Cialis WORKS!
67 year old male with mild ED problem - been doing PE for several years gains of about 1 inch both length and girth - nominal 7.5x6 BPEL.
Tried first dose of Cialis last night - took one 20 mg tab 1 hour before bedtime - rock hard by the time we hit the bed - long DEEP sex for half an hour - and again about 2 am. Rock hard again when we woke up at 7 am - sex twice before getting up - wife comments that’s the deepest I’ve been - placed another order for more Cialis minutes ago. ;)
We’d been having pretty regular sex right along, but I was only able to get about 80% hard - not enough to really enjoy the PE gains - that has changed! Hope this helps some others a much as it has me - I’m also taking daily doses of NOX2 and Tribulous - good luck!