A follow-up on Damiana:
I started taking 250mg capsules several months ago. After a few days my scrotum was much larger and firmer. No change in the actual testicles though.
After about three weeks the effects began to decline, as others have reported. I took two weeks off, then started another three week cycle.
For the last month and some, I’ve been taking only one 250mg capsule every five to seven days. It was mostly from laziness. I’m getting maybe 75% of the effect of the “on” part of the on/off cycle.
I was reviewing my daily log when I noticed this. Hah! Every now and then, it pays off.
I will continue the “maintenance dose” schedule for another few months, then report back.
Damiana isn’t expensive, and the on/off cycle isn’t onerous; I’m mostly just curious as to how large of a dose I actually need. I’ve found that most supplements have a “recommended dose” four to six times more than where I notice the effects leveling off.