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Best Products for Increasing Libido


Best Products for Increasing Libido

OK, I want to try a change of a pace, with some supplement to increase my libido. From what I’ve read on the forums the most talked about are:

  • Yohimbe
  • Horny Goat Weed (or Epimidium)
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Tribulus Terrestris
Am I missing something important?

I’ve never used them, so I can’t comment about cost effectiveness, I would very well welcome you feedback!

-- Wiz How many "free willing" partners/year when not in long relationship?

After 4 months on, 5 months off, BPEL x EG: 7.3\'\' x 4.6\'\'

Starting Stats, April 2005, BPEL x EG: 7.0\'\' x 4.3\'\'

Without question, Libidus. Works better than Viagra for me.

W1, how old are you?

I ask because I’m 46, and my libido has increased since I started taking 25 mg of DHEA every morning. I’ve recently started taking ZMA every night, but don’t know what effect it may have on libido yet.

Also, being horny starts in your brain. You also have to get yourself mentally to a place where sexy thoughts are more frequent and to where you can spend longer dwelling on them before some other thought intrudes. So, if you’re tired, distracted, depressed, stressed, obsessed, or whatever, you need to work on those conditions too.

Actually, I find frequent visits to college campuses, health clubs, pubs, shopping malls and anywhere attractive women congregate is about the best thing I can do to increase my libido…well, that and lots of porn.

Originally Posted by Ike
W1, how old are you?

Also, being horny starts in your brain. You also have to get yourself mentally to a place where sexy thoughts are more frequent and to where you can spend longer dwelling on them before some other thought intrudes. So, if you're tired, distracted, depressed, stressed, obsessed, or whatever, you need to work on those conditions too.

Actually, I find frequent visits to college campuses, health clubs, pubs, shopping malls and anywhere attractive women congregate is about the best thing I can do to increase my libido…well, that and lots of porn.

BINGO!!!! and I think that this is my biggest problem. My brain simply does not function like it did 4 years ago. I cannot concentrate on anything for more than a fraction of a second. This was not the case 4 years ago when I could sit there and have these elaborate sexual fantisies and get numerous spontaneous erections throughout the day. I used to not be able to look at an attractive girl in the mall or wherever without feeling that tingle in my groin region. Now a knockout girl can brush past me and I could care less. She might as well have been a Sumo wrestler.

I have tried every supplement known to man to get my libido back EXCEPT the DHEA.

I have a friend that swears by Yohimbe. Although he says it makes him anxious/aggitated. I’ve tried high-doses of tribulus before, but I’m not sure it had a great effect, plus it was damn expensive.

Have you checked your diet lately?

A good ZMA supplement might be what you’re looking for.

Also, make sure you’re getting some good, poly/monounsaturated fats in your diet every day, as these are essential to testosterone production.

Bpel 7" Eg 5.5" - Start Aug 25 2005 Bpel 7 3/8" Eg 5.5" - Nov 4 2005 Bpel 7 1/2" Eg 5.5" - Dec 26 2005 AKA italguy.

Originally Posted by The Cucumber King
I have a friend that swears by Yohimbe. Although he says it makes him anxious/aggitated. I’ve tried high-doses of tribulus before, but I’m not sure it had a great effect, plus it was damn expensive.

Have you checked your diet lately?

A good ZMA supplement might be what you’re looking for.

Also, make sure you’re getting some good, poly/monounsaturated fats in your diet every day, as these are essential to testosterone production.

I took Yohimbe for two years and it didn’t do anything. I also took tribulus and it didn’t do anything either. I don’t know about the diet thing. I only eat things I like.

What is a ZMA supplement?

ZMA helps with natural testosterone levels.

When I’m on ZMA, I always remember my dreams and some are really weird. Everyone dreams every night, but we just can’t always remember what we dreamed about. When on ZMA, I always remember :)

ZMA is pretty cheap. Its about $9-$10 per 90 capsules or so (you take 3 at a time)

Also, take ZMA by itself (or food without calcium). If you take ZMA with calcium, it doesn’t work.

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale
ZMA helps with natural testosterone levels.

When I’m on ZMA, I always remember my dreams and some are really weird. Everyone dreams every night, but we just can’t always remember what we dreamed about. When on ZMA, I always remember :)

ZMA is pretty cheap. Its about $9-$10 per 90 capsules or so (you take 3 at a time)

Also, take ZMA by itself (or food without calcium). If you take ZMA with calcium, it doesn’t work.

I take a zinc/copper supplement once a day. 50mg of zinc and 2mg of copper. I heard you don’t want to take too much zinc in one day.

Originally Posted by Ike
I’m 46, and my libido has increased since I started taking 25 mg of DHEA every morning. I’ve recently started taking ZMA every night, but don’t know what effect it may have on libido yet.


I’ve been thinking about trying DHEA. I’ve also been reading about the potential side effects. Have you noticed any negative side effects from taking DHEA?


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Originally Posted by Formula1
I took Yohimbe for two years and it didn’t do anything. I also took tribulus and it didn’t do anything either. I don’t know about the diet thing. I only eat things I like.

What is a ZMA supplement?

ZMA is zinc/magnesium and vitamin B-6 I’m pretty sure.

Bpel 7" Eg 5.5" - Start Aug 25 2005 Bpel 7 3/8" Eg 5.5" - Nov 4 2005 Bpel 7 1/2" Eg 5.5" - Dec 26 2005 AKA italguy.

Originally Posted by JAPP

I’ve been thinking about trying DHEA. I’ve also been reading about the potential side effects. Have you noticed any negative side effects from taking DHEA?

I have not noticed any side effects yet. I keep the dosage relatively low, and cycle it in a four weeks on, one week off rotation. I also take finasteride to fend off baldness, and saw palmetto for general boy-parts health.

In addition to the higher libido, I generally feel healthier and more mentally focused in recent months, but that could be attributed to a lot of factors. I take the proverbial shitload of supplements, and I’ve made some lifestyle changes.

One thing: I have noticed lately that my beard is growing faster. If I don’t shave for a day I have a noticeable Fred Flintstone shadow. That’s new, and it might be the DHEA.

I think most of what I’ve read recommends that it not be taken by dudes under 40, or that it be taken in small doses.

More on DHEA:
Dehydroepiandrosterone - Wikipedia
DHEA supplement benefits and side effects, dosage, danger honest information

A dissenting view:
http://www.quac … opics/dhea.html

Google spews a ton of other hits on the stuff, pro and con.

Most of the reviews about ZMA indicate that it’s a good stuff. It may not have worked for some folks as expected but it does seem to help with sleep which I think is essential for healthy lifestyle. I’m considering to try ZMA and I’m thinking about buying which also has other stuff like tribulus etc. Has anyone know about this product? If not what’s your opinion about its ingredients?

ZMA is very good, and it is not expensive. I got mine from Swanson.

I am not an expert in nutrition. But from my experience, the following products are good for libido. Ginseng, green tea, yogurt(Greek yogurt from Trader Joe’s), clam, oyster, and have you tried AMP energy drink from Mountain Dew too? Honey goat weed doesn’t work for me.

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