem to taste as god awful as regular L-Arginine and I only need about a half tablespoon of it to give me a diamond cutter. You might want to look into it.

Originally Posted by SizedUp
I’ve been uing Di-Arginine Malate in powder form (source: http://www.1fas … roducts_id=2036 ) and it doesn’t seem to taste as god awful as regular L-Arginine and I only need about a half tablespoon of it to give me a diamond cutter. You might want to look into it.

Great post, SizedUp. I’ve never used any products from that website, but they have a kick-ASS articles section that I reference frequently.

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

Originally Posted by EZ Rider
Exactly what is wrong with camel ass???:D

Nothing as long as ya don’t lick it.

I agree 100% I will take it every day for the rest of my life.
The difference I feel in energy, concentration and mood is really quite remarkable.
Not to mention it increases load size when combined with other things, as well.
I get it here Elixir Industry, makers of EZorb and Marvlix

how much do ya pay for ya L-Arginine? Do ya buy it by the pound?


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