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Chem PE No Injection

Chem PE No Injection

I have been reading a bit about dmso igf and peg1. I’m interested in chemical PE but NO STABBY. I read that dmso is not a good carrier for igf, and my understanding of igf1 is that its good for repair and anti aging but not so much building new cells, on the other hand I’m no expert and know nothing of peg1 really, except that it causes priapism (ballooning?). Anyhow DMSO being a good vasodialator is also capable of carrying peg1(molecular weight and sciency shit) I read in another thread yet I see no reports other than injections and associated pains and possible side effects and damage.

Has anyone used a DMSO+PEG1 mixture transdermal? (Topical application) I’m considering this quite seriously cause it would beat clamping hands down plus you could also add in some lugols solution and possible lightly clamp during the expansion, or clamp full proper with a very light dose to localize the absorption of the peg and iodine.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

I see this thread was moved to a more appropriate section. Any chemical PEers want to chime in with their knowledge?

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

I have my doubts around the efficacy of DMSO and IGF, at the very least it would be very wasteful of IGF, as very little would be transdermally adsorbed.
Your only option other than injecting it is taking supplements or drugs that cause a spike in GH / IGF levels throughout the whole body, however the amounts released are probably not great enough to see much change over a small time period.

IGF has growth promoting effects on most cells in the body.

As far as PGE-1 goes, yes it’s lower molecular weight no doubt make it suitable for use with DMSO, although I have never tried this. Getting the dose right could be a bit of an issue I imagine.
You can you other vectors as far as I know, e.g. Mixing PGE-1 with bacterostatic water placing an appropriate amount in the urethra.

Last edited by papple : 01-12-2014 at . Reason: Forum spell checking doesn't like the term IGF-1

Thankyou for the reply. If I try this it will definitely be in very small doses to start, id perhaps even dilute my PEG before spitting it into doses to dilute it in dmso that way I could go by the 100mcg. Assuming I decide to buy some that is.

I know a little bit about IGF1 from a doco I watched a while ago on alternate day fasting which is very interesting, pretty much a life hack. By ‘fasting’ (200-500kj in 1 meal on fast days) a few days a week 5/2 or 3/1 etc. It basically triggers (an immune response?) release of this IGF1 which specifically increases the number of synapses between neurons to boost brain function in the wild to find more food, a side effect to this is better cell repair in the whole body (anti-aging to a degree) and substantial weight loss whilst basically being able to eat whatever (to a reasonable degree) —- a little offtopic but good to know none the less

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

I just started using DMSO and IGF-350. Where do you get PEG-1?

Topically? I want to know what results you get because I don’t know what the molecular weight of that IGF is but with IGF1 its too high for the dmso to carry it through the skin, apparently.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Both topically and orally. I put 10 or so drops on my dick and then swallow about 20 drops. Then, I put on the DMSO (about 10 or so drops) and then I do my stretches while it dries. Then I jelq.

Have you noticed any benefits for PE yet? I wonder if you do weights or exercise and notices changes in that regard.

Just so that I’m understanding this clearly PEG1 causes 110% erection like clamping without mental/physical stimuli right? Are the IGF’s the same kind of thing? I took it that PEG1 is synthetic and causes this whereas IGF substances are natural to the body and just support cell repair. Please correct me if I’ve read into this wrong

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Also dr may I suggest you warm up thoroughly before application, I read that above 120f which is around 50c collagen turns gel-like.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Today was the second that I’ve used IGF and DMSO. I warm up with a gel heating pad for 7-10 mintues, apply the supplements, and then begin my pre-jelq stretching routine. I put about 10 drops of IGF 350 on, which has deer velvet antler, and then immediately put about the same amount of DMSO on. Are you suggesting I heat the DMSO up before I apply it? Maybe I can put it in the microwave for a minute.

I’m coming off a hiatus and starting over with the Newbie Routine. The only thing that I’ve noticed is that my dick looks a lot thicker when I’m done jelqing. I don’t know if that’s from the supplements or because I jelq differently now than I did when I started PEing several months ago. I’ll keep you post on my progress.

Also, I know nothing of PGE-1.

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