Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Arginine Recipes


I use L-Arginine as a capsule filler with other stuff. So I get the daily dose without the tuna butt taste.

BTW, if you cap your own, might want to use a mortar pestle or a coffee grinder to refine it, the stuff is very course for capping.

Questions about arginine

I have search the internet but have not found a answer to a question I have. Does it have any effect on your spleen?

Originally Posted by uncutdude
I have search the internet but have not found a answer to a question I have. Does it have any effect on your spleen?

First of all I’m no expert or a doctor. Based on my research on the L-Arginine:
1. Arginine increases the release of T cells from the thymus
2. Blood passing through the spleen is monitored by the T-cells for any non-self invaders. If some suspicious cell or molecule is detected, it will be scanned by the immune system that produces antibodies directed against the invading antigen if the suspected cell/molecule is indeed a destructing invader.

http://www.peop … h9u/spleen.html

Last edited by kbvk : 02-05-2006 at .

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