Thunder's Place

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Bigger balls and damiana - works for me!

Bigger balls and damiana - works for me!

Thought I’d share this. After reading about damiana, and wishing for bigger balls, I bought a bottle and started taking two 450 mg capsules in the morning and two at night. I didn’t mention to my wife that I’d started doing this. I’m not planning on doing any measuring until I’ve gone through one whole bottle (I’m about halfway through now).

Last night, my wonderful wife initiated some oral action on me, and when she saw me, she took my balls in her hand and said, “Your balls look bigger! They’re definitely bigger than they were!” Since she had no idea that I was concerned about ball size, and didn’t know that I’d started taking the damiana, I felt that this was certainly validation that for me, damiana works. For anyone who’s interested, PM and I’ll send you a link to the product I bought through She also said that my cock was larger, but she knows that I’ve been doing PE, so I don’t trust her judgment on that quite as much.

Interestingly, about six months ago I made a clone of myself using a “clone-a-willy” kit that I bought from amazon. The kit basically allows you to make a mold of your erect shaft, and then make a clone. Makes for interesting play time, and in addition, I should have a very visual means of gauging any growth I’ve had. I haven’t compared yet, as my PE journey only started a few months ago, but in another two or three months I’ll have to see if there’s a difference. Just like the damiana, if anyone’s interested in getting one of these kits, PM me and I’ll send you a link to the Amazon page. Moderators, I hope I’m not violating the forum rules by offering to send a link to an page. I tried pasting a link in this window but it didn’t look right.


So what are you trying to sell now?

Goal: None, PE for life

He is not trying to sell anything dang Lurker.

He is just making a point about the Damiana powder.

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Rustyman, I’m really cleaning up on the $5.49 Damiana that I’m selling on Amazon, along with the $25 clone-a-willy kit that I sell there. My real name is Jeff Bezos, and I’m the CEO for Amazon and am trying to up my sales by posting on TP, ha-ha! $1.3 million just isn’t enough, and I need the vast number of sales generated here to meet my nefarious goals, haha!

Seriously, I have never tried to sell anything on this site. I don’t even have a web site to sell from. I have posted a couple of links to Amazon, but don’t believe that there’s any risk for anyone in my sending links to the Amazon products that I’ve purchased. I think I’ve linked or offered to link to three items so far - the jar lifter that guys use to make their own jelq device, and to the damiana and clone-a-willy. I figure that if a product works for me, others might be interested in trying those same brands.

If you have reasons to believe that I’m spamming people, PM me and let me know. Actually, I’m rather curious.


Sorry if that was not your intent it just came off as a sneaky sales pitch to me as damiana is fairly easy to come by, but please spare me the humor, its insulting. I guess you miss read the statement as it was more of a question asking “what are you trying to sell” rather than me making it sound as if it was a reoccurring event.

So anyway, back to your results on damiana, I’ve actually have been currently on it for one week as of today, and yes there has been a slight increase in size, but maybe just a placebo effect. I’ll give it one more week to make a good call.



Goal: None, PE for life

Do you accept PayPal ??

Originally Posted by Rustyman

Sorry if that was not your intent it just came off as a sneaky sales pitch to me as damiana is fairly easy to come by, but please spare me the humor, its insulting. I guess you miss read the statement as it was more of a question asking “what are you trying to sell” rather than me making it sound as if it was a reoccurring event.

So anyway, back to your results on damiana, I’ve actually have been currently on it for one week as of today, and yes there has been a slight increase in size, but maybe just a placebo effect. I’ll give it one more week to make a good call.



What dose of damiana are you on? ;)

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Rustyman, I agree that damiana is very easy to come by. However, since there many different brands, I think it’s salient to post when a particular brand is effective. I don’t know about you, but I have always suspected that there’s a huge difference in the quality of some products, especially herbal products. Since I have so far had good luck with the brand I’m using (Vitamin Shoppe), I thought it would make sense to link to that brand.

I wish that we had information on what it is in damiana that causes larger testicles. Then perhaps it could be standardized.

Good luck with your own damiana use. Look forward to seeing your posts.

Dieselpower, amazon does indeed accept paypal. But I think you were joking.

What dosages are you guys doing?

Originally Posted by Cevarius

What dosages are you guys doing?

it says in the first post 2x450mg in morning and same in the evening. totalling 1800mg a day.

Originally Posted by Rustyman
spare me the humor, its insulting.

more insulting than implying that he is a gorilla marketing spamster?

Originally Posted by Rustyman
I guess you miss read the statement as it was more of a question asking “what are you trying to sell” rather than me making it sound as if it was a reoccurring event.

Really? might not have been exactly what you intended to convey in your post; but, he didn’t misread you at all.

Originally Posted by Rustyman
So what are you trying to sell now?

I appreciate you instincts as far as protecting the forums goes. Members %#$&ing with trolls and spammers has a lot to do with Thunders working as well as it does, in my opinion. Just be a bit quicker to shrug it off and say, “Sorry, my bad!” in the future. ;) You can always flip-flop and claim credit for spotting him first if he later turns out to be a troll. O:-)

Now having written the above:

Originally Posted by Rustyman
it just came off as a sneaky sales pitch to me as damiana is fairly easy to come by

It struck me as a bit odd as well. Send me a PM so I can let you know in secret where I am getting my damiana. WTF?!? Post your source out in the open my friend. Let everyone take a gander at it. Now JB might have been attempting to avoid charges of spamming by not posting a link. Sorry if you are feeling like, “Crap, I just can’t win!”, JB. :bang:


Thanks for the links and glad the stuff is working so well for you! Some guys it does nothing for and some it works well for. But the stuff is so cheap it is certainly worth a try for those that are interested. It didn’t do much for me. For those that don’t know vitaminshoppe is quite reputable and stocks a crap load of different herbal stuff. Another vendor worth checking is swansonvitamins.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I thought about the clone a willy thing, but I don’t think I can keep it hard long enough

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"


I guess it sounds more mean than I meant it too, maybe those faces you used do the trick to make it more friendly.

Gorilla marketing spamster? Nah, my real translation was “What are you talking about dude, I clicked on this thread to talk about damiana and I get a thread talking about cock molds and amazon dot com information.”

Maybe next time I will be more blunt.

Goal: None, PE for life

I went over to The Vitamin Shoppe and picked up the damiana. Unfortunately, I’ve not tried it on its own and I’ve combined it with the Holy Grail formula from another thread. But, I have seen a change in the size of my balls after I’ve fully drained them. So, I’m thinking that there is something to this stuff, but I can’t be sure it is not something happening in conjunction with the Pygeum.

The amount called for is 3 times a day. I’ve found some dizziness with this stuff, so I only take it after I get home from work and when I go to bed. So 2 times a day for me.

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