Originally Posted by Doc
\"Eat more vegetables to grow up big and strong" We have all heard it and know I know why. L-arginine, which can increase testosterone and blood-flow is found abundantly in most vegetables. I assume it’s removed during cooking like most other nutrients but raw vegetable’s are a cheap source.
Vegetables would be a poor source of l-arginine, being that arginine is an amino acid, which is a constituent of protein.
A cheap source for l-arginine would be https://www.bey … d-a-century.com or https://www.bulknutrition.com , which both sell arginine or various salts in the powdered form. Beware, powdered arginine is nasty, and must be capped to ingest.
Arginine is best absorbed on an empty stomach, since it competes for absorption with other amino acids. Also, arginine does not increase testosterone.