Originally Posted by penismith
Recent tragedy. Rock bottom. It has been awhile. I can’t seem to pull out. I don’t want to go into the details. It’s bad, life and death stuff. What might I take? I know the basics: Saint Johns wort, Valerian etc. I don’t want to visit a shrink if I don’t have to. It’s complicated.
Man I sympathize being someone who has suffered with Depression for 15 years with no real end in site.
I have so many reasons for being depressed, small dick, Zits, no muscle town whatsoever, got a inbetween body (inbetween a boy and a man even though im 31) low income, in debt up to my eyeballs, everything I say seems to come out wrong, social anxiety disorder, seem to get mad for no good reason, anyone can take advantage of me pretty much I am so week minded and really have a hard time thinking for myself. I could go on and on, and on, but heres the thing….
You have to realize that while now it seems that your plot or situation is hopeless and suicide is the answer, the fact is this too shall pass and then you will have missed out on the good times to come as the other poster said.
The thing that gets me through, since I cannot afford insurance is thinking about when I am going to have my next good time and the fact that I will have good times, I live for the good times, which for me are the times I am completely absorbed in nature usually some place exotic that I have never seen before, for example recently I was lucky enough to finally dive on a real coral reef in the caribbean (a life long dream), I never thought this possible, but it happened and all those times I wanted to end it, if I had I would have missed out on one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced. Another example, The Grand Canyon, this nearly made me fall to my knees and make me thank god I was alive!!
I hope youll take these words to heat and realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel!